Delta STEAM Academy
Academics Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday August 29, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Natoshia Anderson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Committee Members Present
Aletha Cherry (remote), Dr. Natoshia Anderson (remote), Kyera Perry (remote), Mary Jackson (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Ray James
During this section, the committee voted to add the DSA Administration Team as full voting members to the Academics team. They should be added to the Board on Track with full voting powers.
We also went through the rubric for the State of Georgia in detail and had a robust discussion on the parameters set before us as it relates to STEAM certification. We asked that the DSA Team tell us where they are in preparation for the journey to certification. They gave the steps they have taken thus far towards certification. PBL journey, culture journey, touring other schools, getting schools upgrades, and making incremental changes that will put them on the right track towards the certification journey. I let the committee know that this committee's work will be focused on assisting DSA on being successful in making positive forward progress toward certification.