Kestrel Heights Public Charter School
General Board Meeting
Date and Time
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
Please note which board members are present and absent for the Secretary. |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
The meeting will be called to order by the Chair. |
C. | Minutes: April 9, 2019 Board Meeting | |
The meeting minutes from the previous month (regular meeting and special meeting) will be reviewed and voted for acceptance barring any agreed amendments.
D. | Public Comment | |
At each regular and special meeting which is open to the public, members of the public and employees of Kestrel Heights shall be afforded time, subject to reasonable constraints, to comment to the board.
Public/employee comments and questions shall be: 1) Limited to two minutes (2 minutes). 2) Directed to the Board and not to individual members. 3) Presented in a professional demeanor and not in a threatening, profane, vulgar or abusive manner. 4) Topics that are relevant to the business matters of the Kestrel Board of Directors. 5) Recognized after speaker provides their name to the Board President prior to addressing the Board. It shall be the decision of the Board if it is appropriate to respond to a question and which Board member will respond. The Board encourages all comments/questions to be submitted in writing to the board following the two minutes to ensure the entire message is heard by the board. Individuals who engage in repetitive comments/questions will be asked to refrain and/or yield the floor. |
II. | Finance | |
A. | RFP Process for 2019-20 School Year | |
The following Requests for Proposals were sent out in March and the results are being presented in this meeting.
Here are a list of services we currently contract out:
B. | Salary Request | |
§ 143-318.11. Closed sessions. (a) Permitted Purposes. – It is the policy of this State that closed sessions shall be held only when required to permit a public body to act in the public interest as permitted in this section. A public body may hold a closed session and exclude the public only when a closed session is required: (1) To prevent the disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to the law of this State or of the United States, or not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes.
Area I: Administrator Compensation Area II: Special Education Teachers |
C. | Budget Request: End of Grade Preparation | |
Ms. Goff will present a quote for Curriculum Associates for add-in online instruction licenses through iReady. These can be utilized for EOG review as soon as they are active, and will be active through June 30, 2020. |
D. | Board on Track Renewal | |
Kestrel Heights is seeking a tool to systematically improve their governance practices, house all of their board material, and streamline their evaluation and development processes. |
E. | Monthly Budget Report | |
Review of the monthly expenses from the school through the month of September.
F. | Update on Capitola Property | |
To inform the board on the progress being made by Avison and Young in an attempt to sell this property.
Monthly Progress Report |
G. | Targeted Support & Improvement Additional Targeted Support (TSI-AT) | |
Dr. Tracy informed the board of the the Targeted Support & Improvement Additional Targeted Support (TSI-AT) grant that was submitted to the state.
The school received a one time allocation of $10,000 from the state of North Carolina which can be allocated for designated criteria to address the subgroup that was identified. Final approval was confirmed by NCDPI on May 23, 2019. |
H. | iReady Additional Licenses | |
Ms. Goff will present a proposal for supplemental resources to support EC and MTSS students. The funds were raised by the school and thus no additional cost to the school. |
III. | Executive Director Report | |
Academic Excellence
A. | Executive Director Monthly Report | |
Board Members will have time to ask Executive Director specific questions pertaining to his monthly report.
B. | KHS Hiring Policy and Overall Certification Rates for the School | |
The state of North Carolina Department of Education and the Office of Charter Schools informed KHS that we are below the required 50% certification rate. This cannot be addressed until the following school year. The purpose of this ongoing agenda item is to develop a long term plan to address this concern.
Feb: Review Policy March-April Discuss current staff April-June Implement and communicate plan Current Policy: 2.18 Licensure Requirements It is the expectation that all professional employees will hold a valid North Carolina license appropriate to the position in which he or she is employed. Licensure renewal is the responsibility of the individual, not of the school. Renewal activities for all professional employees need prior approval by the director. Any courses or activities undertaken shall directly relate to the employees' position responsibilities and shall have suitable content level. A record of all approvals; satisfactorily completed renewal activities and timely submission of certificate renewal data to the State Department of Public Instruction shall be maintained in the Personnel file. Any employee allowing a license to expire must have it reinstated prior to the beginning of the next school year. An expired license is a basis for dismissal. 2.21 Highly Qualified Teachers Effective June 30, 2009, all teachers, regardless of hire date, should meet the qualifications and competencies established by federal and state law, policy and regulations, including the requirements of No Child Left Behind. |
C. | Charter Renewal and Performance Framework | |
Dr. Tracy will provide an update on the 2020 Charter Renewal and Annual Performance Framework
Charter Renewal: Site Visit
IV. | Academics | |
A. | Educational Model Report: Computer Science & High Needs High Support | |
Top 6 Model Review: Provide the Board with an update on the findings for:
B. | Academically and Intellectually Gifted Plan 2019-2022 | |
Ms. Jackson will present the AIG Plan for 2019-2022. The local LEA must approve the plan prior to being submitted to the state. |
C. | Governance: End of Year Academic Planning (Remediation and Summer School) | |
Ms. Goff has provided an update of the End of Grade Prep, Summer Remediation, and Summer Reading Camp.
V. | Governance | |
A. | Long Term Suspensions (Alternative Education Plans) | |
The board of directors will review, discuss, and potentially vote to provide Alternative Education Plans for all students who have been long term suspended. |
B. | Governance: Annual Policy Review | |
The Board of Directors will annually review all polices and staff handbooks, the schedule is below. For the month of September the board is complete the 1st read of the School and Community Policy
Staff Handbook June (First Read) July (Second Read) August (Board Approval) School and Community Policy Section September (First Read) October (Second Read) November (Board Approval) Finance Policy Section December (First Read) January (Second Read) February (Board Approval) Employee Policy Section March (First Read) April (Second Read) May (Board Approval) |
C. | Board Membership Applications | |
The board has received applications for board membership.
D. | Board Membership Recruitment | |
Based on KHS By-Laws the board is to elect new members in June. In order to prepare for these elections the board will discuss the process in place to recruit new board members. Currently, there is one staff Ex-Officio officer opening, the board will also vote based on the application received. Application has personal information (please keep confidential).
The Board will identify specific skills that are needed for the board and determine the ideal number of voting members for the 2019-20 school year. |
E. | Governance: Board of Directors and PTSO | |
The PTSO has reached out to the board to discuss a more formal relationship.
F. | Board of Directors Summer Retreat | |
The Board of Directors will discuss the dates, goals, and possible facilitators of the summer retreat. This retreat should also be aligned with the onboarding of new board members. |
G. | Governance: Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning Process | |
VI. | Board-Inform Topics | |
VII. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |