Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 14, 2024 at 3:45 PM


3877 Lusk St., Oakland, CA 94608 (Oakland Military Institute College Preparatory Academy campus)

Room: B104

In response to the expiration of Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, which temporarily suspended provisions of the Brown Act relating to public meetings, the Board will resume in-person board meetings.


In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring special assistance to access the board meeting should contact Carlos Rodriguez at crodriguez@omiacademy.org. Notifications of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable Oakland Military Institute to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the board meeting.

Directors Present

A. Campbell Washington, D. Clisham, J. Brown, J. Wire, M. Baldwin, M. Mares

Directors Absent


Guests Present

8 extra participants, C. James, C. Rodriguez, J. Eischens (remote), K. Wong, M. Streshly, S. Chu, S. Lipsey

I. Opening Items


Roll Call


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Brown called a meeting of the board of directors of Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy to order on Thursday Mar 14, 2024 at 3:51 PM.


Public Comment

No public comment was given at this board meeting.


Ordering of the Agenda

J. Wire made a motion to change the order of the agenda to have the Second Interim report and the Stanford Act Tool presentation moved up in the meeting.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.

Due to time constraints for two of the board members, the 2023-2024 Second Interim Financial Report & Multi Year Projections (VII-A) and the Stanford Business Alum Project to Develop Financial Modeling Tool (VI-B) were moved to the consent items as item III-F.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Approval of Consent Items


Minutes of February 15, 2023 Regular Meeting

D. Clisham made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 02-15-24.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


OMI Bank Account Activity (February 1, 2024 to February 29, 2024)

D. Clisham made a motion to approve the OMI bank account activity from February 1, 2024 to February 29, 2024.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Personnel Report

D. Clisham made a motion to approve the personnel report.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.

Joseph Wire asked about the class vacancies that were on the personnel report. He asked if those vacancies were actively being searched for. Dr. Streshly mentioned that the position is still posted for hire but in the mean time, there is a long term substitute in the biology  and ELD classroom. The interviews were being shifted for the next school year hire.


Marc Mares asked about the vacancy in the Special Education aide position and Kathryn Wong confirmed that the position was being filled soon. Someone was already hired and would start as early as the 21st of March. Marc also asked about what the strategy was for next year to retain faculty. Dr. Streshly explained that there are many ways like attending job fairs and adding a demo lesson and additional questions to the interview process.


Kathryn Wong explained that the exit interview process is being worked on so that it is refined for when an employee departs OMI.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


2023-2024 Education Protection Act Expenditure Plan

D. Clisham made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 Education Protection Act Expenditure Plan.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


ASES Grant Award Notification

D. Clisham made a motion to approve the receipt of the ASES grant award.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Student Board Member Report


Cadet Leadership Brief

C/MAJ Ryan Ton gave his last presentation as the current cadet commander. He introduced his successor to be C/MAJ Jose Delgado Castillo. C/MAJ Delgado will be giving his first presentation at the May 16, 2024 board meeting.


OMI is close to achieving the goal of having every cadet be a sergeant at minimum, only having three cadets left at the time of the board meeting. Ryan mentioned that fifteen of the seniors that applied to the Oakland Promise Scholarship qualified and have since applied for the merit based program for that scholarship. Ryan praised Tim Murray, school counselor, for helping with the scholarship applications.


Ryan mentioned that cadet Jocelynn Nguyen was awarded a full ride ROTC scholarship that would allow her to pick any college/university that she wanted that has an ROTC program to attend. OMI held a ceremony for her on campus and invited high level figures of the community to attend. Only three cadets in the Bay Area were awarded this prestigious scholarship.


College/University acceptance decisions have begun to start coming out and others have yet to come out so the senior class continues to wait.


Ryan praised Anthony Miller, teacher, for helping the senior class with their thesis statements.


OMI had the annual general inspection and was congratulated for having an attentive and active cadet body, trending upwards from the COVID pandemic.


Ryan spoke with the founder of the Hack Club and the founder was excited to try and cultivate a relationship with OMI to bring the program to the school.

IV. Superintendent's Update



Dr. Streshly explained that OMI was currently pursuing about $1.5 million in grants over the next coming months.


These grants would allow for OMI to strengthen the partnerships with Merritt College and CSU Maritime and in effect will support the strengthening of the Governor's Baccalaureate Diploma pathway.


OMI will be hosting the summer entrance camp at CSU Maritime campus and were pursuing the possibility of having future graduations there as well. 

V. Information/Discussion Items


Cashflow Update


Stanford Business Alum Project to Develop Financial Modeling Tool

Ron Bannerman explained what the Stanford Alumni Consulting Team (SACT) is and does for nonprofit organizations like Oakland Military Institute.  There was a timeline that was set for the SACT and OMI partnership that would allow for a fully functioning tool to be created (September to March).


OMI can use this financial tool to integrate variables to see how the outcome changes based on topics like enrollment numbers. This model is made to be a six year model with the key assumptions that would alter the outcomes.


This model displayed that with a 600 student enrollment count, the deficit could begin to fizzle out and turn to positive.


Ron Bannerman was presented with a certificate of recognition for his commendable effort and collaboration for the development and implementation of a financial modeling tool.


Lottery-Waitlist Update

CMSgt Thomas James gave a presentation of the then current enrollment numbers.


OMI was working on the intent to return collections to determine how many cadets were planning to stay with the school. CMSgt James and his team are constantly monitoring Oakland Enrolls for updated acceptances and withdrawals so OMI can gage the projected numbers. He and his staff are calling the families that have accepted or denied the offer letter so they can determine if this is a potential cadet or not.

VI. Action Items


Approve 2023-2024 Second Interim Financial Report & Multi Year Projections

A. Campbell Washington made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 Second Interim Financial Report & Multi Year Projections.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.

Jacque explained that in four of the five fiscal years that were shown, OMI would exceed the revenue coming in causing the cash reserves to decrease. The figures used were from what is currently available and did not include the cost of living adjustments that will be given out.


There is a difference in the ending cash and the ending fund balance because the revenue does not come in at the same time as the expenses go out. OMI will be receiving funds in July that is for the previous fiscal year.


The breakdown of the revenue consisted of LCFF, federal, state, nutrition services and local sources. The breakdown of expenditures consisted of interest, certificated salaries, classified salaries, benefits, supplies and materials for non capitalized equipment, depreciation, and other services and operations.


There was a very small change between the first and second interims. That change was a reduction in salaries due to position vacancies.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn to Closed Session

The OMI Board of Directors adjourned to enter closed session at 5:57 pm.


Reconvene to Open Session

The OMI Board of Directors reconvened to open session at 6:35 pm.


No action was taken during the closed session.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:36 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Brown
M. Mares made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.