Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 13, 2023 at 4:15 PM


Oakland Military Institute College Preparatory Academy Regimental Hall

3877 Lusk Street, Oakland, CA 94608


Teleconference: 916-834-1162

In response to the expiration of Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, which temporarily suspended provisions of the Brown Act relating to public meetings, the Board will resume in-person board meetings.


In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring special assistance to access the board meeting should contact Carlos Rodriguez at crodriguez@omiacademy.org. Notifications of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable Oakland Military Institute to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the board meeting.


All in-person meeting attendees, wearing a well-fitted mask that covers the nose and mouth without gaps is strongly recommended but not required.

Directors Present

A. Campbell Washington, D. Clisham, J. Breckenridge, J. Brown, M. Baldwin (remote), M. Mares

Directors Absent

J. Wire

Guests Present

2 online participants (remote), 5 in person participants, C. James, C. Rodriguez, K. Wong, M. Streshly, S. Lipsey, V. Salazar

I. Opening Items


Roll Call


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Brown called a meeting of the board of directors of Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy to order on Thursday Apr 13, 2023 at 4:24 PM.


Public Comment

There were no public comments.


Ordering of the Agenda

J. Breckenridge made a motion to keep the current order of the agenda.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Breckenridge
J. Brown
M. Mares
A. Campbell Washington
M. Baldwin
D. Clisham
J. Wire

II. Approval of Consent Items


Minutes of March 16, 2023 Regular Meeting

M. Baldwin made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 03-16-23.
J. Breckenridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
A. Campbell Washington
J. Brown
J. Breckenridge
M. Mares
D. Clisham


OMI Bank Account Activity (March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023)

M. Baldwin made a motion to approve the OMI Bank Account Activity from March 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023.
J. Breckenridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Baldwin
J. Breckenridge
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
D. Clisham
J. Brown
M. Mares


Personnel Report

M. Baldwin made a motion to approve the personnel report.
J. Breckenridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Breckenridge
D. Clisham
M. Mares
J. Brown
J. Wire
A. Campbell Washington
M. Baldwin


New Contracts

M. Baldwin made a motion to approve the new contracts presented to the OMI Board.
J. Breckenridge seconded the motion.

Jody Breckenridge asked about the contract that was for painting of the rails. She asked what OMI classified as an in-house facilities job and what needs to be contracted out.


Thomas James explained to the board that once a week, he and others sit down for a facilities meeting in which they discuss the facility needs. The reason for the Guzman Building rail painting job was because when the paint chipped off of the rails, it posed a safety hazard for the cadets. The timeframe and the volume of the job was too big for the OMI facilities manager so OMI looked out to contract.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Baldwin
M. Mares
J. Wire
D. Clisham
A. Campbell Washington
J. Brown
J. Breckenridge

III. Superintendent's Update


OUSD Charter Committee Site Visit

This was the second time that the OUSD Charter Committee visited OMI this school year. Three individuals from OUSD visited and left a positive report. An instructional leadership team was assembled for interviews and Dr. Streshly was happy to see that the staff spoke so highly of the school and were very knowledgeable because they were familiar in the goals.


The three visitors got a chance to visit the 6th grade wing, Spanish classes, English classes, and a science class. The Committee appreciated the behavior control in the 6th grade, enthusiastic Spanish teacher engagement, and the science lab demonstrations that they witnessed.


LCAP Timeline

The LCAP timeline is a cyclical time that is year-round and lines up with the fiscal calendar.


Based on the WASC action plans that the OMI WASC provided in conjunction with the LCAP timeline, this will give Dr. Streshly and the team a chance to articulate and focus on the main goals set forth. 


Community input is needed in this process, so OMI gave out a survey in December/January and created an LCAP survey that was given out to parents at the last Grizzly Family Night. Grizzly Family Night on May 1st will be focused on our "rising seniors." These are our juniors and we will be trying to get the juniors to understand how to have a strong senior year.


Student Scholarships

Requests from staff to bring back student scholarships were on the rise so Dr. Streshly wanted to get the opinion of the OMI Board.


Jerry Brown asked for clarification pertaining to criteria for getting the student scholarships.


Marc Mares asked what the intended/asked for number for donations to reach for the student scholarships should be and Dr. Streshly said around $15,000-$25,000. Dr. Streshly mentioned that maybe the distribution of scholarship funds could be based on where the student is headed to school/career.


Jody Breckenridge mentioned that the main reason that some students would not be able to attend the schools that they got into was that they did not have enough money for the housing at the school. She asked if that could be a choice for what OMI uses the scholarship funds for.

IV. Information/Discussion Items


Cashflow Update

OMI will get more money at the end of the school year so that expenses can be covered for the beginning of the year.


