Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 14, 2023 at 3:45 PM


3877 Lusk St., Oakland, CA 94608 (Oakland Military Institute College Preparatory Academy campus)

Room: B104

In response to the expiration of Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, which temporarily suspended provisions of the Brown Act relating to public meetings, the Board will resume in-person board meetings.


In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring special assistance to access the board meeting should contact Carlos Rodriguez at crodriguez@omiacademy.org. Notifications of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable Oakland Military Institute to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the board meeting.

Directors Present

A. Campbell Washington, D. Clisham, J. Brown, J. Wire, M. Baldwin, M. Mares

Directors Absent


Guests Present

35 other participants, C. James, C. Rodriguez, J. Eischens, K. Wong, M. Streshly, S. Chu, S. Lipsey (remote)

I. Opening Items


Roll Call


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Brown called a meeting of the board of directors of Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy to order on Thursday Dec 14, 2023 at 3:52 PM.


Public Comment

No public comment was given at this board meeting.


Ordering of the Agenda

J. Wire made a motion to preserve the current order of the agenda as no changes were suggested.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Brown
A. Campbell Washington
D. Clisham
J. Wire
M. Mares
M. Baldwin

II. Approval of Consent Items


Minutes of November 30, 2023 Regular Meeting

M. Baldwin made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 11-30-23.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Wire
D. Clisham
J. Brown
A. Campbell Washington
M. Mares
M. Baldwin


OMI Bank Account Activity (November 1, 2023- November 30, 2023)

M. Baldwin made a motion to approve the OMI bank account activity for November 1-Novermber 30, 2023.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Clisham
M. Mares
J. Brown
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
A. Campbell Washington


Personnel Report

M. Baldwin made a motion to approve the personnel report.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Baldwin
J. Wire
D. Clisham
A. Campbell Washington
J. Brown
M. Mares


New Contracts

M. Baldwin made a motion to approve the new contracts.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
D. Clisham
J. Brown
M. Mares
A. Campbell Washington


2023-2024 Winter Consolidated Application Report

M. Baldwin made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 Winter Consolidated Application Report.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Mares
J. Brown
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
D. Clisham

III. Student Board Member Report


Cadet Leadership Brief

Cadet Captain Jennifer Tran gave a brief presentation of the past events that OMI has had as well as upcoming events that OMI cadets are anticipating.  


OMI had successful events at the school level and the state level. The state level events included extreme team challenges and the Recondo where cadets could interact with other state cadets and earn awards.


The past week had a successful Winter Showcase where OMI hosted all the families of prospective families and families of the performers for the night. OMI had countless interactions with the prospective families and even had families sign up for additional tours.


In October, OMI had the PSAT and SAT tests for the cadets that were trying to get ready for their college decisions. 10 OMI cadets scored higher than the national average in the SAT and 11 cadets scored better than the national average on the PSAT.


Jennifer mentioned that there was feedback about the SAT from the Cadet Leadership group. She mentioned that taking the SAT should not be mandated for all cadets because some of the cadets do not want to take the test. In turn, she believes that the PSAT should be mandatory so that the cadets can experience what the real test will feel like and they could choose if they want to take it.


The Cadet Leadership conducted a classroom climate survey in which they asked what the cadets' favorite class was and the like.


Next semester, OMI has events slated to boost cadet morale including the Golden Paw Initiative. This will allow the teachers to recognize as many cadets that they want to get this award. 


Joseph Wire asked how the Superintendent and the Cadet Leadership group were handling communication between each other. Dr. Streshly explained that the Commandant and the Superintendent have a luncheon with the Cadet Leadership and plan out events and discuss issues.

IV. Superintendent's Update


Staff of the Year Recognition

Educators and staff were recognized for their efforts in the years that they have worked at OMI. These staff members were called up one by one to get their certificate, words from the Superintendent and a photo taken with the Board Chairman, Honorable Edmund G. Brown.


The following staff were recognized by the OMI Superintendent, the Commandant, and Governor Brown.


Joseph Musongong

Ismael Robles

Rachel Mahlke

Valmiria Amaya

Alvaro Hernandez

Gabrielle Harmon

Cherina Medina

Kathryn Wong

V. Staff of the Year Recognition Reception [ Intermission ]



A time was given to the Board of Directors, honorees, and their families to have a chance to congratulate the staff members after they were given their awards. 

VI. Information/Discussion Items


Cashflow Update

OMI staff monitor the cashflow monthly for any changes of significance.


In October and November, unexpected funds were acquired making the actuals more than the expenses in these months. 


