Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 16, 2023 at 4:15 PM


Oakland Military Institute College Preparatory Academy

3877 Lusk St. Oakland, CA 94608


Teleconference: 4100 Leesville Rd, Williams, CA 95987

In response to the expiration of Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, which temporarily suspended provisions of the Brown Act relating to public meetings, the Board will resume in-person board meetings.


In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring special assistance to access the board meeting should contact Carlos Rodriguez at crodriguez@omiacademy.org. Notifications of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable Oakland Military Institute to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the board meeting.


All in-person meeting attendees, wearing a well-fitted mask that covers the nose and mouth without gaps is strongly recommended but not required.

Directors Present

A. Campbell Washington, D. Clisham, J. Breckenridge, J. Brown (remote), J. Wire, M. Baldwin, M. Mares

Directors Absent


Guests Present

4 remote participants, 8 in person participants, C. James, C. Rodriguez, K. Wong, M. Streshly, S. Lipsey, V. Salazar

I. Opening Items


Roll Call


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Baldwin called a meeting of the board of directors of Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy to order on Thursday Mar 16, 2023 at 4:18 PM.


Public Comment

S. Feleke filled out a public comment card to speak on an unagendized item.


S. Feleke spoke to the board about the partnership that he seeks to start with his country of Ethiopia, his organization (Andinet Yichalal Organization), and Oakland Military Institute. He would like OMI to sponsor and collaborate with his organization to make a school similar to OMI in the country of Ethiopia.


Ordering of the Agenda

J. Breckenridge made a motion to approve and move on with the current order of the agenda.
A. Campbell Washington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Mares
J. Breckenridge
A. Campbell Washington
J. Brown
J. Wire
M. Baldwin

II. Student Showcase


C/LTC Vicki Cao presented to the Board a Commander's Update.

Cadet Commander C/LTC Vicki Cao addressed the Board on a variety of topics but started with an introduction of who she is. She has attended OMI since she started in 6th grade and rose through the ranks to be the highest in command. She also mentioned that she wanted to work in the medical field when she graduates from college.

One of the highlights of the school year is that four of OMI’s cadets were chosen to go to New Delhi, India by the California Cadet Corps with all expenses paid. These cadets were able to experience different cultures as well as making friendships with other cadets abroad. She recognized many fellow cadets for their academic achievements and has given out Academic Tags. These tags are given out after every semester/grading period and helps cadets find the motivation to keep getting good grades.  Middle formation has been separated from the high school formation so that each school can create its own identity. Over 300 cadet rank promotions have happened based on cadets completing their prerequisites.


V. Cao mentioned that the morale of the cadets has gotten better because of the increased staff and parent involvement at games and other events that cadets compete or participate in. 


V. Cao explained that she was going to give an achievement and improvement discourse. She mentioned that the cadets thought it was great that they are able to have Dual Enrollment classes but would like OMI to offer Advanced Placement classes. She also stated that cadets would like to have more electives. She noticed that there was a lot of staff/leadership turnover and cadets have to learn to trust the new staff that they see, but it gets difficult to grow a relationship when the staff leaves and cadets have to start over again.


For college and career, V. Cao mentioned that college trips and helping with college applications have helped her in choosing the school she wants to attend and get an understanding of what colleges want and offer.

III. Approval of Consent Items


Minutes of February 16, 2023 Regular Meeting

J. Brown made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 02-16-23.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Baldwin
M. Mares
J. Breckenridge
D. Clisham
A. Campbell Washington
J. Wire
J. Brown


OMI Bank Account Activity (February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023)

J. Brown made a motion to approve the OMI bank account activity.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.

J. Breckenridge asked about a transaction made on 2/14/2023 with All Risk Rapelling, LLC. She asked if that $4800 was part of the leadership plan and who that money applied to. T. James confirmed to J. Breckenridge that the charge was incurred for the cadet leadership development effort.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Clisham
M. Mares
M. Baldwin
A. Campbell Washington
J. Brown
J. Breckenridge
J. Wire


Personnel Report

J. Brown made a motion to approve the personnel report.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Baldwin
J. Wire
J. Breckenridge
A. Campbell Washington
D. Clisham
M. Mares
J. Brown


New Contracts

J. Brown made a motion to approve the modular building lease renewal/extension contract.
M. Baldwin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Baldwin
J. Wire
D. Clisham
M. Mares
J. Brown
J. Breckenridge
A. Campbell Washington

IV. Superintendent's Update


LCAP Progress Report “at a glance”

Dr. Streshly started by introducing some of the newest members of the OMI team. The former tech manager for OMI, Mark Basnage, rejoined the school to help with the end of the year push. The end of the school year is a very important time for technology to work properly because of the CAASPP and other state/country wide tests. She also introduced Carmen Choi, the person who will be replacing V. Salazar (retiring) as the Chief Financial Officer at Oakland Military Institute. C. Choi will be shadowing V. Salazar in order to have a seamless transition in the CFO position. One of the consultants that OMI used from schoolAbility is leaving her position at the company so OMI will be using two consultants from K12 Accounting to aid C.Choi. April 3rd will be the start date for R. Runyan, B. Runyan, and C. Choi.


Dr. Streshly mentioned that there are big goals that the school needs to achieve to move in the right direction and remain a premiere educational choice in Oakland.


The first major goal was to pass the WASC accreditation. This accreditation is important to achieve because colleges and universities will count the grades in the cadets’ transcripts as valid and acceptable. OMI achieved a full 6-year accreditation.


