Kestrel Heights Public Charter School

Regular Board Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday August 10, 2021 at 6:30 PM EDT


Password is KHCS


Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
The meeting will be called to order by the Chair. 
  B. Public Comment Submission
Please sign up for public comment, given the virtual setting, please enter your name in the comment section.  Please note the Public Comment expectations.  The Board will first record those in attendance and approve the minutes, after that process, the Board will listen to public comments.  


Public/employee comments and questions shall be:
1) Limited to two minutes (2 minutes).
2) Directed to the Board and not to individual members.
3) Presented in a professional demeanor and not in a threatening, profane, vulgar or abusive manner.
4) Topics that are relevant to the business matters of the Kestrel Board of Directors.
5) Recognized after speaker provides their name to the Board President prior to addressing the Board.

  C. Record Attendance and Guests
Please note which board members are present and absent for the Secretary. 
  D. Approve June 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
  E. Public Comment
At each regular and special meeting which are open to the public, members of the public and employees of Kestrel Heights shall be afforded time, subject to reasonable constraints, to comment to the board.


It shall be the decision of the Board if it is appropriate to respond to a question and which Board member will respond. The Board encourages all comments/questions to be submitted in writing to the board after the two minutes to ensure the entire message is heard by the board.

Out of respect of time, individuals who engage in repetitive comments/questions will be asked to refrain and/or yield the floor.
II. Key Agenda Items & Presentations
The Board has prioritized the agenda to start the meeting with the most impactful agenda items to the school's mission and goals.  The Board has also strategically placed all presentations at the onset to allow staff and visitors the opportunity to present at the onset of the meeting. 

Presentations may be taken out of the larger Sections and thus may not be directly aligned or not provided when other Sections are discussed.
  A. Marketing Update
Marketing report to be submitted.


  B. Facilities Sub-Committee
The Facilities sub-committee (which is a sub-committee of the Finance Committee) will provide a monthly update to the Board.  



  C. Community Handbook (Student Handbook and Code of Conduct)
Mr. Touchette will provide a brief update on the Community Handbook.  This document is considered policy and traditionally requires Board Approval.  
III. Academics
  A. Blended Learning Update
Monthly the administration will provide an update on the progress for implementing the Blended Learning Model.  


June Update (From Ms. Villegas) 
The Blended Learning Committee is beginning to identify professional development topics for the 21/22 school year to ensure a successful implementation process.  The hope is to identify teachers that can serve as "model classrooms" that can be used to create and share professional development. 
  B. RTA Data and Camp Kestrel Data
Ms. Villegas will provide an overview of RTA Camp and Camp Kestrel data.  
  C. Mind Brain Education
Monthly the administration will provide an update on the progress for implementing Mind Brain Education.    

July Update
MBE: Team has adjusted and finalized our PD calendar. Our MBE Professional Learning Community events will be on 4 teacher workdays to give us plenty of time to collaborate as a school. The MBE Committee is now working on our first Professional Learning Community experience.

Professional Development Optional Pacing 
May 7th: Track 1: Learning Environments opens to staff
June 7th: Track 2: Curriculum Design opens to staff
July 7th: Track 3: Pedagogy & Assessment opens to staff
August 7th: Track 4: Student Success & Well-Being opens to staff
  • We are not requiring the staff to immediately engage with these materials, however, we wanted to give staff the option of working through the modules over the summer if they preferred. The MBE Sub-Committee will work over the summer to create the activities for the four staff MBE Community Learning events!
  D. Camp Kestrel Update
Mr. Price will provide a brief summary on the operation of Camp Kestrel 
  E. Guided Reading Update
Monthly Ms. Villegas and Ms. Jackson will provide an update on the implementation of Guided Reading in the school.  
  F. Guided Math Update
Monthly Dr. Tracy and Mr. Touchette will provide an update on the implementation of Guided Math in the school.  
IV. Operational Reports
Dr. Tracy will provide monthly updates to matters pertaining to the operation of the school.  
  A. Executive Director Report
Dr. Tracy will present his monthly report on the status of the school.  




  B. Monthly Budget Report
Dr. Tracy will present a review of the monthly budget.   

As of August 3, the school had not received the EOY budget.  Ms. Buckholz did reach out to seek an updated budget. 