The disbursements for the months of March to May dropped because of the 6 year expenditure of the books purchased then goes in an upward trend because of the end of year finances.


LTC Vince Salazar showed the deeper dive of the financial statements so the OMI Board knows what is budgeted and what is being spent and what finances have yet to be sent to OMI for the remaining months.


Technology Update

Mark Basnage explained the technology update. He explained that the month that he has been present with OMI, he had been trying to figure out what technology was here and what was not.


The wifi was the biggest problem. The school entered into a contract two years ago for managed wifi. He explained that it was either neglect or oversight on the behalf of the wifi wire installers because some of the material used has failed since. Two high level engineers came to OMI to assess the situation and they found problems that they could fix with newer equipment. The engineers acknowledged that Comcast made plenty of mistakes. 


All this is in an effort to get ready for the state testing and have the wifi functioning fully.


Jody Breckenridge asked if OMI was getting money back for the broken equipment not working properly. Mark said yes, he was working to find a solution for that. 


Andinet Yichalal Update

CMSgt Thomas James mentioned that Solomon Feleke brought forth a proposal that would take a school to Ethiopia in a similar structure/mimicking OMI. 


Solomon visualized having some of their delegates come to tour OMI and gather information that they could take home to Ethiopia to start the school with OMI's help. Solomon presented the board with two letters. The first letter was to explain that he intended to have some of his delegates come to tour OMI. The second letter was to invite OMI senior admin to travel to Ethiopia to engage with the military and higher officials.


Thomas James acknowledged that he thought that Solomon Feleke did a good job conveying his message to OMI and taking the appropriate steps to move this endeavor along. Solomon Feleke is a proud parent of OMI and has been amazed at the way OMI operated during the time that his kids went here.


Jerry Brown mentioned that this relationship that Solomon Feleke would like to foster is similar to the sister cities programs. He mentioned that this endeavor is complicated and may be too big for OMI to handle.


General David Baldwin explained that he believed that this was an intriguing proposal but the best route to take with this endeavor was to have more of a virtual relationship and serve as an advisor.

V. Action Items


Action/Discussion: Salary Schedule

J. Breckenridge made a motion to approve the salary schedule as presented.
M. Mares seconded the motion.

Due to the resignation from our Data Manager, OMI had to evaluate the positions in order to cater to OMI's needs.


Dr. Streshly added tutors to the salary schedule because the school needs more tutors and they would help dearly.


She also shifted positions and responsibilities that were highlighted to better help with the workload for each person.


An attendance position was not on the salary schedule previously but that position was combined with Registrar duties.


Dr. Streshly and the OMI senior administrative team put together the Executive Assistant position and Office Manager so that the Executive Assistant can oversee the office and also serves as the OMI Board liaison.


The Information Technology Technician will be helping with data needs as well. Consultants will be used to help with data needs.


Marc Mares mentioned that it was crucial in the previous school year for someone to know how to mail out transcripts, so this transition of positions needs to be flawless because properly handling transcripts is paramount for the students going off to college.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Brown
M. Baldwin
J. Breckenridge
M. Mares
D. Clisham
J. Wire
A. Campbell Washington


Approve Addendum to Comprehensive Safety Plan

J. Breckenridge made a motion to approve the addendum to the comprehensive safety plan.
M. Mares seconded the motion.

This was an addendum to the comprehensive safety plan that included OMI's reaction to potential campus shooters and stabbers.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Brown
D. Clisham
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
A. Campbell Washington
J. Breckenridge
M. Mares


Approve Authorized Signer (Dr. Mary Streshly) for Board Fund Account

J. Breckenridge made a motion to approve Dr. Streshly as a signer for the board fund account that would be used for scholarships and other endeavors pertaining to the cadets.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Mares
J. Brown
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
D. Clisham
M. Baldwin
J. Breckenridge


Educator Effectiveness Grant

J. Breckenridge made a motion to approve the Educator Effectiveness Block Grant for date of adoption of April 13, 2023.
M. Mares seconded the motion.

The Educator Effectiveness Block Grant was added to the agenda  as a formality because Dr. Streshly could not find the date that this grant was approved by the board in a public meeting.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Brown
M. Mares
J. Breckenridge
D. Clisham
M. Baldwin
J. Wire
A. Campbell Washington


A-G Grant

D. Clisham made a motion to approve the A-G Grant as it was presented.
J. Breckenridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Brown
M. Mares
M. Baldwin
J. Breckenridge
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
D. Clisham

VI. Board Member Comments


Personnel Report

Marc Mares asked if OMI could include the Board of Directors in not only civilian personnel changes but with the military staff changes as well.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Brown
J. Breckenridge made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
D. Clisham seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Clisham
J. Brown
J. Wire
J. Breckenridge
A. Campbell Washington
M. Baldwin
M. Mares