Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday June 8, 2023 at 4:15 PM


3877 Lusk St., Oakland, CA 94608 (Oakland Military Institute College Preparatory Academy campus) 


Room: B104


Teleconference: 1522 Terracina Dr El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

In response to the expiration of Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, which temporarily suspended provisions of the Brown Act relating to public meetings, the Board will resume in-person board meetings.


In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring special assistance to access the board meeting should contact Carlos Rodriguez at crodriguez@omiacademy.org. Notifications of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable Oakland Military Institute to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the board meeting.


All in-person meeting attendees, wearing a well-fitted mask that covers the nose and mouth without gaps is strongly recommended but not required.

Directors Present

A. Campbell Washington, D. Clisham, J. Breckenridge, J. Brown, J. Wire, M. Baldwin (remote), M. Mares

Directors Absent


Guests Present

8 other participants, C. James, C. Rodriguez, J. Eischens (remote), K. Wong, M. Streshly, R. Runyan (remote), S. Lipsey

I. Open Session


Call to Order

II. Opening Items


Roll Call


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Brown called a meeting of the board of directors of Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy to order on Thursday Jun 8, 2023 at 4:20 PM.


Public Comment

Public Comment #1: Bill Tran wanted to speak on the Agendized Item, Public Hearing: Proposed Budget. He wanted to know when the students would see the improvements that will come with the increased funding due to the enrollment numbers rising. He wanted to know if more activities and more sports were coming to OMI because of the funding changes.


Public Comment #2:  Diego Venegas asked about changes in the classroom. He asked what type of changes will students see in the classroom because of the newest hire of the Director of Teaching and Learning, Mr. Shann Chu.


Jerry Brown praised the rising sophomore students that came to give public comment because they were some of the first students to do so.


Ordering of the Agenda

J. Breckenridge made a motion to maintain the order of the agenda as it was presented at 4:26 pm.
M. Mares seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Wire
M. Mares
A. Campbell Washington
M. Baldwin
J. Brown
D. Clisham
J. Breckenridge

III. Approval of Consent Items


Minutes of May 11, 2023 Regular Meeting

J. Breckenridge made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 05-11-23.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Baldwin
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
J. Brown
M. Mares
J. Breckenridge
D. Clisham


Personnel Report

J. Breckenridge made a motion to approve the Personnel Report.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
J. Brown
J. Breckenridge
M. Mares
D. Clisham


New Contracts

J. Breckenridge made a motion to approve the 4 new contracts (Mark Basnage, SchoolAbility, Jane Schaffer, Read 180).
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Clisham
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
J. Brown
J. Breckenridge
M. Mares

IV. Superintendent's Update


End of the Year Report

Dr. Mary Streshly introduced the newest cadet commander and cadet board member, Ryan Ton. She mentioned that Ryan will be a part of the voting process except for the confidential and legal matters starting in the fall semester. 


Dr. Streshly explained that there are plans in place to have a student update at every meeting so that the Board of Directors are informed of what is happening from the student perspective.


Cadet First Lieutenant (C/1LT) Ryan Ton introduced himself as the brigade commander for the 2023-2024 school year. He explained that OMI was having the first of two entrance camps for the incoming middle school candidates and the attendance was "pretty good." He explained that the new candidates had a chance to learn about different aspects like basic CACC knowledge, drills and ceremonies, and the history of OMI. The candidates were taken on a trip to Camp Parks so that they can experience something new and develop group morale/trust.


The candidates who did not have the opportunity to pass the camp in June will have a second chance to complete camp in July.


The Wednesday that passed before the board meeting marked the final major review from the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education direct technical assistance report of OMI. Dr. Streshly came in the tail end of the process but CCEE had been working with OMI for years to this point. The CCEE gave OMI indications at areas that needed improvement and gave praise in other areas that saw growth. Dr. Ting Sun and Dr. Streshly worked together to give updates to the CCEE that improvement was shown in the areas that needed enhanced focus.


With the retirement of the CFO, Joe Wire, Dr. Streshly and others got together to explain how the transition would be working. A fiscal services organizational chart was discussed to be made and shown at the June 22, 2023 Board meeting. A management organizational chart will be made and shown at a later date. A management retreat was scheduled so that the team could get together and discuss how to take on the upcoming school year. 


The Director of Teaching and Learning position was recently filled by Shann Chu. This position was opened in order for Dr. Streshly to be able to go support teachers and students in the classroom. Being able to observe how the material is being taught and how the students are retaining the information would be a good way for the Superintendent to plan ahead for interventions that will help in aiding student learning. Shann Chu introduced himself and explained that right now he is trying to observe as much as possible and will act upon that information gathered.


Dr. Streshly expressed her content with where OMI was in the pursuit of attaining staff members in the summer.


In regards to dual enrollment and Advanced Placement classes, there is an appeal to prospective students for both so OMI should explore seeing if both types of classes are offered.

V. Information/Discussion Items


Summer School Update

Tim Murray gave an update on how summer school was going.


Summer school attendance projections came out to 52 students and all but 4 students attended. Since summer school had a strict attendance policy, those four students were disenrolled from the program.


