Clarksville Charter School


Regular Scheduled Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday June 14, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Topic: CCS Board Meeting
Time: Jun 14, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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The mission of Clarksville Charter School is to develop the individual gifts of students in El Dorado County and adjacent counties to become critical thinkers, responsible citizens and innovative leaders prepared for academic and real-life achievement in the 21st Century. The mission will be accomplished through quality, personalized, standards-based education which could include online coursework, offline textbook work, project-based learning, and unique hands‐on and experiential learning experiences facilitated in partnership with students, parents, staff, and community.

Directors Present

Emily Allen (remote), Kathleen Burwell-Callero (remote), Kelley Laliberte (remote), Keri Dalebout (remote), Lisa Jobe (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Darcy Belleza (remote), Darcy Belleza (remote), Darlington Ahaiwe (remote), Dr. Amanda Johnson (remote), Jenell Sherman (remote), Kaela Haydu (remote), Katie Royer (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Emily Allen called a meeting of the board of directors of Clarksville Charter School to order on Monday Jun 14, 2021 at 6:39 PM.


Approval of the Agenda (p. 1-4)

Lisa Jobe made a motion to approve the Agenda with date correction in item 5C.
Keri Dalebout seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Closed Session

Kelley Laliberte made a motion to move into closed session at 6:41 PM.
Kathleen Burwell-Callero seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Announcement of Any Action Taken in Closed Session

Emily Allen announced that no action was taken during closed session. 
Kathleen Burwell-Callero motioned to move out of closed session at 6:50 PM.
Lisa Jobe seconded the motion. 
The Board voted unanimously to approve the motion. 


Public Comments

No public comments. 


Approve Minutes (p. 5-10)

Kelley Laliberte made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Scheduled Board Meeting on 05-27-21.
Keri Dalebout seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Director's Report (p. 11-26)

Jenell Sherman presented the Executive Director's Report.
  1. Enrollment- 1436 students currently enrolled, goal is 1635 students by August 2021
  2. Hiring- 56 teachers returning, 11 new hires, 2 openings
  3. The Grove-
  • launch date is July 1st
  • email migration is underway
  • hiring is complete but may expand as needed
  • Roseville and Sacramento offices opening soon
  • Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance has 2 board member vacancies (hope to fill in late August)
  • Tech orders are arriving, Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance is taking over unfulfilled Tech orders from this school year.  Royce Gough briefly explained the global technology shortage.
  • Thursday, June 17th at 6:00 PM is their next Board Meeting
  • Lisa Jobe asked if student activity could take place at the new offices. Clarksville families can only have an event at the Clarksville Library. It is the only resource center. 
       4. Congratulations to Clarksville Charter School  for a 6-year accreditation renewal from Western             Association of Schools and  Colleges (WASC)! 

II. Finance


May Financials (p. 27-52)

Keri Dalebout made a motion to approve the May Financials.
Lisa Jobe seconded the motion.
Darlington Ahaiwe presented the May Financials. 
Emily Allen asked about pg 35 of board packet- YTD Percentage of Change compares beginning and end of year YTD percentage (May 1 balance to June 30). 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Annual Budget

Lisa Jobe made a motion to approve the Annual Budget.
Keri Dalebout seconded the motion.
Emily Allen asked what the savings will be with not having to borrow money at the end of the year.
Darlington Ahaiwe noted $412k overall expenses for Sale of Receivables. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Shared Executive Personnel Memorandum of Understanding for Julie Haycock-Cavender and Jenell Sherman (p. 57-58)

Kelley Laliberte made a motion to approve the Shared Executive Personnel Memorandum of Understanding for Julie Haycock-Cavender and Jenell Sherman ​​​​​.
Kathleen Burwell-Callero seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented Shared Executive Personnel Memorandum of Understanding for Julie Haycock-Cavender and Jenell Sherman. 

Attachments will come back for final approval in the fall.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Director Salary Schedule

Keri Dalebout made a motion to approve Executive Director Salary Schedule.
Kathleen Burwell-Callero seconded the motion.
Darcy Belleza presented the Executive Director Salary Schedule. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Shared Staff Memorandum of Understanding

Lisa Jobe made a motion to approve Shared Staff Memorandum of Understanding.
Kelley Laliberte seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented the Shared Staff Memorandum of Understanding. 
Attachments coming back to the board for final approval in the fall.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Shared Staff Memorandum of Understanding with Central for High School Virtual Academy

Kathleen Burwell-Callero made a motion to approve the Shared Staff Memorandum of Understanding with Central for High School Virtual Academy.
Kelley Laliberte seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented  the Shared Staff Memorandum of Understanding with Central for High School Virtual Academy.

The attachments will be brought back to the Board in the fall for final approval. 
Emily Allen inquired about how balanced staffing was with HSVA. Jenell Sherman explained it was fairly balanced. 
All students who wanted to attend HSVA and JHVA classes were able to. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Services Agreement with Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance

Keri Dalebout made a motion to approve Services Agreement with Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance.
Lisa Jobe seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented the Services Agreement with Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance. 

