Clarksdale Collegiate Public Charter School
Clarksdale Collegiate Monthly Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday November 25, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Clarksdale Collegiate Public Charter School
1012 W. 2nd St.
Clarksdale, MS
Directors Present
A. Jones-Taylor (remote), C. Rutledge (remote), C. Williams (remote), E. Meier (remote), M. Dixon, O. Clark (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Crumley, S. Howell, S. Jossell
Guests Present
A. Johnson, D. Endom (remote), K. Wise (remote), Rob Tate (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Approve Minutes from November 4, 2024 Board Meeting
II. Executive Director's Report
Executive Director's Report
III. Committee Reports
Finance Committee
Facility Update
David Endom and Rob Tate, Level Field Partners, gave an update on the facility plan for the 7-12 campus which included a detailed timeline, the latest designs, and updated pricing.
Governance Committee
IV. Other Business
Public Comment
No public comments were offered.
V. Executive Director's Report continued
Executive Director's Report continued
Johnson asked the Chair to consider going into a closed session to discuss a personel matter that requires the board to review a corrective action plan and communication to MCSAB.
Chair Jones-Taylor asked for everyone to leave the Zoom room and board room so the board could discuss if executive session is necessary.
Chair Jones-Taylor announced that the board would move into closed session to discuss a personnel matter that requires the board to review a corrective action plan and communication to MCSAB.
The board then moved into closed session.
The board returned to the open public session.
Chair Jones-Taylor announced that the board reviewed and approved a corrective action plan and communication to MCSAB.
VI. Closing Items
Next Board Meeting Reminder
The next board meeting will be Monday, January 27, 2025 at 5:30 pm.
Director Amanda Johnson gave the ED report which included general updates, an update on the school's organizational health (compliance with MDE and MCSAB), and a review of the draft SY23-24 performance framework. Johnson asked to give the board an update on a personel matter and the Board Chair suggested waiting until after the committee reports since it may require a closed session.