Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday August 11, 2022 at 3:30 PM
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Passcode: 970507
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Meeting ID: 997 9974 8374
Passcode: 970507
Directors Present
D. Clisham (remote), J. Breckenridge (remote), J. Brown (remote), J. Wire (remote), M. Mares (remote)
Directors Absent
M. Baldwin
Guests Present
24 guests joined via Zoom (remote), C. Rodriguez, K. Briseno, K. Wong, M. Streshly, Shawna Lipsey, Thomas James, V. Salazar
I. Opening Items
Roll Call
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment
Ordering of the Agenda
J. Breckenridge made a motion to the ordering of the agenda.
D. Clisham seconded the motion
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Baldwin Absent
J. Brown Aye
M. Mares Aye
D. Clisham Aye
J. Breckenridge Aye
J. Wire Aye
II. Approval of Consent Items
Minutes of June 23, 2022 Regular Meeting
Roll Call | |
J. Brown |
M. Baldwin |
J. Breckenridge |
J. Wire |
D. Clisham |
M. Mares |
OMI Bank Account Activity (June 1, 2022 - July 31, 2022)
J. Breckenridge wanted clarification on a couple of purchases made by Oakland Military Institute. LTC Vincent Salazar, Shawna Lipsey, and Mary Streshly clarify the purchases that were brought to question by J. Breckenridge. The purchases in question were Phoenix Holiday, Inc, El Paseo Children's Center, SchoolAbility, LLC, AC Heating and Cooling Service Inc., ULINE, and Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.
Roll Call | |
J. Breckenridge |
M. Mares |
D. Clisham |
J. Wire |
J. Brown |
M. Baldwin |
Personnel Report
J. Breckenridge asks for an update for progress on teachers pertaining to hired and vacant positions. She also wants to know how the vacant positions are being covered.
Dr. Streshly shared this would be discussed during the Superintendent's Update.
Roll Call | |
M. Baldwin |
J. Wire |
J. Brown |
J. Breckenridge |
M. Mares |
D. Clisham |
New Contracts
Hands On Technology (HOTE): This is a breakdown of the contract that allows for support staff to be hired for the after school program for credit recovery and tutoring for students. J. Brown requested a monthly report for the progress of the program and the students in the program.
Houghton Mifflin (Read 180): This is a three-year program that helps students and their ability to read at grade level. This program is also a way to structure a classroom by including small group stations, individual work, and computerized instruction.
Roll Call
D. Baldwin Absent
J. Brown Aye
M. Mares Aye
D. Clisham Aye
J. Breckenridge Aye
J. Wire Aye
III. Superintendent's Update
New Cadets, Summer Camp, Orientation, Back to School Night
Teachers and staff are in good spirits to start the new school year and Dr. Streshly plans to have meetings that help with the loose ends to improve the foundation for instruction for students.
Initial Enrollment/Attendance and Staffing
Enrollment is being tracked. The projected number of students enrolled was 500 but has dropped down due to no show and consistently absent students, bringing the number down to roughly 430.
New hires have started in this new year and there are a number of vacancies that are currently being searched for filling.
J. Brown requested an update at the next board meeting.
Carlos Rodriguez, the new Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, was introduced and he will be working closely with the board.
Barr Training [Relationship Building and Data Dives]
Cadet recruiting will be pursued heavily for the goal of building relationships with the cadets and parents as well as keeping attendance steady.
IV. Information/Discussion Items
Cashflow Update
At the beginning of the fiscal year, software programs, facility maintenance/upgrades and necessary expenditures are paid in full. In the mid fiscal year, additional maintenance and deep cleaning of the facilities are done.
Cashflow varies in the fiscal year but OMI is staying above the desired 15% of reserve funding which roughly amounts to $1.5 million. This leads to a potential effort of changing from desired 15% threshold to 20% at $2 million.
OMI's use of schoolAbility will allow for better reporting to the Board pertaining to the cashflow update.
Leadership Transition Plan
There will be a leadership transition due to the departure of Superintendent Dr. Dodson and will be a short term plan to find a long term replacement.
The California Collaborative for Education Excellence appointed Dr. Mary Streshly to OMI in an advisory role but the Board stays as the chief executive of decision making for OMI. The OMI Board will give directions to staff to follow the suggestions and advice of Dr. Streshly. When a permanent superintendent has been found, Dr. Streshly will remain in her advisory role but will be advising the superintendent and no longer the Board.