Budget Processes this Month

Reviewed Federal Line Item
  • Ms. Jackson has done a quality job of allocating funding to address a variety of needs 
  • Roughly $60,000 remaining from 2020-21 FY TItle I account 
    • Have until 2022 to spend the funds 


  C. Strategic Planning Update
Dr. Tracy will provide a monthly update on the implementation of the strategic plan.

August 2021 Update 
The strategic plan has been shared with all new hires and all returning staff.  Key highlights have been identified.  An action-based calendar will be created, however, the focus this month has been opening up for our scholar's return.  

2021-2022 School Improvement Goals
Goal 1: Kestrel will ensure students are academically prepared for success in high school and beyond, as evidenced by short and longer-term student learning gains, by:


  • Conduct in-depth academic data analysis to identify opportunities to replicate/build upon factors leading to strong academic outcomes (e.g. SY1718 math growth). - (Academic Leadership Team)
  • Utilize BOG assessments and initial SY21-22 check-in to develop interim targets towards the goal of becoming an A school by 2024  (Academic Leadership Team)
  • Develop and implement a year-long professional development plan aligned to the new instructional model (Director of Instruction)
  • Review and revise employee handbook (ED)  and teacher evaluation tools (Director of Elementary School) to ensure they reflect a clear vision for instructional excellence. (supported by Director of Operations and Continuous Improvement Committee)
  • Develop and disseminate clear messaging to students and families regarding testing and accountability (not something to fear; will not interfere with strong school community)  (Director of Admissions, Social Media; with support from ED)
Goal 2:  Kestrel will leverage its new and innovative school model to achieve its full potential and set the school apart in Durham and the surrounding area, as measured by increased enrollment, retention, and parent satisfaction by:
  • Develop a 3-year plan to implement a new instructional model, including:
    • By July 30, 2021 - Develop professional development plan & staffing model to ensure staff are prepared to effectively implement model; begin to Implement plan (Director of Instruction);
    • By October 2021 - Develop curriculum selection framework, rubric, and process to support effective integration with educational model and improve academic performance; select or renew curriculum resources and supports  for use in 2022-23 (Director of Instruction)
    • By July 30, 2021 - Identify school design changes (e.g. master schedule updates)  necessary to effectively support the implementation of the new school model (Academic Leadership Team)
  • Summer/Fall 2021 - Host parent meetings to explain and communicate the new model (Sr Director of Federal Programs; Director of Admissions/Social Media; ESL Director - Ms. Rivera)
  • Summer 2021 - Develop marketing/branding plan, including:
    • Talking points & Elevator speech 
Goal 3: Kestrel will develop and implement a plan to ensure long-term financial and operational viability, as measured by attainment of annual enrollment targets, acquisition of loan/bond to finance facilities, and alignment of the annual budget with school staffing and programming needs by:  
  • Review long-term enrollment targets to ensure feasibility and modify as necessary. (Director of Admissions/Social Media)
  • Identify a clear owner for new student recruitment and retention and build a robust enrollment team with strong and clearly defined ownership for responsibilities (Director of Admissions/Social Media) 
  • Develop a year-long enrollment activity calendar with clear owners for each task and systems and benchmarks for progress (Director of Admissions/Social Media) 
  • Identify 3-4 local organizations with whom to foster relationships to build a student pipeline (e.g. Can Kestrel MS students go read to local elementary school students? Can the local library host a recruitment event/post flyers?
  • Summer 21 - Conduct sensitivity analysis to identify the impact of multiple enrollments and funding scenarios on Kestrel’s financial health. (May need outside support)
  • Identify alternative sources of funding (federal dollars; co-location; etc) (Sr. Director of Federal Programs; Director of Ops: ED)
  • Engage in strategic budgeting to create long-range budget(s) aligned with strategic plan and realistic enrollment and income scenarios; implement the plan accordingly (Ops Dir; ED)
  • Review financial management processes to ensure clear ownership of financial and operations management and goals for each year; implement a plan to reach goals  (Ops Dir; ED)
Goal 4: Kestrel will expand upon its strong and positive school culture as evidenced by high attendance rates, low student discipline rates, improved parent satisfaction, and high student retention (re-enrollment) rates, high retention of effective staff, improvement to NCTWC Survey results by:
  • Summer 21 - Review and revise student code of conduct to increase focus on positive reinforcement.  (Director of ES; student culture committee)
  • Develop and implement a yearlong school culture  calendar for staff (e.g. weekly PBIS ceremonies, advisory period - student goal setting around learning and behavior; character ed - focus on SEL) ((Director of ES; student culture committee)
  • Develop a comprehensive data dashboard to monitor student culture data. (Tie to Class Dojo). Set annual targets. (Director of ES; School Culture Comm.)
  • Evaluate out of school time programming for alignment to student/parent needs/interests and identify opportunities to optimize new K-8 facility to support the expansion of programming options (Directors; Culture)
  • Develop rubrics/tools for use in the classroom  (Director of ES; School Culture Comm.)
  • Build student culture metrics into staff evaluation process (Director of ES; School Culture Comm.; Staff Culture Comm)
  • Establish a clear vision of what it means to have a “culture of excellence for all staff, characterized by high performance and commitment; develop a plan for engaging and communicating to staff (Staff Culture Comm; Director of Ops)
  • Develop tools for measuring staff satisfaction and pathways for continual professional growth ( i.e. create incentives for staff to build expertise) (Director of Ops)

