Howard University Public Charter Middle School


Q4 Board Meeting

Final Meeting for 2023-2024 School Year

Date and Time

Wednesday June 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM



Directors Present

C. Campbell, D. Bennett, D. Niec-Williams, L. Smith, T. Robinson, W. Johns, W. Pace-Lewis

Directors Absent


Guests Present

K. Procope

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

W. Johns called a meeting of the board of directors of Howard University Public Charter Middle School to order on Wednesday Jun 26, 2024 at 6:06 PM.

II. Academic Update


School Year Review

Charvis asked if IB would impact our focus on mathematics and science. K. Procope said that IB provides instructional focus and would not change the school's mission. 

D. Niec-Williams asked what would happen if we decided to move to IB. We would have to discuss this with the DC Public Charter School Board and collaborate with other charter schools and IB Schools (DCI) regarding what this entails. 


L. Smith asked about the issue with 6th graders coming to our school below grade level. K Procope shared that our standards are rigorous, and our schools' expectations are high for the students. 

T. Robinson said that there are often no science teachers in elementary schools, which contributes to students' lack of preparation.  





III. Facility


Miner Building

The move to the MIner building was discussed. A status meeting will be on July 2nd to discuss the actual move date. Derrek Niec-Williams said there was additional work to be done in the sub-basement due to ground-water issues, which would probably delay the move date. 

IV. Finance


Review the Budget

Mike Mesterharm of Ed-Ops was introduced as our new finance partner. 

W. Pace informed the board that the budget being reviewed had been reviewed by the finance committee. 

Mike reviewed the proposed budget. The school is in a strong cash position. The UPSFF has increased to 12.5%, which will be a great support resource for the school. 


The budget was considered to be very comprehensive. Chair Johns asked the board if they were comfortable enough to vote on the current budget now. All members gelt comfortable voting on the budget.

C. Campbell made a motion to That the current budget for 2024-25 be approved as presented.
D. Bennett seconded the motion.

No discussion

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Governance


Charter Review for 20 Year Review

Chair Johns wants the Board to retreat in July to discuss strategy. A charter review is coming up in the fall. Board members were asked to review the executive director's evaluation on the BoardonTrack platform. 

Chair Johns asked for comments and suggestions on what to be discussed at the retreat. He requested that directors email suggestions. 


A calendar of meeting dates will be distributed to all the board members.


The board members were asked to complete the evaluation of the Executive Director. 


The retreat will be on July 15th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We will create a rough outline of what will be discussed. This will also be an ad hoc board meeting to finalize the executive director's evaluation. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Procope
Documents used during the meeting
  • Q4 Board School update Report.pptx
  • HUMS^2 - SY24-25 Budget proposal.pptx