Kestrel Heights Public Charter School

Regular Board Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 14, 2021 at 6:30 PM EDT


Password is KHCS


Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:30 PM
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Adrienne Davis 1 m
The meeting will be called to order by the Chair. 
  B. Public Comment Submission Adrienne Davis 1 m
Please sign up for public comment, given the virtual setting, please enter your name in the comment section.  Please note the Public Comment expectations.  The Board will first record those in attendance and approve the minutes, after that process, the Board will listen to public comments.  


Public/employee comments and questions shall be:
1) Limited to two minutes (2 minutes).
2) Directed to the Board and not to individual members.
3) Presented in a professional demeanor and not in a threatening, profane, vulgar or abusive manner.
4) Topics that are relevant to the business matters of the Kestrel Board of Directors.
5) Recognized after speaker provides their name to the Board President prior to addressing the Board.

  C. Record Attendance and Guests   Stephanie McGarrah 1 m
Please note which board members are present and absent for the Secretary. 
  D. Approve August 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Stephanie McGarrah 2 m
  E. Approve August Special Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Stephanie McGarrah 2 m
  F. Public Comment   Adrienne Davis 10 m
At each regular and special meeting which are open to the public, members of the public and employees of Kestrel Heights shall be afforded time, subject to reasonable constraints, to comment to the board.


It shall be the decision of the Board if it is appropriate to respond to a question and which Board member will respond. The Board encourages all comments/questions to be submitted in writing to the board after the two minutes to ensure the entire message is heard by the board.

Out of respect of time, individuals who engage in repetitive comments/questions will be asked to refrain and/or yield the floor.
II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations 6:47 PM
The Board has prioritized the agenda to start the meeting with the most impactful agenda items to the school's mission and goals.  The Board has also strategically placed all presentations at the onset to allow staff and visitors the opportunity to present at the onset of the meeting. 

Presentations may be taken out of the larger Sections and thus may not be directly aligned or not provided when other Sections are discussed.
  A. Marketing Update FYI Jennifer Lucas 3 m
Marketing report to be submitted.


  B. Virtual Academy Vote Samantha Villegas and Administration 20 m
Based on recent changes to state legislation and increased COVID rates, Kestrel is now able to provide a virtual option.  The administrative team, lead by Ms. Villegas, will present a proposal for virtual options.  Staff was involved in the development of this plan and parents were surveyed to determine interest in the program.  
  C. Facilities Sub-Committee Discuss Justin Matthews 10 m
The Facilities sub-committee (which is a sub-committee of the Finance Committee) will provide a monthly update to the Board.  


September Board Report (Link):
  D. Community Handbook (Student Handbook and Code of Conduct) Vote Andrew Touchette 5 m
Mr. Touchette will provide a brief update on the Community Handbook.  This document is considered policy and traditionally requires Board Approval.  

  E. Athletic Director Annual Presentation FYI Ronnie Hess 5 m
Atheltic Director, Ronnie Hess, will provide his annual report to the board pertaining to the Atheltic Department for the 2021-2022 school year.  
III. Academics 7:30 PM
  A. Blended Learning Update FYI Samantha Villegas 2 m
Monthly the administration will provide an update on the progress for implementing the Blended Learning Model.  
  B. 2020-2021 EOG Results and Beginning of Year iReady Assessment FYI Mark Tracy 5 m
Dr. Tracy will provide an overview of the 2020-2021 EOG Results and the Beginning of Year iReady Assessment.  
  C. Mind Brain Education Stacy Kennedy 2 m
Monthly the Mind Brain Education committee will provide an update on the progress for implementing Mind Brain Education.    
  D. Guided Reading Update FYI Tonya Jackson and Sam Villegas 2 m
Monthly Ms. Villegas and Ms. Jackson will provide an update on the implementation of Guided Reading in the school.  
  E. Guided Math Update FYI Mark Tracy and Andrew Touchette 2 m
Monthly Dr. Tracy and Mr. Touchette will provide an update on the implementation of Guided Math in the school.  

September Update: 
The staff has used the first month 3-4 weeks to establish center expectations.  
Starting the week of September 13, the administration will be starting formal observation and providing feedback on the Guided Math structure.  
September 15, 22, and 29 will be additional PD pertaining to Guided Math.
IV. Operational Reports 7:43 PM
Dr. Tracy will provide monthly updates to matters pertaining to the operation of the school.  
  A. Executive Director Report FYI Mark Tracy 3 m
Dr. Tracy will present his monthly report on the status of the school.  




