Kestrel Heights Public Charter School
August Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday August 8, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Davis (remote), B. Paris (remote), D. Powe (remote), D. Wimberly (remote), S. Goram (remote), S. McGarrah (remote)
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Price (remote), T. Jackson (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Price (remote), T. Jackson (remote)
Guests Present
A. Touchette (remote), Aniya Farrington (remote), Crystal Marrow (remote), Elise Pritchett (remote), Kimanthi Thompson (remote), M. Gordon (remote), S. Vargas (remote), S. Villegas (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment Submission
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve July Meeting Minutes
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations
Marketing and Enrollment Update
Mrs. Vargas shared the marketing and enrollment update. Marketing reach was up across all applications and social media in the past month. As of today, enrollment is at 469 students with a target of 505. Several students withdrew over the month as they accepted admissions to other schools. Exit surveys to families withdrawing have continued. 94% of returning students were retained in June, but that percentage dropped to 73% over the summer (excluding 8th grade graduates). We continue to fill seats with new scholars as people withdraw.
Facilities Sub Committee
Mrs. Gordon and Mr. KT provided an update on the facilities. There are ongoing issues with Emerge Consulting group to complete cabling project (for internet cabling). The monument sign needs to be reconnected to get it working again. There was a leak in the sprinkler system, and that has been repaired along with the ceiling leak. There are HVAC units that need to be repaired along with 10 toilets.
Copiers have been delivered and installed along with a new HVAC unit installed in July and repairs were made to the gym HVAC units. Painting of hallways and a wall in the gym were completed.
The facilities committee is fielding quotes for repairs and units. In the first year, the committee estimates that there will be around $400,000 in costs and $550,000 in the second year. These are estimates that the Board will figure out how to fund.
III. Curriculum & Assessment
School Culture Report
Mr. Price provided an update on the school culture, including the academic subcommittee and Camp Kestrel. Some of the companies that came to the camp have already begun working with students outside of camp. Orientation is coming up as well as the first day of school for staff and students. He shared the Rave app was provided by the State as a free school safety app that Kestrel will use next year.
Ms. Marrow provided an update on Camp Kestrel. There were 99 scholars that attended Camp Kestrel. The camp started with an iReady assessment, and scholars saw a lot of growth during the camp in reading and math. The camp was a success, and we think that camp will be offered for a fourth and final year with our COVID funds.
Read to Achieve Results
Ms. Villegas provided an update on the Read to Achieve results. Kestrel provides a 3-4 transitional class for students that do not meet reading proficiency by the end of the third grade, and those students receive extra support for reading proficiency in this class. Kestrel has seen a significant increase with 53% of 3rd graders achieving reading proficiency post-COVID. Kestrel will continue to support identified students through intervention.
IV. Operational Reports
Executive Director Report
Mrs. Jackson provided the Executive Director's report. She provided an update that Kestrel is entering our charter school renewal phase, which is a two-year process.
Monthly Budget Report
Mrs. Jackson provided an overview of the monthly budget as well as the requirements for our bond covenants (e.g., days cash on hand and debt service ratio). Kestrel is in good shape on our budget and is meeting our covenants.
Operations Report
Mrs. Jackson provided an update on the work by Mr. KT and Mrs. Gordon to get ready the existing and new buildings ready for the new school year.
V. Committee Reports
Academic Sub-Committee
Mr. Powe shared that local companies were engaged with Camp Kestrel, and we are already working with partners for back-to-school activities. The subcommittee sent a survey out to faculty for additional needs and ideas.
Governance Committee
Mrs. Davis noted that the Governance subcommittee has been working on recruiting new board members.
Executive Committee - Vote
Mrs. Davis advised board members that they needed to submit a ballot via email for the Board's executive committee members for the 2023-24 school year.
Upon collection of the ballots, the Kestrel Heights Board Executive Committee for next year is:
Adrienne Davis - President
Derek Powe - Vice President
Serja Goram - Treasurer
Stephanie McGarrah - Secretary
VI. Closed Session
Enter Closed Session
Personnel Recommendations
Construction Discussion
Board Meeting Agenda Items
VII. Closing Items
Report out from Closed Session
Mrs. McGarrah reported that the Board discussed staffing, a personnel evaluation, and construction contract business in the closed session.
Roll Call | |
S. McGarrah |
D. Powe |
A. Davis |
B. Paris |
S. Goram |
D. Wimberly |
Mrs. Davis invited the public to add any public comments into the chat.