The second goal that was needed to be accomplished was passing the Williams Act Audit. Dr. Streshly mentioned that the Williams Act is an equity check and representatives come to inspect facilities and curriculum to see that all students have access, and teacher credentialing. OMI passed the Williams Act audit.


The next goal was the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) progress review. Dr. Streshly sent two progress reports so far to CCEE and has to continue sending reports for CCEE to monitor progression. The CCEE was pleased about the last two reports given to them from Dr. Streshly.


Dr. Streshly said that the biggest goal that OMI must achieve is the OUSD 5 year charter renewal. She gave the board a series of statistics of where the school is currently at in renewal criteria 2022, and where it needs to be in 2023, 2024, and 2025.


The Math and ELA CAASPP meet or exceed rates will need to have a higher percent of change because the scores are below standard. Dr. Streshly mentioned that she was and will be working with S. Lipsey to figure out incentives to entice the cadets to want to do their absolute best on the tests.


Dr. Streshly explained that she and Chief James have a cadet leadership luncheon where the cadets give their opinions and express concerns directly to the senior administration that leads to incremental change.


In a graphic that displayed a head to head between OMI and OUSD, OMI is already exceeding the rate requirements for graduation, A-G, and chronic absenteeism.


The fully credentialed staff statistic was low due to the shortage of teachers and not being able to find fully credentialed teachers during the pandemic and some have not finished their credentialing program, but current staff qualifications exceed 90% fully credentialed.

V. Action Items


Approve 22-23 Second Interim Financial Report & Multi Year Projections

J. Wire made a motion to approve the Second Interim and multi year projections for year 2022-2023.
J. Breckenridge seconded the motion.

V. Salazar explained that the second interim consisted of statistics in enrollment and fund balances. The beginning fund balance and the ending fund balance were the same and the deficiency of funds was at $0.


There were changes between the first and second interim based on daily attendance, Staffing full time equivalents, and enrollment changes.


The revenue bar graph showed the breakdown of the revenue received. 30% one time funding combined from state and federal, LCFF was 55%, and the rest were state and federal ongoing funds. The significance of the one time funding was that some of it will be going away and some will continue to be provided.


A lot of the professional services funding was one time funding. The one time expenses were split between Hands-on Technology (after school program), CORE, computers, technology improvements, non-capitalized equipment, and curriculum and books. 


During the multi year projection, the enrollment numbers need to be projected in advance. The projected enrollment numbers for 2023-2024 was 500, and 2024-2025 was 550. With this, the fund balance changes. In 2023-2024, there would be a $531,471 deficit. With potential of a higher cadet recruitment and one time funding, the deficit would go away.


This second interim report is submitted to OUSD and gives them the opportunity to see that OMI can meet its financial requirements and keep the 15% reserve for economic uncertainties.


With the current staffing and the amount of cadets enrolled, there would be a drop in reserve funding, so OMI would have to grow in enrollment or alter its staffing.


D. Baldwin asked if there was anything that the Board could do to help with the funds. V. Salazar mentioned that the Board should bring back the fundraising that they used to do. This would bring in more funds to the school and would help the school give the cadets some of the things that they have been asking for. With those funds, the Superintendent and the Commandant could send the cadets to more events and provide more to the cadets.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Wire
M. Baldwin
M. Mares
A. Campbell Washington
D. Clisham
J. Brown
J. Breckenridge

VI. Information/Discussion Items


Cashflow Update

For the month of March, additional funding came in so there was an increase from February to March. 


Based on the budgetary projections done, there would be an increase in May and June, then dipping in August because OMI would need to spend for the upcoming school year.


In the actual disbursements, the disbursements increase in June to prepare for the upcoming year and in July, disbursements drop because there are not many salaries to pay.


Lottery-Waitlist Update

T. James gave the Board a rundown of the important dates for the lottery. March 9 was when the lottery started and March 23rd, the lottery ended. That meant that the prospective families would need to accept or decline the lottery offers given to them by OMI. 


T. James mentioned that there has been plenty of communication to the prospective families but he would like to communicate more with more sections of the Asian, Latino, and Habesha communities.


The big forthcoming event that is critical to the integration of the newest cadets and their families is the Introduction day of April 15, 2023. This day will allow for OMI to introduce the new cadets/families to RenStar testing, summer camp, and access to staff.


There were a total of 274 total applicants as of the March 16th board meeting.


OMI had two recruiting competitions for the cadets. The cadets are a great help in the recruiting process so the competitions had good prizes to incentivize participation. 


Healthy Kids Survey Results

J. Breckenridge gave kudos to the staff for the cadets feeling like someone at OMI cared about them.


J. Breckenridge also mentioned that 90% of the staff showed that they collaborate and that is very important for growth.


The middle school cadets, based on the survey results, did not feel as much a part of the school as the high schoolers did so OMI started to implement more activities and tried to focus more on the middle school.


T. James explained that the results would be more comprehensive when he rolls the survey out during an October time frame.

VII. Board Member Comments


Board Member Comments

J. Breckenridge explained that there are benefits for teachers and military spouses from compacts. Any one who has a credential and meets the agreed upon requirements in the compact, they must accept that. This allows for fingerprints and to be put in the national database, not just in California. This would potentially help with employment once it passes. 


M. Mares mentioned that the response rate to the suicide portion of the Healthy Kids Survey was a cause of concern. This could be correlated to the social media influenced activity.


J. Breckenridge mentioned that she and M. Mares have volunteered to help OMI Administration with altering the climate of the school to gear towards a more positive direction.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Brown