Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday February 15, 2024 at 3:45 PM
3877 Lusk St., Oakland, CA 94608 (Oakland Military Institute College Preparatory Academy campus)
Room: B104
In response to the expiration of Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, which temporarily suspended provisions of the Brown Act relating to public meetings, the Board will resume in-person board meetings.
In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring special assistance to access the board meeting should contact Carlos Rodriguez at crodriguez@omiacademy.org. Notifications of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable Oakland Military Institute to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the board meeting.
Directors Present
A. Campbell Washington, D. Clisham, J. Brown, M. Mares
Directors Absent
J. Wire, M. Baldwin
Guests Present
13 other participants, C. James, C. Rodriguez, J. Eischens (remote), S. Chu, S. Lipsey, V. Salazar
I. Opening Items
Roll Call
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment
Ordering of the Agenda
Before the meeting, since there was no quorum yet by 3:45pm and C/MAJ Ryan Ton had time constraints, the Board of Directors present decided to allow Ryan Ton to give his presentation before the board meeting started. Therefore, the Cadet Leadership Brief was removed from the agenda.
II. Approval of Consent Items
Minutes of December 14, 2023 Regular Meeting
OMI Bank Account Activity (December 1, 2023- January 31, 2024)
Marc Mares asked LTC Vincent Salazar if the bank report could be presented from highest to lowest value instead of by date. LTC Salazar agreed to pass on the information to Jacque Eischens.
Personnel Report
Marc Mares asked about the transition of a cadre member to being a long term substitute. CMSgt (CA) Thomas James explained that SSG Sinead Wiley was in fact transitioning over and that she was a great addition to the team.
Marc Mares also asked about the two vacancies: ELD and Biology. Shawna Lipsey explained that the students in ELD are close to reclassifying so they were placed in an integrated class. A long term substitute is in the classroom for the biology class and these two jobs are posted.
New Contracts
III. Student Board Member Report
Cadet Leadership Brief
Before the meeting, since there was no quorum yet by 3:45pm and C/MAJ Ryan Ton had time constraints, the Board of Directors present decided to allow Ryan Ton to give his presentation before the board meeting started. Therefore, the Cadet Leadership Brief was removed from the agenda.
C/MAJ Ryan Ton explained that the seniors were heavily focused on the FAFSA application during the month of January. Ryan mentioned that seniors had an exercise where they would have mock interviews in Rachel Mahlke's classes. This activity helped them with gaining experience of the interview process.
Five cadets helped with the January 13, 2024 cadet recruitment event at the Alameda Farmer's Market. These cadets helped with conveying the experience of what it is like to be an OMI cadet as well as aided in giving out OMI swag.
Ryan mentioned that the Annual General Inspection (AGI) for the school was coming up on March 14 and cadets will be helping to make sure that the event goes smoothly.
The Cadet Leadership has a goal to have most to all cadets reach a sergeant level before they graduate so they are exposing the cadets to the process of ranking up.
The Military Ball was held at the Asian Pacific Cultural Center on February 16, 2024 followed by the Chinese New Year parade held in San Francisco.
Applications are being reviewed so the next cadet commander can be chosen.
Jerry Brown let the OMI Staff know that he wanted them to look over the standards and practices for the concurrent enrollment high school credit.
IV. Superintendent's Update
Board Governance Calendar Draft Concept
Carlos Rodriguez, CMSgt Thomas James and LTC Vincent Salazar gave the Superintendent's Update because Dr. Streshly was sick and did not attend the meeting.
OMI Staff explained that they were fulfilling the request of the OMI Board of Directors of having a governance calendar that would show the deadlines for certain reports and our lines of effort for each month of the school year.
V. Information/Discussion Items
Cashflow Update
Jerry Brown asked about the month of January expressing that there were rolled funds to a new CD account. Jacque Eischens explained that there was a new CD account opened because the previous account expired. The old and new CD accounts were each three months.
Student Recruitment/ Lottery Update
Odua Isibor began by letting the Board of Directors know the recruitment efforts that were made for the previous school year and compared them to this year's efforts.
A lot of on the ground efforts were made in the previous year like going to the Chinese New Year parade and sent out many mailers.
This year, the recruitment efforts were a combination of traditional in person and mail and a digital presence that would reach more people. There were mailers in multiple languages, billboards on the I-880 freeway, BART advertisements, and campus tours.
