Lighthouse Community Public Schools

LCPS Board of Directors Retreat

Published on July 27, 2020 at 7:36 AM PDT

Date and Time

Wednesday July 29, 2020 at 5:00 PM PDT

Meeting ID: 859 5779 4893
Password: 256241

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I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
Approve June 2020 Minutes
II. Board Retreat
  A. Welcome and Overview of Retreat


  B. Board President Presentation
  C. State of the Schools & CEO priorities including new OKRs
  D. Preview Board Roles and Structures


  E. Discussion of Potential Resolution on Anti-Racism
III. Discussion Items
  A. Renewal of Board Terms - Mark Milner
  B. Renewal of Board Terms - Alicia Moore
  C. Renewal of Board Terms - Soo Zee Park
  D. Renewal of Board Terms - Tina Enagbare
  E. Lease Amendment Documents
  F. EPA Resolution (Education Protection Act)
  G. 20-21 School Year Calendar
  H. 20-21 Board Meeting Calendar
  I. Agreement Between Instructional Partners and LCPS
  J. Agreement between LCPS and Altitude (Learning Management System)
IV. Policy Items
  A. COVID CEO Delegation of Authority Resolution
  B. LCPS Accommodations due to COVID-19 Impacts Policy
  C. LCPS Temporary Telework Policy to Address COVID-19 Remote Working Conditions
  D. COVID Health and Safety Policy
  E. 2020-2021 LCPS Handbook
  F. LCPS Injury Illness Prevention Plan 2020-21
  G. LCPS Injury Illness Prevention Plan COVID Addendum
V. Closing Items
  A. Reflection and Feedback
  • Did we achieve our objectives? 
  • Next steps
  • Appreciations 
  B. Adjourn Meeting