Kestrel Heights Public Charter School
June Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday June 13, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Davis (remote), B. Paris (remote), D. Powe (remote), D. Wimberly (remote), S. Goram (remote), S. McGarrah (remote)
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Price (remote), T. Jackson (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Price (remote), T. Jackson (remote)
Guests Present
A. Touchette (remote), Crystal Marrow (remote), Elise Pritchett (remote), Jalila Bowie (remote), Kimanthi Thompson (remote), M. Gordon (remote), S. Bowens (remote), S. Vargas (remote), S. Villegas (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment Submission
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve May Meeting Minutes
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations
Marketing and Enrollment Update
Mrs. Vargas provided a marketing and enrollment update. Targeted adds this month included school transportation and time to enroll. There are around 300 applications as of June 13, 2023. There are 451 students enrolled right now. 48 applications are outstanding, and Mrs. Vargas is continuing to contact those families.
Facilities Sub Committee
Mrs. Davis presented that the new building is complete and has been used by students for end of the year activities. Mrs. Jackson discussed the students' positive reaction to the new building as they practiced safety drills and had testing there. Mr. Touchette shared that teaching staff are thrilled to be in the new building after moving three times over the past year. The Board will have additional updates in the closed session.
III. Curriculum & Assessment
Summer Learning Opportunities at Kestrel
Mrs. Bowie provided an update on Read to Achieve for the Summer Program. 10 scholars, 3 educators and 1 coordinator are signed up, and the school has received the curriculum supplies. Students will be doing the Readability Program. There are two field trips planned for the summer program along with a book exchange.
Mrs. Marrow provided an update on Camp Kestrel. As of today, there are 143 scholars enrolled for Camp Kestrel with 8 teachers on staff. The camp already has the curriculum materials for the summer and has field day and activities planned.
School Culture Report
Mr. Price provided the School Culture Report, including EOG support for science, and an in-house quarterly celebration to celebrate positive behaviors. Mr. Touchette presented on the last quarter activities and end of the year activities.
End of Grade Testing (EOGs)
Mr. Touchette provided an overview of the preliminary EOG/EOC results with input from Ms. Villegas. All students in grades 3-8 took EOG/EOC tests in reading and math; students in grades 5 and 8 took EOG/EOC tests in science. Kestrel tested 99.7% of all students (includes 100% students tested in every grade level other than 7th grade). Kestrel's scores varied in math and English across grade levels, and there is no comparison data to other schools or the state as a whole available yet. There is growth for Kestrel from year to year in overall proficiency, and iReady provided reliable prognostications of reading proficiency. COVID kindergartners (those kids who were in K during COVID) scored well in reading and math. Math interventionist hired for 23-24 school year to support students and offer coaching. Exemplary teachers whose students posted significant gains can model best practices for colleagues.
IV. Operational Reports
Executive Director Report
Mrs. Jackson shared the Executive Director report, including enrollment and application data (451 enrolled students for next year as of today) and the Epicenter report submissions. She shared the student, family and staff engagement events.
Monthly Budget Report
Mrs. Jackson shared the monthly budget report. She shared the movement of federal funds and questions about reimbursement for funds from DPS and other local revenue. Mrs. Jackson noted that we have 129 days of cash on hand. The school is meeting the obligations of our bond.
FY2023 Budget Amendment
Mrs. Jackson noted that the Board needs to amend the FY 2023 budget to reflect adjusted local revenue and adjusted federal revenue that was not used in the current school year (because of hiring difficulties) and moving them to the following budget year FY 2024.
Roll Call | |
B. Paris |
S. Goram |
D. Powe |
D. Wimberly |
S. McGarrah |
FY2024 Proposed Budget
Mrs. Jackson presented the FY 2024 proposed budget, which included increases for software. The budget shows declines in EC services, based on trends for external services (e.g., PT). Athletics had some changes in its budget as well with fewer field rentals, but increases in salary stipends for coaches and equipment. Mrs. Jackson is also proposing an increase in the quarterly celebrations for students given that these were funded by staff this year.
Roll Call | |
B. Paris |
D. Wimberly |
S. McGarrah |
S. Goram |
D. Powe |
Requests for Approval
Request for Approval of PTO Payout
Mrs. Jackson noted that the Board needed to approve PTO payout per the PTO policy.
Operations Report
Ms. Gordon and Mr. KT Thompson presented the operations report. They are collecting quotes for the roof repair and HVAC replacement. Internet recabling and fixing the monument sign are some of the issues that will be coming up for votes in the spring as the school team works to identify funding.
RFP Process - Update
Ms. Gordon provided an update on the RFP process for catering. The RFP has to comply with the national school lunch program. The process is underway, but we are still working on getting a catering proposal.
V. Committee Reports
Academic Sub-Committee
Mr. Powe provided an update on the academic subcommittee. They are preparing for Camp Kestrel, and there are 6 organizations that are going to work with Kestrel for the camp.
Governance Committee
Mrs. Davis provided an update on Board recruitment. The plan is to continue recruitment and then to hold elections for officers next month.
VI. Closed Session
Enter Closed Session
Personnel Recommendations
Construction Discussion
ED Performance Evaluation
Board Meeting Agenda Items
VII. Closing Items
Report out from Closed Session
Ms. McGarrah reported that the Board discussed personnel hiring recommendations, a construction issue and the Executive Director's performance evaluation in closed session.
Roll Call | |
B. Paris |
S. McGarrah |
D. Powe |
A. Davis |
S. Goram |
D. Wimberly |
Mrs. Davis invited people to submit public comments in the meeting chat.