The Media Company LLC's efforts gathered a total of 824 leads (at the time of the board meeting) and 250 applications were Rank 1 applications, meaning families chose OMI as their first option in the Oakland Enrolls portal. The landing page that was set up is the central hub for seeing how many people consumed the recruitment efforts and took the extra step to use the QR code and inquire more. Once the people have accessed the landing page and enjoy what they see, then they can put in their contact information to be contacted more.
Phone calls have started to be made to the applicants that have applied and have chosen OMI as one of their schools of choice. Cadets and OMI Staff are calling the on time applicants and are doing their part to show them that OMI is the school that will give their students the college advantage.
LCAP Goals Mid Year Progress Report
Cindy Murphy showed the board the shifts and improvements for the scores of each grade on RenStar and ICA testing. These tests were administered so that the school can see what the cadets needed more help on and what they are excelling at.
Cindy Murphy explained that what the school wants to see is the red bar to get lower and the blue and green bars to go higher. The RenStar and the CAASPP tests are similar and OMI uses the RenStar test to prepare the cadets for the end of the year test. The ICA test that was administered by the teachers recently helped give another perspective of how the cadets were progressing throughout the school year.
Cindy Murphy broke down the scores for each test for each grade to show to the Board that OMI has seen improvement. The "approaching met" and the "met or exceeded" standards blocks increased in the grades.
The cadets were giving these tests that were designed to contain the content of the entire curriculum for the year. The scores reflect the knowledge of the cadets based on what point the cadets took the tests. The tests were taken in December, that being mid year.
The ninth grade cadets do not take the CAASPP test at the end of the year, only the eleventh grade cadets do. Therefore, the ninth graders took an eleventh grade test. Based on the yearly comparisons, OMI has seen growth in younger standout cadets. OMI will use those results as a foundation for calculating the path of those cadets.
Shann Chu explained the goals of the LCAP and what has been done to enhance those goals. The implementation of testing and adding coaches were used to supplement the learning of the cadets.
Shann Chu showed the dashboards for both OMI and OUSD side by side to compare the performances of certain criteria that OMI is judged on. Areas of focus included graduation rates, English Learner progress, suspension rate, and chronic absenteeism among others.
CMSgt Thomas James explained that the engagement from the cadets reached 300+ on the California Healthy Kids Survey. The purpose of the survey was to bridge the achievement gap and the survey gave the school administrators the ability to see what the climate of the school was like. Anne Washington asked about the chronic sadness statistic that was mentioned in the survey, asking if the lower number meant that cadets were happier and CMSgt James confirmed that this was the case.
School Accountability Report Card [SARC]
Under the direction of the Board of Directors, this item was skipped because the Superintendent was not at the meeting and was already discussed in the December 15, 2023.
Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Audit Report
Kyle Holtz explained that OMI was awarded unmodified opinion for the audit. Based on the passing of ASC-842, auditors are responsible for disclosing new liabilities. The liabilities have always been present but now the auditors need to disclose the liabilities in the audits. In this case, the liabilities that were being reported is the current cost for the installation of the mobile modular building.
LTC Vincent Salazar also mentioned that the deferred revenue is counted as a liability until the money comes in. The money was received and is in the cache but has not been used yet.
VI. Action Items
Approve the Comprehensive School Safety Plan
This plan is for the all of the safety initiatives that need to be done at the school.
Approve Financial Software, Human Resources + Back Office Support Contract
Ed Tec focuses on charter school support and has been helping for over 20 years, being founded in Oakland.
Due to the low number of clients at one time, Ed Tec can focus on helping their clients with more proactive help.
Marc Mares asked about what the potential, if any, cost savings there would be from implementing a partnership with Ed Tec. There would be a cost savings of about $40,000-$50,000 for switching finance software providers from SchoolAbility to Ed Tec. This would also eliminate the current $10,000 CalPads contract that OMI currently has.
Jacque Eischens would stay on for a month or two to help close the books while the transition is in effect.
Measure G1 Application 2024
This is the application for the 35% of the amount that Measure G1 will give OMI. This money will be used for the continued 0.50 FTE of Middle School Mental Health Counselor.
Action/Discussion: Mathematics Placement Policy
The Board of Directors approved the Mathematics Placement policy with the addendum of language: "Accelerated placements will be carefully considered and are encouraged on a case by case basis."
No public comments.