Staff Compensation
Dr. Streshly recommended that the Board consider a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for the OMI staff due to the raising costs of living in the Bay Area and the competition of other schools in need of staffing as well.
J. Breckenridge would like a comparison of surrounding districts' and OMI salary schedules in order to accurately choose what percent would be the best choice to offer the OMI staff.
D. Clisham suggests that there is teacher/faculty involvement in the search for the accurate salary scale for every party to be fully involved and represented.
Taking a look at the salary scale will be done in an effort to retain teachers/staff and compensate them accurately due to teacher shortage in the United States of America and inflation.
V. Action Items
Approve the Consolidated Application
This is an application that allows OMI to get its continuous funding for Title I, II, and IV.
Roll Call | |
J. Brown |
D. Clisham |
J. Breckenridge |
J. Wire |
M. Mares |
M. Baldwin |
Approve Regular Board Meeting Dates for 2022-2023
The adjustments to the Board Meeting dates are due to the desire to be in line with the budget reporting cycle of California to present the first and second interim for the budget.
Dr. Streshly asked the Board to consider a change in the start time of the board meetings because the bell schedule for OMI does not end until 4pm on Thursdays. This change will help with teachers, staff, and parents to have enough time to attend the meeting and participate.
J. Breckenridge had an inquiry about the date change of the December 8 board meeting to December 15 because of Holiday travelling. LTC Salazar informs her that the change was made to give him more time to prepare the fiscal reports with more data as opposed to two days with the December 8 date.
Roll Call | |
M. Baldwin |
J. Breckenridge |
J. Wire |
M. Mares |
D. Clisham |
J. Brown |
Approve Authorized Signers for Bridge Bank Accounts
There needs to be three authorized signers for the Bridge bank accounts.
J. Wire amended his motion and added K. Wong to the list of eligible signers of the Bridge Bank Accounts. Names of the signers are T. James, S. Lipsey, V. Salazar, and K. Wong.
Roll Call | |
J. Brown |
J. Wire |
J. Breckenridge |
D. Clisham |
M. Baldwin |
M. Mares |
Approve Resolution on Authorizing Use of Remote Teleconferencing Provisions (AB 361)
Roll Call | |
J. Breckenridge |
J. Brown |
M. Baldwin |
J. Wire |
M. Mares |
D. Clisham |
VI. Closed Session
Adjourn to Closed Session:
The Board of Directors adjourned the meeting for closed session at 5:42 pm.
Reconvene to Open Session:
The Board of Directors reconvened to open session at 6:04 pm.
Action taken during the closed session is that the Board of Directors will work with the chair to work out the separation agreement with Dr. Dodson.
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Roll Call | |
J. Breckenridge |
J. Brown |
J. Wire |
D. Clisham |
M. Mares |
M. Baldwin |
- OMI's Payments issued June 2022.pdf
- OMI's Payments issued July 2022.pdf
- Staff Changes for Aug 8, 2022.xlsx - Sheet1.pdf
- Hote Contract.pdf
- Lunch Master ( Nob Hill )Addendum Extn 22-23 - OMI.pdf
- Zoom Janitorial Services contract FY 22-23.pdf
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Contracts.pdf
- July 2022 Chart Disbursement Actuals & projections FY 22-23.pdf
- July 2022 Chart Cash Flow FY 22-23 to Sep 2023.pdf
- July 2022 Cash Flow Projection Pro FY 22-23 2 Yrs 4 pgs.pdf
- OMI Fin Statement FY 22-23 Jul 2022 sA BR.pdf
- OMI COLA increase projection 3%, 4%, 5% FY 22-23.pdf
- FY 22-23 Consolidated Application to CDE.pdf
- OMI Board Meeting Dates 2022-2023.docx.pdf
- August OMI - AB 361 Findings Resolution.pdf
The following people participated in public comment: Ms. Cindy Murphy
Ms. Cindy Murphy praises the staff and Administration for a smooth first week of school. Based on her activity on an improvement committee, salary scale and teacher retention were among topics discussed. She mentioned that in order to attract experienced teachers, OMI needs to have a creative salary scale as well.