Kestrel Heights Public Charter School
Regular Board Meeting
Monthly Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday August 10, 2021 at 6:30 PM
Meeting ID: 972 7038 9749
Passcode: KHCS
Meeting ID: 972 7038 9749
Passcode: KHCS
Password is KHCS
Directors Present
A. Davis (remote), D. Wimberly (remote), R. Clement (remote), S. Goram (remote), S. McGarrah (remote)
Directors Absent
B. Paris, J. Featherstone, L. Lewis, S. Foy-Watson
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Callahan (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
M. Callahan (remote)
Guests Present
A. Touchette (remote), B. Buckholz (remote), Derek Powe (remote), Dottie Heath (remote), James Price (remote), Jennifer Lucas (remote), Justin Matthews (remote), M. Tracy (remote), S. Bowens (remote), S. Villegas (remote), Theresa Holt (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
A. Davis called a meeting of the board of directors of Kestrel Heights Public Charter School to order on Tuesday Aug 10, 2021 at 6:30 PM.
Public Comment Submission
Ms. Davis noted that participants can leave comments in the chat for the Zoom meeting.
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve July 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
R. Clement made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 07-13-21.
D. Wimberly seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations
Marketing Update
Jennifer Lucas provided a marketing update. There were 252 new applications for the new school year with 112 acceptances with a projected for 463 scholars enrolled for the new school year. Ms. Lucas is hopeful that there will be some acceptances from the active applicants. Kestrel's overall conversion rate of new applicants is still below 50%, which is lower than other charter schools, and Ms. Lucas is trying to figure out the reason for that lower rate. The Board asked questions about the report.
Facilities Sub-Committee
Justin Matthews and Robin Clement provided an update for the facilities subcommittee. Mr. Matthews reviewed the construction report that shows the final floor plan, and he noted that the Board had previously done a lot of due diligence work that could be updated and used. He noted that the construction is on schedule to be completed for the 2022-23 school year, and he has had numerous conversations with the City of Durham on the permitting processes. Attorney Bowens discussed the work with Highmark on the sale of the current building and property, and he is working with Mary Rusher, another attorney, on the sale, bond and new construction.
Community Handbook (Student Handbook and Code of Conduct)
Mr. Touchette provided information on the community handbook and the revamped design. The Board will vote on it at the next meeting.
III. Academics
Blended Learning Update
Sam Villegas presented on the blended learning update. The first professional development meeting took place today at Kestrel for staff.
RTA Data and Camp Kestrel Data
Sam Villegas presented on the Read To Achieve data, which was held in June after school ended. There were 16 students that participated with Read to Achieve along with 5 teachers, which was a good ratio. There were 5 students that showed significant improvement in their iReady scores, a few that stayed about the same, and 7 students that did not take the test.
Mind Brain Education
Ms. Villegas provided a brief mind brain education update, which is being used in the upcoming school year.
Camp Kestrel Update
James Price provided a Camp Kestrel update. Camp Kestrel was a free summer camp for all scholars and 86 students attended. Free breakfast and lunch was provided daily along with free field trips. The camp was very successful; iReady testing was not available to measure results because of COVID-related challenges.
Guided Reading Update
Ms. Villegas provided an update on Kestrel proactively doing guided reading, which the State of NC will be providing training on for charter schools at a later date. There is support from Dr. Myers for this program, and it blends well with mind brain education.
Guided Math Update
Dr. Tracy provided an update on guided math, for which staff training will kick off in the upcoming weeks.
IV. Operational Reports
Executive Director Report
Dr. Tracy provided his executive director report overview, which included a fall sports meeting along with the Back to School cookout and new family orientation. At present, charter schools are at risk of losing enrollment to traditional school systems that are allowed to offer more flexibility for families with a hybrid model.
Monthly Budget Report
Dr. Tracy was unable to provide an updated report as we are still waiting on the year end budget report from our financial management firm. The Board will examine that information in-depth at our September meeting.
Strategic Planning Update
Dr. Tracy plans to provide a monthly strategic planning update as we begin to implement the plan. Since implementation just started, there was no update for this month.
Return to School 2021-22
Dr. Tracy provided an overview of return to school. There was a successful new family and new scholar orientation. There will be a lot of staff training this week for rolling out new education models. There are some families that have chosen the asynchronous learning option.
Monthly Epi Center Report
No update for this month.
Educational Model
Dr. Tracy shared that the State of North Carolina has approved Kestrel's new educational model.
V. Committee Reports
Academic Sub-Committee
No update this month.
Governance Sub-Committee
The Board discussed the committees for the Board. Ms. Davis also noted that Board members should consider the committees upon which they would like to serve for the upcoming year.
Development Sub-Committee
No update this month.
Board Vote (Staff Representative)
Ms. Callahan noted that she and Ms. Goram interviewed Mr. James Price as an ex officio Board member. Mr. Price is the 4th and 5th grade science teacher and Camp Kestrel coordinator. He also holds several roles on committees at Kestrel.
S. McGarrah made a motion to approve Mr. James Price's nomination as an ex officio member of the Kestrel Heights Board of Directors.
D. Wimberly seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VI. Closed Session
Enter Closed Session
S. McGarrah made a motion to enter into a closed session in accordance with NC General Statute ยง 143-318.11 (6) for the purpose of consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or an employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee. General personnel policy issues may not be considered in a closed session. A public body may not consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, appointment, or removal of a member of the public body or another body and may not consider or fill a vacancy among its own membership except in an open meeting. Final action making an appointment or discharge or removal by a public body having final authority for the appointment or discharge or removal shall be taken in an open meeting.
R. Clement seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
S. McGarrah made a motion to return to open session.
S. Goram seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VII. Closing Items
Board Agenda for Next Month
S. McGarrah made a motion to accept the hiring of the slate of candidates for the eleven positions as presented by Dr. Tracy (administrative assistant, instructional assistants, interventionist, cafeteria worker, ESL, kindergarten and reading tutor).
R. Clement seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
S. McGarrah