Procopio and Young, Minney, and Corr have both reviewed the agreement. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Stipends Chart

Lisa Jobe made a motion to approve the Stipends Chart.
Kathleen Burwell-Callero seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented the Stipends Chart. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Operations


Resolution to Change Email Addresses and Other Contact Information on all Policies and Documents

Kathleen Burwell-Callero made a motion to approve Resolution to Change Email Addresses and Other Contact Information on all Policies and Documents.
Lisa Jobe seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented Resolution to Change Email Addresses and Other Contact Information on all Policies and Documents.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Conflict Waiver for Representation of Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance

Lisa Jobe made a motion to approve the Conflict Waiver for Representation of Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance.
Kathleen Burwell-Callero seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented Conflict Waiver for Representation of Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Animals at School Policy

Kathleen Burwell-Callero made a motion to approve the Animals at School Policy.
Kelley Laliberte seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented the Animals at School Policy. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plan

Darcy Belleza introduced the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plan. 


Public Hearing of Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plan

Kathleen Burwell-Callero made a motion to go into Public Hearing of Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plan at 8:13 PM.
Lisa Jobe seconded the motion.
Emily Allen asked where the safety guidelines came from?  Darcy Belleza answered  that the January COVID-19 Plan came from California Department of Education guidelines.

This template is more of a broad narrative. We can revisit and revise the template in six months. 

Kathleen Burwell-Callero made a motion to end the Public Hearing at 8:21 PM. 
Kelley Laliberte seconded the motion. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Academic Excellence


Local Control and Accountability Plan 2021-2022

Keri Dalebout made a motion to approve the Local Control and Accountability Plan 2021-2022 including Expenditures.
Lisa Jobe seconded the motion.
Darcy Belleza presented the Local Control and Accountability Plan 2021-2022 including Expenditures. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Budget Overview for Parents 2021-2022

Lisa Jobe made a motion to approve the Budget Overview for Parents 2021-2022.
Kathleen Burwell-Callero seconded the motion.
Darcy Belleza presented the Budget Overview for Parents 2021-2022. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Student Freedom of Speech and Expression Policy

Lisa Jobe made a motion to approve the Student Freedom of Speech and Expression Policy.
Kelley Laliberte seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented the Student Freedom of Speech and Expression Policy. 

Emily Allen asked if this could become an issue with the Central schools because we share High School Virtual Academy with them. She wondered if a Central teacher would handle an issue the same way as one of our teachers. 

Darcy Belleza noted that this policy protects the school but also describes students' rights. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Sexual Health and HIV Prevention Policy

Keri Dalebout made a motion to approve the Sexual Health and HIV Prevention Policy.
Kelley Laliberte seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented the Sexual Health and HIV Prevention Policy.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Parent and Family Involvement Policy

Kathleen Burwell-Callero made a motion to approve the Parent and Family Involvement Policy.
Kelley Laliberte seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented the Parent and Family Involvement Policy. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Homeless Education Policy Review

The staff has conducted an annual review of the Homeless Education Policy. No updates have been made. 

V. Governance


Board Calendar for the 2021-2022 School Year (p. 213-214)

Lisa Jobe made a motion to approve the Board Calendar for the 2021-2022 School Year.
Keri Dalebout seconded the motion.
Jenell Sherman presented the Board Calendar for the 2021-2022 School Year. 
Board meetings will be Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Discussion and Potential Action on Stipend Amounts for Board Members

The Board stipend amount will stay the same as this year. 


Governing Board Vacancy

Darcy Belleza announced that we have no applicants at this time. Waiting until later in August may be a good time to reach out to parents.  

Emily Allen will send in her resume. 


Upcoming Compliance Items (p. 215-216)

Jenell Sherman shared the Upcoming Compliance Items provided by Darlington Ahaiwe. 


Conflict of Interest Policy

Jenell Sherman reviewed the Conflict of Interest Policy. The current Board members will sign in July. New members will sign as they begin their term. 

Using position as board member for financial or personal gain internally is not allowed. 
Outside influence is allowable and encouraged - i. e. letter of recommendation for college, job, etc. 

VI. Closing Items


Board of Director's Comments & Requests

Emily Allen reminded board members of the Self-Evaluations due in July. 

Board Member Self-Evaluations may need to be conducted in open session. Royce Gough suggested it may be done at the Board Retreat. 
Staff will confirm protocol. 

Emily Allen discussed Online Governance Academy. Asked all board members to have it completed by next board meeting. 


Announcement of Next Regular Scheduled Board Meeting

Kathleen Burwell-Callero made a motion to approve the Next Regular Scheduled Board Meeting is Wednesday, July 21 at 6:30 PM.  .
Kelley Laliberte seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Adjourn Meeting

Lisa Jobe made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Kathleen Burwell-Callero seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:14 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Emily Allen