Kestrel Heights Public Charter School
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday June 14, 2022 at 6:30 PM
Meeting ID: 972 7038 9749
Passcode: KHCS
Directors Present
A. Davis (remote), B. Paris (remote), D. Wimberly (remote), R. Clement (remote), S. Goram (remote), S. McGarrah (remote)
Directors Absent
D. Powe
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Price (remote), T. Jackson (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Price (remote), T. Jackson (remote)
Guests Present
A. Touchette (remote), Adam Love (remote), Alvis Stephens (remote), Elise Pritchett (remote), Jalila Bowie (remote), Justin Matthews (remote), M. Gordon (remote), S. Vargas (remote), S. Villegas (remote), Theresa Holt-Thompson (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment Submission
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve April 2022 Regular Board Meeting Meetings
Approve May 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Approve May 2022 Special Meeting Minutes
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations
Marketing and Enrollment Update
Ms. Vargas provided the June marketing and enrollment update. She shared the difference in the reach without the ads as Kestrel wasn't running ads at the end of May. The school will start up new ads after July 1.
Enrollment remains steady at 489 with 18 pending for 2022-23. Marketing and social media campaign will kick off soon for outreach to new and returning families. Kestrel PTA is coordinating to advertise outreach events.
Hawks at Home Academy
Ms. Vargas reported on Hawks at Home Academy with 390 students enrolled in May. There were no changes and the program has concluded.
Facilities Sub Committee
Mr. Matthews provided a facilities update. Budget is in good shape, but construction is very far behind. BCCG provided the attached report.
III. Curriculum & Assessment
Academically and Intellectually Gifted Plan 2022-2025
Mr. Love reminded the Board that he presented on the AIG plan at the May meeting. He is here to answer any questions that the Board has.
End of Grade Testing (EOGs)
Ms. Villegas provided on the End of Grade Testing. She thanked Mr. Love and Ms. Callahan for their help with EOG and EOC testing. She noted that they were concerned that they wouldn't reach 95% with Hawks at Home Academy. However, Kestrel had 99% of students complete the tests. The iReady data did correlate with EOG scores.
Kestrel's scores were lower than hoped, but the administration team is waiting to see how other scores in the state scored. Further, the team will strategize on ways to improve the scores.
Teacher Working Conditions Survey (TWC)
Mr. Touchette shared Kestrel's teacher working conditions survey data, which is a survey required by the State of North Carolina. 100% of all teachers and staff completed the survey. Kestrel only had lower than the state average for one of the domains in the survey, which was "non-instructional time provided for teachers in my school is sufficient". Kestrel showed marked improvement from 2020 to 2022 in the areas of teacher time (sufficient time for instruction), managing student conduct (faculty work in a school environment that is safe), and teacher leadership (teachers encourage to participate in school leadership roles). There were areas of concern as well in safety (only 80% of teachers agreed that students are not bullied about their race) and teacher non-instructional time. Mr. Touchette noted that an additional 5 minutes are being added to teacher planning time and the school's Diversity and Inclusion Committee will continue their work on training staff. Additionally, teachers and staff will be empowered to examine curriculum options and weigh in on options when new curriculum is selected.
IV. Operational Reports
Executive Director Report
Ms. Jackson shared the Executive Director report with the board. Goal of marketing and outreach is to connect with Kestrel students early (before the school year starts). She shared the EpiCenter reports have been completed, two reports will be added, and that the school needs to amend its charter given the construction project and change in address. She also shared the summer office schedule. There was one liability concern that was resolved. She also mentioned current staffing vacancies as of the end of 2021-22 school year.
Monthly Budget Report
Ms. Jackson shared the monthly budget report, which shows a budget surplus of nearly $500,000 for the school year. There are some line items that need to be adjusted.
Requests for Approval
Ms. Jackson noted the purchases in excess of $10,000 for that she is requesting the Board's approval. The first is for Frontline and the second is for iReady.
RFP Process - Vendor Selection for 2022-2023
Ms. Jackson received and the committee reviewed the vendors.
Prioritized Facilities and Maintenance Requests
Ms. Gordon shared the facilities and maintenance requests that need to take place, including a new roof for the gym. She will present quotes at the next meeting.
Kestrel is working through the list of requirements for the vacating the old building. Two remaining tasks are to take the signage off the old building and dispose of the old playground.
Additionally, Ms. Gordon shared information on the move of the elementary school. She noted that after much research, the most fiscally responsible approach is renting trailers that the School could store in the parking lot of Kestrel.
Planning and Logistics
Planning and logistics updates were included in facility and maintenance request section of the agenda.
V. Committee Reports
Academic Sub-Committee
Mr. Price provided an update on the work of the academic subcommittee, including their plans for Camp Kestrel.
Governance Sub-Committee
Ms. Davis shared some work that the governance subcommittee will continue on family medical leave.
Kestrel Heights Mask Policy
VI. Closed Session
Enter Closed Session
Staffing Recommendations
Update about the Elementary School Transition
VII. Closing Items
Report out from Closed Session
Ms. McGarrah shared that the Board discussed three candidates for vacant positions as well as a contract.
The Board discussed nominations for Board leadership positions. Adrienne Davis was nominated for President. Dalia Wimberly was nominated for Vice President. Brandon Paris was nominated for Treasurer, and Stephanie McGarrah was nominated for Secretary. The Board will vote on it next month.
Ms. Davis invited public comment in the chat.