Marc Mares asked about the million dollars that was put in a CD account. He wanted to know what the plan was when the CD term expired. He suggested that the OMI staff look into finding high yielding savings accounts to put that money in so that the money is not tied down but also gaining money. Jacque Eischens suggested that the OMI staff, herself, and some of the board members with financial backgrounds to have a meeting.


The Board of Directors previously asked Jacque to give them a visual representation of the cashflow for a couple of years in the future based on projections. She gave them a slide that included up to June 2025. The spikes would be for the times that funding would be given to the school. Governor Brown mentioned that the school would be able to maintain the $2.5 million over the next coming years.


Student Recruitment Plan for 2024-2025

Odua Isibor and Emily Matthews gave the Board Directors a breakdown of the student recruitment campaign.


The mission of the campaign that Emily and Odua are spearheading is to track the interactions that the school is having based on advertisements and events that are being made to spread the college advantage aspect of the school.


Paid media like flyers, bard advertisements have helped in capturing peoples' attention and redirected them to OMI websites like oakmil.org and oakmiltour.org.


The campaign program designed their mailers and other flyers based on the feedback and visual recommendations of the people that engaged with these communication forms. 


The BART advertisements are not only in the stations but in the trains so the reach for the advertisements is vast. The advertisements have a QR code that allows the consumer to reach our websites and hopefully be compelled enough to access Oakland Enrolls and apply for the school.


Odua and Emily have been tracking the amount of unique visitors access the oakmiltour.org website from the QR Code on the various advertisements and have had 2,100 unique page visits as of the December 14, 2023 board meeting. The website connected to the advertisements prompts the visitor to give OMI their information to pursue relationships with those families.


The medium that was chosen to be used was Facebook because feedback from cadets and families say that the most common application that parents used to get their daily information was Facebook.


Cadets will be used in the recruitment events and the cadets will be able to gain community service hours and valuable communication skills.


Marc Mares explained his opinion that he thinks the recruitment process should include parent spokepersons.

VII. Action Items


Approve First Interim Budget Report

J. Wire made a motion to approve the First Interim Budget Report.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.

The enrollment that was used in the First Interim report was 520 and the average daily attendance was 483, making that a 93% ADA.


OMI has a 25% revenue reserve.


Expenditures were distributed and totaled $10,993,798. Some expenses included salaries, operating costs and more. Benefits for PERS and STRS contribute to the expenses that the school has to cover.


Increasing the enrollment numbers will help with diminishing the deficit in the coming years.


Several large decreases in expenses for certain aspects of school spending will help the school decrease the deficit, like technology upgrades.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Mares
J. Brown
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
D. Clisham
M. Baldwin


Consideration of Employee Cost of Living Allowance for 2023-2024 (COLA)

J. Wire made a motion to approve the 5% COLA increase for the staff at OMI, retroactive to their start date in fiscal year 2023-2024.
D. Clisham seconded the motion.

This cost of living adjustment was paramount for OMI to remain competitive in the staff recruiting landscape. This will be a 5% increase to the salaries of the staff that will include retroactive pay back to the 2023-2024 contract start dates.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Brown
M. Baldwin
J. Wire
M. Mares
A. Campbell Washington
D. Clisham


Superintendent's Contract

J. Wire made a motion to approve the cost of living adjustment increase for the Superintendent Contract.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Mares
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
D. Clisham
J. Brown
A. Campbell Washington


Approve School Accountability Report Card [SARC]

J. Wire made a motion to approve School Accountability Report Card with the caveat that staff bring it back as an informational item in February.
D. Clisham seconded the motion.

The School Accountability Report Card was missing certain data that was not available until after December 15, 2023. OMI staff will bring back the SARC report back to the Board of Directors in the February board meeting.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Mares
J. Brown
J. Wire
D. Clisham
M. Baldwin
A. Campbell Washington


First Reading/Action: Attendance Supervision Board Policy

M. Mares made a motion to approve the attendance policy with the addition of the language that cadets can be dismissed for not adhering to the military standards set by the California Military Department.
J. Wire seconded the motion.

OMI staff brought the attendance policy to the Board to be in compliance. Some of the information regarding attendance was in the Cadet Handbook but was out of date so this is an effort to bring the policy up to date.


Jerry Brown mentioned that the OMI staff should include the language from a California law that states that any charter school having working cooperation with the National Guard can add that any cadet that does not adhere to the military standards as set by the California Military Department can be dismissed from the school. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Baldwin
J. Brown
M. Mares
D. Clisham
J. Wire

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:37 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Brown
M. Mares made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
D. Clisham seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Brown
M. Baldwin
M. Mares
D. Clisham
J. Wire