Kestrel Heights Public Charter School
May Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Davis (remote), A. Hernandez (remote), D. Patterson (remote), D. Powe (remote), D. Wimberly (remote), S. Goram (remote), S. McGarrah (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Touchette (remote), Dale Edmonds (remote), Elise Pritchett (remote), Holly Thom (remote), Jamie Bean (remote), M. Gordon (remote), Rick Kleban (remote), S. Bowens (remote), S. Vargas (remote), S. Villegas (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment Submission
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve April Meeting Minutes
Closed Session
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations
Enrollment Report
Mrs. Vargas shared the 2023-24 Enrollment Report. There were no enrollment changes in the current year (held steady at 437). There are 377 students coming back next year with another 91 confirmed and some students being invited to attend. Applications are still down year over year.
The Bloomwell Group provided an update on the digital marketing efforts, including a reach of 100,000 area parents that generated over 320,000 impressions. Bloomwell is continuing to make changes to improve the marketing efforts.
Updates from the Facilities and Development Sub Committees
Mrs. Davis and Mrs. McGarrah provided an update from the Facilities and Development subcommittee. The Campus Beautification Day was a success with about 30 people in attendance, including partners from Aspida. Both Aspida and Triangle Landscaping provided donations of mulch and flowers. Lastly, the Facilities committee did determine that changes to the US Department of Energy Renewable Schools Grant program will make the grant unattainable for Kestrel. US DOE does have data on renewable energy savings that Kestrel may be able to take advantage of for HVAC.
Kestrel will likely have another beautification day in the fall.
III. Curriculum & Assessment
NC Check-ins 3
Mrs. Villegas provided an update on the NC Check-ins 3 data. These are assessments provided by the NC Department of Public Instruction. We had increases for all reading check-ins (there were some data challenges for 7th and 8th grades, where there were several students missing for check-in 3). Math check-ins also showed steady growth. Science check-ins only occur in grades 5 and 8, and there was growth. Testing comes next with End of Grade tests.
School Culture Report
Mr. Touchette provided the School Culture Report. Kestrel had a successful career day, Durham County Government Engagement Day, and an advisory lesson on compassion. Girls soccer and our track team had several wins. Attendance has held steady over 90%, and there were fewer disciplinary incidents and ISS year over year and in the month of April.
IV. Operational Reports
Executive Director Report
Mrs. Davis provided the Executive Director's report (Mrs. Jackson was out due to a family emergency). Epicenter report requirements are on-track. The Office of Federal Programs work is underway and on-track.
Monthly Budget Report
Mrs. Davis also covered the monthly budget report. Kestrel is on budget even with some higher-trending categories (facilities, legal, utilities). Kestrel is in compliance with the bond requirements in terms of days cash on hand and the debt service ratio. The administrative team is still working on the 2024-25 budget.
Operations Report
Mrs. Gordon provided the operations report. Kestrel will have to incur the cost of the light study (about $500) because the school did not pass the first study. There are two HVAC units that need repair, and we are trying to budget for that in the 2024-25 school year. There were some repairs that we need to make to the detention ponds; other repairs have been made to address the Health Department inspection. The catering proposals and legal proposals have been returned.
Requests for Proposal - Update
Mrs. Gordon provided updates on the requests for proposals. The Board will receive those for voting in June.
V. Committee Reports
Academic Sub-Committee
No update on academic subcommittee.
Governance Committee - Employee & Parent & Family Engagement Policy Review
This item will be tabled until the June meeting due to Mrs. Jackson's family emergency.
VI. Closed Session
Enter Closed Session
Enrollment Strategist - Status Update
Employee Retention Credit
Personnel Recommendations
Board Meeting Agenda Items
VII. Closing Items
Report out from Closed Session
Mrs. McGarrah shared that the Board discussed personnel issues and contractual matters.
Mrs. Davis asked participants to put their comments in the chat.