  D. Return to School 2021-22
Dr. Tracy will provide an update since the last Board Meeting on the plans for scholars to return during the 2021-22 school year. 


August Update 
  1. Asynchronous Option 
  2. Orientation Program (K, 6th, New, Community Cookout) 
  3. Bus routes have been established and sign up sheet is going out the week of July 12 
  4. Mind Brain Education 
  5. Elementary and Middle School Playbook 
  6. Advising Period and Grade Level Celebrations 
  7. Dojo Economy 
  8. Intervention Period (Middle School) 
  9. Guided Reading 
  10. Guided Math 
  11. Blended Learning 
  12. Clubs 
  13. Diversity and Inclusion


  E. Monthly Epi Center Report
Each Month Dr. Tracy will provide the Board an update on the Office of Charter School's required compliance submissions.  This is an annual process and the primary compliance process for the state.    


Stats as of July 2021: 
  • As of August 3, there is no data within the EpiCenter system 
    • Dr. Tracy did formally submit the request for our change of educational model to OCS through EpiCenter
      • This request does not need Stae Board of Education Approval only OCS/CSAB 
      • Expect a faster turnaround
      • Pre-submitted the documents and got approval for formal submission 
        • Anticipate a quick approval 




  F. Educational Model
Kestrel was informed that our request for changing our educational model was approved.  The formal model moving forward is: 

A blended learning educational model that uses Mind Brain Education teaching strategies to provide differentiated instruction to all scholars with a strong focus on small group instructional practices (Guided Reading and Guided Math).   
  G. Return to School Update
Dr. Tracy will provide an update on the return to school process: 
  1. Orientation 
  2. Back to School Events 
  3. Open Week Staff Training 
  4. Open House 
V. Committee Reports
The Board of Directors has developed four Sub-Committees to help meet the goals established by the board and to ensure our school is living up to our mission.   Each sub-committee will provide a monthly update on the progress that has been made since the last meeting.  
  A. Academic Sub-Committee
The Academic Sub-Committee will provide the Board a monthly update.  
  B. Governance Sub-Committee
The Governance sub-committee will provide a monthly update to the Board.


  C. Development Sub-Committee
The Development sub-committee will provide a monthly update to the Board.  
  D. Board Vote (Staff Representative)
Board will vote on Staff Board Member.  
VI. Closed Session
  A. Enter Closed Session
§ 143-318.11.  Closed sessions.
(a)        Permitted Purposes. - It is the policy of this State that closed sessions shall be held only when required to permit a public body to act in the public interest as permitted in this section. A public body may hold a closed session and exclude the public only when a closed session is required:

(6)        To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or an employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee. General personnel policy issues may not be considered in a closed session. A public body may not consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, appointment, or removal of a member of the public body or another body and may not consider or fill a vacancy among its own membership except in an open meeting. Final action making an appointment or discharge or removal by a public body having final authority for the appointment or discharge or removal shall be taken in an open meeting.
VII. Closing Items
  A. Board Agenda for Next Month
The Board will start the following Month's agenda based on this month's agenda and the Action-Based Calendar (link below).  


  B. Adjourn Meeting