Howard University Public Charter Middle School
Q1 Board Meeting 2024-2025
Date and Time
Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM
The Howard University Public Charter Middle School of Mathematics and Science Q1 Board Meeting SY 2024-2025 scheduled for October 9, 2024 at 6PM
Directors Present
C. Campbell (remote), D. Bennett (remote), D. Niec-Williams (remote), L. Smith (remote), W. Johns (remote), W. Pace-Lewis (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
K. Procope
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
The board reviewed the minutes. There was no discussion. Chair Johns called for a vote. David B. made the motion that the minutes be approved. Wendy P. seconded the motion. Chair Johns called for the vote, and the minutes were approved.
II. Finance Committee Report
Review of Current financial Position
The board discussed the enrollment shortfall and the impacts of the budget. It was determined that the fiscal year ended with a shortfall. The current cash position of the organization is very strong and the current enrollment projection will surpass this year.
David B. asked about the number of students with disabilities for the coming school year. K. Procope indicated that the SWD numbers went from 31 to 49 this year.
III. Executive Report
Current State of the School Report
Dr. Procope discussed the current state of the school, including current test scores. David B. asked if there was data on how students who don't spend three years with the school did on the test compared to those who are with the school for three years. Dr. Procope said she would investigate that data. The report discussed current partnerships and collaborations with Howard University.
IV. Miner Building Update
The status of the Miner Building renovation is excellent.
Derrek N. said that there is still work to be done in sub-basement 2. There is no current date for the work to be completed. There is an opening of the School of Education side of the building on October 17th.
V. Board Retreat Summary
A review of the revised mission adds board members, some from Howard and some independent. Chair Johns discussed updating the bylaws to correspond with the stipend reduction and the number of board members appointed by Howard.
The revised mission and vision statement were discussed. Chair Johns asked the board to review the statement and provide feedback.
Chairman Johns called the meeting to order.