The high school program would roughly take 50-60 hours to complete a semester's worth of work. Some students reported back that the program's guided notes and the instructional videos helped tremendously. The middle school enacted a blended learning math opportunity to help with credit recovery.


Some of the classes offered were English, Math, Spanish, History, Science, physical education, and military science. 


Exit tickets and placement tests will be given at the end of the summer school session in order to test proficiency of the topics learned.


2023 Graduates "At A Glance"

60 seniors out of 60 seniors were able to walk during the graduation. 


35 of the 60 seniors are going to be attending 4 year colleges and some received financial aid that would cover 100% of their tuition.


75% of the graduating class completed the A-G requirements and were eligible to be accepted into 4 year colleges. This percentage is up from the previous year by 16% with the goal to raise the percentage to 100%.


One goal for the next school year is to submit 100% of student applications to the Oakland Promise Scholarship and others so that as much help is given to the students financially.


The students took exit surveys when they graduated and gave valuable feedback that will help with the furthering of the education of the upper classpersons ready for graduation.

VI. Public Hearing


2023-2024 Proposed Budget

Jacque Eischens gave a synopsis of the 2023-2024 proposed budget.


She highlighted the May revision for the Board. She mentioned that the proposed Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase would be coming out of the reduction to the Arts, Music, and Instructional materials discretionary block grants (one time fundings).


She mentioned that the high inflation, increased interest rates amongst other things are being forecasted so there is waiting to see what the state of California is going to adopt for their budget.


Marc Mares asked about the potential of bank failures and if Bridge Bank could be looked at by Jacque to bring information back to the board. 


The original budget summary was projected with an enrollment count of 525 students and an average daily attendance percentage of 94%.


The small revenue deficit was due to the estimated actuals that were projected by the enrollment numbers and the attendance percentage.


She showed a breakdown of the LCFF funding based on grades 6th, 7-8th, and 9th-12th based on the prior recommendation from the Board. She explained the breakdown in the original budget revenue was based on LCFF, state special revenue, federal special revenue funds, and local funds.


There was one time funding that was not used in the 2022-2023 fiscal year that will be moved over to the 2023-2024 school/fiscal year.


Jacque expressed that OMI would be able to meet the financial obligations and maintain reserves for the next couple of years, based on the multiyear projections.


Public Comment #1: Bill Tran asked how the increased recruitment efforts and the increased funding will be seen by the students? He asked if more activities will be had. He also expressed that he wanted more communication in order for students to come to the board meetings.


OMI 2023-2024 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

The board adopted a 5 year LCAP plan in the previous year.


The WASC was also mirrored to the LCAP goals and as a collaborative effort between administrators and teachers, faculty, and community members.


The LCAP is the deep implementation of the recently completed year's launch of initiatives. OMI has seen changes and improvements but are at the beginning of the journey for overall improvement.


OMI used consultants that helped with the training of teachers and help of students. Since they came into the school year, OMI has a limited sample of the results but the results are trending in the positive direction.


The goal to go 1 to 1 with Chromebooks for students is trying to be materialized because students need Chromebooks to do their work in and out of school.


With the goal of beautifying the school and making the campus/school feel like a safe place, OMI is in the process of building a middle school wellness center. Also, an athletic budget has been made for building more activities and intermurals for the students.

VII. Action Items


2023-2024 Board Dates

J. Wire made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 board meeting dates with the amendment that the meetings will now start at 3:45 pm.
J. Breckenridge seconded the motion.

Per the discussion of the Board and the OMI staff, four board meeting dates were removed. Dr. Streshly also changed around how the latter meetings were scheduled because of the recommendation of the Board. There will be two meetings in May and only one meeting in June.


An amendment was added to the 2023-2024 board meeting dates. 


Instead of board meetings starting at 4:15 pm, they will now be starting at 3:45pm.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Baldwin
A. Campbell Washington
D. Clisham
M. Mares
J. Breckenridge
J. Brown
J. Wire


Approve Form 990 + California Tax Return

J. Wire made a motion to approve the Form 990 + California Tax Return.
D. Clisham seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Brown
A. Campbell Washington
M. Baldwin
M. Mares
J. Breckenridge
J. Wire
D. Clisham


Second Reading/Action: Superintendent Contract Approval Limit Policy

J. Breckenridge made a motion to approve the Superintendent Contract Approval Limit Policy.
M. Mares seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
D. Clisham
M. Mares
A. Campbell Washington
J. Brown
J. Breckenridge

VIII. Board Member Comments


Financial Statements

Joe Wire reiterated that there was an understanding in the past that the cashflow and the OMI bank activity would be displayed at every meeting.


Dr. Streshly explained that the timing of the board meeting would not allow for a comprehensive bank activity report and cashflow update.


Jerry Brown mentioned that he helped OMI with getting tax exemptions on property tax by telling the staff to file the annual tax exemption.


Admiral Jody Breckenridge gave the OMI staff praise for the detail in the documents that were presented to the board.


Marc Mares also gave praise to the OMI staff especially for the LCAP document and acknowledged that OMI needs to keep the strong relationship with the military aspect of the school so that OMI sets itself apart from other schools.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

J. Breckenridge made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
M. Mares seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Mares
J. Brown
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
J. Breckenridge
D. Clisham
M. Baldwin
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:14 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Brown