Kestrel Heights Public Charter School
January Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 10, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Davis (remote), B. Paris (remote), D. Powe (remote), D. Wimberly (remote), S. Goram (remote), S. McGarrah (remote)
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Price (remote), M. Callahan (remote), T. Jackson (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Price (remote), M. Callahan (remote), T. Jackson (remote)
Guests Present
A. Touchette (remote), Brittany Jeffries (remote), Catherine, Dale Edmonds (remote), Elise Pritchett (remote), Holly Thom (remote), Jocelyn Atkins (remote), Justin Matthews (remote), KT (remote), M. Gordon (remote), S. Bowens (remote), S. Vargas (remote), S. Villegas (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment Submission
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve December Meeting Minutes
Approval to meeting minutes with change to Mr. Price's name for Dean of Culture presentation.
Roll Call | |
D. Wimberly |
S. Goram |
B. Paris |
A. Davis |
S. McGarrah |
D. Powe |
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations
Marketing and Enrollment Update
Ms. Vargas provided a marketing and enrollment update. She noted changes in social media analytics. As of today, we have received 98 new applications, which is similar to last year. Recommitment form was sent today, and so far 60% of families have already responded that they intend to return and 3% have not (two families).
In person tours have begun and flyers and letters have been distributed.
Facilities Sub Committee
Mr. Justin Matthews provided an update on the facilities committee. The delay of the building was a result of a design flaw from the construction company that they did not uncover until mid-December. Mr. Matthews noted that the delay was solely the fault of the construction company, who has had 4 different site superintendents during the course of our project.
III. Curriculum & Assessment
Dean of Culture Presentation
Mr. Price shared his report on the Consolidated Campus Plans, which included a culture reset, expectations overview, duty schedule updated, active supervision, and the use of Pikmykid for pickup.
Director of Assessment
Ms. Villegas provided an update on testing and assessments. She noted that Ms. Gordon and team got internet connectivity in all classrooms for the transition. As a result, all students in K-8 will be taking their next i-Ready soon. English language learners will also have ELLS testing as required by the federal government. Testing and assessments are on course even through the transition.
Ms. Wimberly asked if there were any implications on testing with the condensed space. Ms. Villegas noted that there were implications, and they are navigating those challenges.
KHS Unified Campus Plan
Ms. Jackson and the Kestrel administrative team provided an overview of the unified campus plan given the delay in the construction. Kindergarten classes each have a classroom. The first and second grade classes were combined into one classroom for each grade. The third grade classes were kept in separate classrooms. Additionally, bathroom access and electives were also planned out to keep students at different developmental levels separated. Administrators, counselors and electives teachers gave up their offices and space for classrooms.
Mr. Touchette showed where the elementary grades were located, and he shared pictures of how the classrooms were set up. Ms. Villegas shared how grades four through eight were set up. Their classrooms have not changed, and middle school students have had no significant changes. She has seen middle school kids help out the younger kids. Mr. Price shared the new carpool processes and how that has gone so far. A video was shared via Class Dojo and emailed to all families. Mr. Price also reviewed how they are handling transitions and updated emergency procedures.
Ms. Jackson noted that the transition and implementation of the new plan has gone well and that students and staff have handled it beautifully.
The next Parent and Family Engagement session will be held on Tuesday, January 17 at 6:30 pm and will cover the topic of the Expansion.
Ms. Davis shared that she was very impressed with the administrative team coming up so quickly and effectively with a plan that worked for the school. They considered every possible idea before arriving at a plan that worked.
IV. Operational Reports
Executive Director Report
Ms. Jackson shared the Executive Director's report. There were two EpiCenter tasks that had to be completed for NC Department of Public Instruction; those tasks were completed. There were multiple concerts, Winter Wishes, and other school-building activities in December.
Monthly Budget Report
Ms. Jackson shared the monthly budget report. There was no finance committee meeting this month. In terms of the budget analysis, Kestrel is 50% through the school year, and the budget is still balanced but there are several areas where we are trending high. Moving expenses are still high, and those are reflected in the facilities budget. Rent and debt service are still high because of the bond expense. The school has 171.5 days of cash on hand and is in compliance with bond covenants.
Operations Report
Ms. Gordon provided an operations report. K-3 has been moved out of the River Church and into the current space. Mr. KT from Word of Mouth Contractors provided an update on the issues related to the new building: (1) roof repairs for current building, (2) riser room dry versus wet system repairs, and (3) blinds and white boards needed for new building.
Riser room repairs were around $5,000. Quotes for roof repairs as well as blinds and white boards are being received.
On critical issues, the servers needed new batteries, and those will be installed this week. The yellow mini bus has been repaired. Next steps are to complete move when building is completed.
For preventative maintenance, HVAC maintenance will occur next month. Fire inspection has been completed.
V. Committee Reports
Governance - Finance Policy Review
The Governance committee needs Board members to review the finance policy committee. Stephanie McGarrah, Brandon Paris, and Mr. Price will review the finance policy.
Governance - Employee Policy Review
The Governance committee needs Board members to review the Employee Policy Review. Adrienne Davis, Dalia Wimberly, Derek Powe and Morgan Callahan will review that policy.
Family Leave will also be incorporated into that discussion and review. Mr. Bowens would like to receive the employee policy for review prior for it being sent to the full Board.
Development Committee
Ms. Davis provided an update on the development committee. Items for development include roof repair, a playground, and landscaping of outdoor areas. The committee will be applying for grants for playgrounds.
Academic Sub-Committee
Mr. Powe provide a report on the academic subcommittee. The group is working on building relationships and planning.
VI. Closed Session
Enter Closed Session
Contract for Custodial Services
Construction Discussion
Board Meeting Agenda Items
VII. Closing Items
Report out from Closed Session
Ms. McGarrah reported that the Board discussed construction and contractual issues in the closed session and voted to terminate a contract.
Ms. Davis noted that public commenters can note their interest in submitting comments by noting it in the chat. They will be called upon to make their comment, which should be limited to 2 minutes.