Delta STEAM Academy
DSA Fundraising Committee October 2023 Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday October 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM
DELTA STEAM Academy Board of Directors is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting of the Fundraising Committee
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Committee Members Present
Berneta Churchill (remote), Ga'Von Harris (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Shawanda Brown
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Fundraising
Review of Fundraising Policy
School Fundraising Events
Fundraisers proposed by the school cannot occur without an approved policy.
Chair Churchill will confirm if a fundraiser is necessary to finance the Fall Festival and the reason funds are being collected.
Committee will suggest alternate means to finance the festival.
Board Fundraising Events
Committee recommends each Board member provides one company to contact for donations.
Considerations for companies that offer matching for 501c3.
The committee determined that Partnerships should be filtered through the Operations Committee as they require a review of policies and must be in compliance.
Chair Churchill shared a list of grants provided by the SCSC Fundraising Contact.
Committee members will follow-up on which grants support the mission of DSA.
Previous policy was not approved. No changes or amendments were received. Presently no fundraising policy exists. No fundraisers can occur without an approved policy.