Kestrel Heights Public Charter School


November Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 12, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 892 2872 1593 

Passcode: KHCS

Directors Present

A. Davis (remote), A. Hernandez (remote), D. Powe (remote), D. Wimberly (remote), S. McGarrah (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Patterson

Ex Officio Members Present

T. Jackson (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

T. Jackson (remote)

Guests Present

A. Touchette (remote), Pamela Bell (remote), S. Bowens (remote), S. Vargas (remote), S. Villegas (remote), Sameerah Hakeem (remote), T. McFadden (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Davis called a meeting of the board of directors of Kestrel Heights Public Charter School to order on Tuesday Nov 12, 2024 at 6:32 PM.


Public Comment Submission

Ms. Davis noted that anyone with public comment could use the meeting chat.


Record Attendance & Guests


Approve Minutes

D. Powe made a motion to approve the minutes from October Board Meeting on 10-08-24.
D. Wimberly seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

There was no public comment.

II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations


Marketing & Enrollment Report

Ms. Vargas shared the marketing and enrollment report.  There were 315 returning and 88 new scholars for a total of 423 scholars.  The 2025-26 enrollment push begins as the application for next year begins on Friday.  Bloomwell Group has already developed the plan for marketing Kestrel.  This plan includes a "show what you know" showcase that will take place this week.



Facilities Report

Mrs. Jackson shared the facilities report on behalf of Mr. Thompson.  The parts for the heat exchangers have been purchased with a prioritized list of repairs.  The school received a donation of 6 picnic tables from Lowe's Home Improvement.  There was also a donation of a conference table from a local law firm and chairs from Burt's Bees. Burt's Bees has also donated some low voltage displays for our art department.

III. Curriculum & Assessment


Parent & Family Engagement

Mr. Touchette provided a report on Parent and Family Engagement as it relates to the School Improvement Plan.  Parents and families have provided input into the plan and have participated in the process.


School Improvement Plan - NC Star

Mr. Touchette shared Kestrel's School Improvement Plan that has been developed over several years.  The plan is managed in the IndiStar/NC Star portal in the state.  There are 12 key indicators.  The School Improvement Team manages the plan and includes staff and parents.  

S. McGarrah made a motion to Approve the School Improvement Plan as presented.
D. Wimberly seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Wimberly
D. Powe
A. Davis
D. Patterson
S. McGarrah
A. Hernandez


NC Check-ins

Ms. Villegas shared an update on NC Check-Ins.  NC Check-Ins are assessments designed to assess the students's performance. There is significant growth in language across several grades.  The reading scores also showed improvement across information and literature.  Math scores also showed improvement.  Intervention work continues.

IV. Operational Reports


Executive Director's Report

Mrs. Jackson shared her Executive Director's report.  All of the EpiCenter reporting requirements have been completed.  The ELL, Exceptional Children, and Federal Reporting requirements have all been met.  There is an upcoming site visit for school nutrition.  There are two openings at Kestrel, but there are no hiring recommendations at this time.  Kestrel presented before the NC Charter Review Board, and Mrs. Jackson shared her gratitude for everyone who contributed.


Monthly Budget Report

Mrs. Jackson shared the September budget report. There is a deficit for the month for $273k because there has been a delay in receiving federal dollars.  There are a few areas trending high for the year - books & supplies, insurance, technology and facilities - but many of these categories tend to have front-loaded expenses.  For the bond requirements, Kestrel is exceeding the requirements for days cash on hand and debt service coverage ratio.


Annual Audit Review

Mrs. Jackson shared the highlights of the annual audit report, which was sent to board members prior to the meeting.  The school has exceeded requirements, and there has been a decrease of around $500k in the school's financial position mostly because of the expiration of federal COVID funds.  There were no findings or corrective actions.  

S. McGarrah made a motion to Accept this year's audit report.
D. Wimberly seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Davis
D. Wimberly
D. Powe
D. Patterson
S. McGarrah
A. Hernandez

V. Committee Reports


Committee Structure

This meeting includes the new committee structure.


AIG Review & Expansion

Ms. Wimberly met with Mr. Love, and he has already put together a plan for AIG.  The advisory committee will review one component of the plan each month. 


Community Engagement & Development

Ms. Davis shared that the recreational space grant is nearly completed to go to Durham County.  Mr. Patterson and Ms. Davis had a great meeting with Durham County.


Facilities Committee

Ms. McGarrah shared that the facilities committee will keep working on playground, including announcement of date and signage, and gaga pit.


Finance Committee

No report.


Governance Committee

Mr. Powe shared that they worked on how policies will be reviewed.

VI. Closed Session


Enter Closed Session

D. Wimberly made a motion to Enter into closed session per NCGS§ 143-318.11. (a) (1) To prevent the disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to the law of this State or of the United States, or not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes. (3) To consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged. General policy matters may not be discussed in a closed session and nothing herein shall be construed to permit a public body to close a meeting that otherwise would be open merely because an attorney employed or retained by the public body is a participant. The public body may consider and give instructions to an attorney concerning the handling or settlement of a claim, judicial action, mediation, arbitration, or administrative procedure. If the public body has approved or considered a settlement, other than a malpractice settlement by or on behalf of a hospital, in closed session, the terms of that settlement shall be reported to the public body and entered into its minutes as soon as possible within a reasonable time after the settlement is concluded. (6) To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee. General personnel policy issues may not be considered in a closed session. A public body may not consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, appointment, or removal of a member of the public body or another body and may not consider or fill a vacancy among its own membership except in an open meeting. Final action making an appointment or discharge or removal by a public body having final authority for the appointment or discharge or removal shall be taken in an open meeting.
D. Powe seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Meeting Agenda Items

VII. Closing Items


Report Out from Closed Session

Mrs. McGarrah reported that the Board discussed a personnel issue during the closed session.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. McGarrah