Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday May 16, 2024 at 3:45 PM
3877 Lusk St., Oakland, CA 94608 (Oakland Military Institute College Preparatory Academy campus)
Room: B104
Teleconference: 25050 Highway 1, Jenner, CA 95450
In response to the expiration of Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, which temporarily suspended provisions of the Brown Act relating to public meetings, the Board will resume in-person board meetings.
In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring special assistance to access the board meeting should contact Carlos Rodriguez at crodriguez@omiacademy.org. Notifications of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable Oakland Military Institute to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the board meeting.
Directors Present
D. Clisham, J. Brown, J. Wire, M. Mares
Directors Absent
A. Campbell Washington, M. Baldwin
Guests Present
5 other participants, C. James, C. Rodriguez, J. Eischens (remote), K. Wong, M. Streshly, S. Chu, S. Lipsey
I. Opening Items
Roll Call
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment
Ordering of the Agenda
II. Approval of Consent Items
Minutes of March 14, 2024 Regular Meeting
OMI Bank Account Activity (March 1, 2024 to April 30, 2024)
Marc Mares asked if El Paseo was the BARR program that was eliminated and Dr. Streshly explained that the El Paseo was the agency that supports special ed at OMI.
Dr. Streshly answered Marc Mares' question about the Director of Dual Enrollment position not being on the salary schedule. This position was part of a grant and OMI is waiting to put it on the salary schedule until after the grant gets potentially approved.
Personnel Report
Joseph Wire asked if OMI administrative staff expect more vacancies going into the summer and Dr. Streshly answered with yes with interviews lined up.
New Contracts
Marc mares asked about the PowerSchool Naviance and who would be able to pull reports to see how effective this program is. The college and career counselor and Shawna Lipsey would be able to pull reports.
OMI alumni need to access the Naviance tracker and enter the information in for OMI to track their progress. In some cases, some students would not want to be tracked. Cost benefit analysis would be beneficial to implement for all the programs that OMI has to look to save money.
The reason for the choice of using the Sacramento County of Education Induction program was explained to be made because Alameda county does not have an induction program and the closest alternate (Contra Costa County) is more expensive.
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Complaint Forms
Marc Mares asked if the Board of Directors would be notified when a complaint had been filed using the forms and where they fit in the process.
Dr. Streshly explained that the complaint can technically go directly to the Board and then redirected to the staff processing. The Board of Directors would be in the stage of appeals in the case that it is needed.
Job Descriptions
After School Education and Safety Plan
Marc Mares explained that the ASES plan included HOTE and that language should be revisited if OMI has plans of doing their own after school program in the near future.
III. Student Board Member Report
Cadet Leadership Brief
C/MAJ Jose Delgado Castillo gave his first presentation as the new cadet commander to the Board of Directors.
The cadet headquarters staff has transitioned from the Ryan Ton-led team to the team that is now being led by Jose.
Some of the topics that Jose brought up came from the collaboration of the headquarters team included reducing the periods from seven to six and implementation of more advanced placement classes. The belief based on the current senior class schedule among the cadets in headquarters is that having seven periods is too many. They would like the periods to be reduced by one so that the seniors who have jobs, internships and other commitments can take care of those commitments.
Jose asked for the OMI admin team to consider having professional development trainings for the teachers that are going to be teaching the advanced placement classes. They want to have the teachers as prepared as possible to teach the subjects at the level that the cadets can pass these tests with the year long preparation. Jose suggested that there would be an advanced placement committee that would meet monthly.
He mentioned that OMI held a sports banquet in which OMI awarded the ELD reclassified students as well as the athletes that shined in their respective sports. Senior Sunset would be happening the day after the board meeting and would be held at Ocean Beach in San Francisco. This event would be held as a last time that these cadets would have a time to be together to end out the year. The day before the board meeting had nine cadets represent OMI at Coast Guard Island and present on the culture of Vietnam.
IV. Superintendent's Update
Superintendent's Update
Dr. Streshly acknowledged that the AP testing day had glitches and she would be working with the teachers involved to help mitigate the problem.
Dr. Streshly let the Board of Directors know that OMI paid for the Advanced Placement tests for the classes that needed to take them and some cadets did not show up to take these tests. Marc Mares asked if there could be a benchmark test that would allow OMI to see what cadets are on track to take the test and pass so OMI does not spend extra money on tests that could go unused.
Dr. Streshly is still working on getting data for the LCAP update. She needed more participation to have a more accurate representation of what the OMI community as a whole would like to see done in the next school year.
There was an awards night in which every student in the middle school got awarded for achievements for this year.
Joseph Wire asked the OMI staff to be vigilant of the language in the grants for clauses that have potential strings attached. Dr. Streshly acknowledged his request and has noted to go even deeper into the language necessarily.
New Candidate Update (w/ CMSgt (CA) Thomas James)
CMSgt Thomas James gave the presentation for the new candidate update with elements of enrollment mixed in. The projected number of returning students was 387 at a 93.5% return rate. This rate combined with the 214 accepted offers in Oakland Enrolls would amount to 601 students. He explained that OMI staff is still recruiting and engaging with the pending offers so they can be convinced to choose OMI.
160 of the 214 candidates have completed the introduction process and are ready for camp with only 54 candidates needing to finish the introduction.
Marc Mares suggested that there would be a more targeted approach to parents that are seeking OMI and charter schools. Governor Jerry Brown and CMSgt James explained that they will be taking their suggestions into consideration when they implement the social media, and digital strategies, campus tours and more.
V. Information/Discussion Items
Cashflow Update
Jacque gave the cashflow update to the Board of Directors.
Dr. Streshly started by giving praise to Jacque for her tremendous help with the LCAP and the transition from SchoolAbility and EdTec.
At the end of the year, Jacque will have a four year cashflow projection that will allow for the Board to see two different scenarios based on information from CSDC pertaining to COLAs.
She showed a graph that displayed expenses vs. revenue and mentioned that April showed a jump in revenue because OMI received payments that were not received in March.
Jacque explained that the capital projections are usually the lowest in the months of March and April so that is why those months dip in the graph followed by the spike in July when funds are received.
2024-2025 Board Meeting Dates DRAFT
The time change was a major focus on this draft. The later start time would allow for the Board of Directors to be more comfortably on time.
Additional dates were added while adjusting the dates to make the reporting deadline requirements for fiscal reports.
OMI staff will bring this back to the Board to finalize the dates and time for the next school/fiscal year.
VI. Action Items
Action/Discussion: Salary Schedule
The Facilities Manager position as well as the After School and Community Engagement Manager were added to the salary schedule. There were also adjustments to the number of days that certain positions need to be present. Stipends have been added for the additional years that someone has been an employee at OMI.
The CACC stipend was on the salary schedule for the members that are CACC members and they actively participate in CACC events or help with Saturday School. If they do not participate, they will not be given the stipend.
Graduation Requirement: Dual Enrollment
The class of 2026 will be the first class that will need to fulfill the three years of science as a requirement to graduate. The class of 2030 would be required to have at least five credits for ethnic studies (one semester worth).
OMI Admin Staff have been trying to partner with a community college to try to get ethnic studies classes to be co-taught and fulfill the dual enrollment aspect.
In order to reign in the potential for cadets to have a long day, OMI asked the Board to count some of the dual enrollment classes for the A-G requirements for OMI credits with administrative pre-approval.
Approve Governing Board Member Terms
Approve Appointment Of Board Officers
Consolidated Application
VII. Board Member Comments
Board Member Comments
Marc Mares asked if the Board could be given a list of college/universities that the cadets that graduated will be going to.
There were no comments at this board meeting.