Kestrel Heights Public Charter School
January Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 14, 2025 at 6:30 PM
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Meeting ID: 892 2872 1593
Passcode: KHCS
Directors Present
A. Davis (remote), A. Hernandez (remote), D. Powe (remote), D. Wimberly (remote), S. McGarrah (remote)
Directors Absent
D. Patterson
Ex Officio Members Present
T. Jackson (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
T. Jackson (remote)
Guests Present
A. Touchette (remote), Kimanthi Thompson (remote), S. Bowens (remote), S. Vargas (remote), S. Villegas (remote), T. McFadden (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment Submission
Record Attendance & Guests
Approve Minutes
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations
Marketing & Enrollment Report
Ms. Vargas presented the Marketing and Enrollment report as of today. There are 420 students enrolled; there have been 2 new enrollees and 7 withdrawals. Some grades are at maximum capacity, while others have more room. A board member asked about the withdrawals, and all of those were due to moving.
For the 2025-26 school year, there are 64 applications, down year-over-year from 112. 202 scholars are returning, 5 are not, and 154 have not yet answered. Ms. Vargas reviewed all of the activities that Bloomwell Marketing completed in December and has planned for January. The lottery period runs through January with the lottery taking place in February.
Board members asked questions about course correcting, and Bloomwell is releasing new ads. Spending $143 per applicant, Kestrel is well over the $25 per applicant benchmark.
PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident
Ms. Vargas shared information on the PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident. The incident happened on December 19, 2024, at PowerSchool (the company) and the threat was contained. Kestrel Heights was one of the schools whose data was accessed by an unauthorized party. The NC Department of Public Instruction shared information with Kestrel, and the school communicated with families. There was nothing that Kestrel could have done to prevent this breach as it did not happen at the school level. Kestrel does not include Social Security Numbers in our PowerSchool data, and the school will continue to share information with families as we get it from DPI and PowerSchool.
Facilities Report
Mr. Thompson shared the December facilities report. All Middle School HVAC units are functioning properly, and there are two units that need to be serviced at the Elementary School. There is a walkthrough with the Durham City Stormwater Unit tomorrow as it relates to finally getting our Certificate of Occupancy. Parking lot lights have been repaired, and others will be undertaken.
Also, our playground will get delivered tomorrow, and it will be installed fairly soon. The Gaga pit is scheduled to be installed February 1.
Kestrel Culture Report
Mr. Mac shared the Kestrel Culture Report. Kestrel sports teams have been very successful, and students have been involved. Attendance school wide has been around 91% overall with a range from 88% in 6th and 7th grades up to 95% in 5th grade. There is a push to improve attendance as EOGs will take place soon. Mr. Mac also shared removals and OSS data for the school year to date.
Mr. Mac shared the Kestrel Culture Report. Kestrel sports teams have been very successful, and students have been involved. Attendance school wide has been around 91% overall with a range from 88% in 6th and 7th grades up to 95% in 5th grade. There is a push to improve attendance as EOGs will take place soon. Mr. Mac also shared removals and OSS data for the school year to date.
Mr. Mac shared the Kestrel Culture Report. Kestrel sports teams have been very successful, and students have been involved. Attendance school wide has been around 91% overall with a range from 88% in 6th and 7th grades up to 95% in 5th grade. There is a push to improve attendance as EOGs will take place soon. Mr. Mac also shared removals and OSS data for the school year to date.
Mr. Mac shared the Kestrel Culture Report. Kestrel sports teams have been very successful, and students have been involved. Attendance school wide has been around 91% overall with a range from 88% in 6th and 7th grades up to 95% in 5th grade. There is a push to improve attendance as EOGs will take place soon. Mr. Mac also shared removals and OSS data for the school year to date.
III. Operational Reports
Executive Director's Report
Mrs. Jackson shared the Executive Director's report. Yesterday, the NC DPI notified that Kestrel Heights of a 3-year charter renewal. She also shared the Epicenter report, which is on-track with the exception of the Transportation Grant, which was not submitted in December. In the Office of Federal Programs, testing for English Language Learners is underway, and other programs are on-track.
Monthly Budget Report
Mrs. Jackson shared the budget through November 2024. There are a few areas that are trending high - insurance, technology, administrative services, staff development, and facilities. Staff development is under review for potential budget mis-coding. Kestrel is in a strong position with 126 days of cash on hand (meets bond covenant) and a debt service coverage ratio of 1.11, which is slightly short of covenant requirement (0.04), but should go up because of receipt of grants. Kestrel reports bond covenants on a quarterly basis, so the ratio should be above covenant for the quarter.
Post 20 Day ADM Budget Amendment
Mrs. Jackson shared the budget amendment for post-20 day Average Daily Membership. The projections for the budget were based on an ADM of 485 (actual is 422). The amendment reflects salaries based on DPS salary scale as of August 2024, changes in local and federal reimbursements, the ELISS grant, and changes in expenses (salaries, administrative services provided by Charter School Partners, and increased advertising costs). The budget amendment reflects an increase in the surplus of $120k.
IV. Committee Reports
Committee Structure
Ms. Davis shared that the Board would like to get volunteers signed up for committees as a way to get more interest in Board membership.
AIG Review & Expansion
Ms. Wimberly shared that the AIG team is working on reviewing the program and expansion.
Community Engagement & Development
Ms. Davis shared that there is a Campus Beautification Day scheduled for April 12. We have time to get lots of volunteers together and projects planned. Mrs. Jackson is asking staff and faculty to participate. We are still waiting on the Parks and Rec grant.
Facilities Committee
Ms. McGarrah shared that facilities is working on a list of projects for the Campus Beautification Day along with staff. The most exciting part is that the playground and gaga pit are coming in the next 3 weeks.
Kestrel got a large donation of furniture from a local company, who wishes to remain anonymous, but gave the school desks, chairs, and tables.
Finance Committee
No update beyond the budget section of the meeting.
Governance Committee
Mr. Powe read through the Ex-Officio members policy. He is now reviewing the bylaws for the Board.
V. Closed Session
Enter Closed Session
Personnel Update
PowerSchool - Cybersecurity Incident
Board Meeting Agenda Items
VI. Closing Items
Report Out from Closed Session
Ms. McGarrah reported that the Board discussed several contractual issues and a personnel matter in closed session.
Roll Call | |
D. Wimberly |
D. Patterson |
S. McGarrah |
A. Hernandez |
D. Powe |
A. Davis |
Mr. Powe advised attendees that they could submit public comments in the chat.