  B. Monthly Budget Report FYI Mark Tracy 5 m
Dr. Tracy will present a review of the monthly budget.   This item will include a discussion of enrollment.

  C. Strategic Planning Update Discuss Mark Tracy 2 m
Dr. Tracy will provide a monthly update on the implementation of the strategic plan.

September 2021 Update 
The Continuous Improvement Team has identified a subcommittee to support the Strategic Plan.  The strategic plan is a part of the weekly administrative meeting.  Here are a few of the tasks that have already been completed or are in process:
  • In Process
    • In-depth academic data analysis
    • Strategic budgeting 
  • Completed 
    • Revised employee handbook 
    • Develop a year-long PD plan 
    • Host parent meetings to discuss the new model (summer 2021) 
    • Identify changes to implement the new model 
    • Identify clear owner for marketing and recruitment 
    • Revise scholar code of conduct 
    • Year-long school culture calendar 
    • Develop data-dashboard
Link to Strategic Plan Goals

  D. Monthly Epi Center Report FYI Mark Tracy 2 m
Each Month Dr. Tracy will provide the Board an update on the Office of Charter School's required compliance submissions.  This is an annual process and the primary compliance process for the state.    

September Submissions (Due September 30) 
  • Board Meeting Schedule (Submitted) 
  • Guidance Check (Submitted)  
  • Annual Data Collection (Submitted) 





  E. COVID Update FYI Mark Tracy 5 m
Dr. Tracy will provide an update on the return to school process: 
  1. COVID Dashboard on the website (
  2. Modified breakfast process 
  3. Modified snack process  
  4. Assigned seating during breakfast and lunch 
  5. Virtual Academy Parent Survey 
  6. Continued distribution of sanitizer, air purifiers, and wipes 
  7. Daily COVID announcements to scholars 
  8. Mask mandate
V. Committee Reports 8:00 PM
The Board of Directors has developed four Sub-Committees to help meet the goals established by the board and to ensure our school is living up to our mission.   Each sub-committee will provide a monthly update on the progress that has been made since the last meeting.  
  A. Academic Sub-Committee FYI Adrienne Davis 3 m
The Academic Sub-Committee will provide the Board a monthly update.  
  B. Paid Family Leave Policy Discuss Morgan Callahan 5 m
Ms. Callahan will present her research on the Pad Family Leave policy.  
  C. Kestrel Heights Mask Policy Discuss Bre Buckholz 5 m
As per Senate Bill 654, All public school units must adopt a policy regarding the use of face coverings by employees and students. School boards must vote once a month on this policy and if it should be modified.

Key point: The charter school’s Board of Directors must have a board-approved face-covering policy and must revisit and vote on this policy at least once a month.
  D. Sub-committee discussion and assignments Discuss Adrienne Davis 10 m
Discussion of subcommittee assignments for Board members.
VI. Closed Session 8:23 PM
  A. Enter Closed Session Discuss Bre Buckholz and Mark Tracy 10 m
§ 143-318.11.  Closed sessions.
(a)        Permitted Purposes. - It is the policy of this State that closed sessions shall be held only when required to permit a public body to act in the public interest as permitted in this section. A public body may hold a closed session and exclude the public only when a closed session is required:

To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee. General personnel policy issues may not be considered in a closed session. A public body may not consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, appointment, or removal of a member of the public body or another body and may not consider or fill a vacancy among its own membership except in an open meeting. Final action making an appointment or discharge or removal by a public body having final authority for the appointment or discharge or removal shall be taken in an open meeting.
  B. Closed Session Item #2 Vote Adrienne Davis 5 m
§ 143-318.11.  Closed sessions.
(a)        Permitted Purposes. - It is the policy of this State that closed sessions shall be held only when required to permit a public body to act in the public interest as permitted in this section. A public body may hold a closed session and exclude the public only when a closed session is required:

To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee. General personnel policy issues may not be considered in a closed session. A public body may not consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, appointment, or removal of a member of the public body or another body and may not consider or fill a vacancy among its own membership except in an open meeting. Final action making an appointment or discharge or removal by a public body having final authority for the appointment or discharge or removal shall be taken in an open meeting.
VII. Closing Items 8:38 PM
  A. Report out from Closed Session FYI Stephanie McGarrah 5 m
Report out on closed session
  B. Board Agenda for Next Month Discuss Adrienne Davis 5 m
The Board will start the following Month's agenda based on this month's agenda and the Action-Based Calendar (link below).  


  C. Adjourn Meeting Vote 3 m