Pullman Community Montessori


Board Meeting--Working Session

Board Work Session

Date and Time

Wednesday June 14, 2023 at 5:15 PM


PCM board working meetings are open to the public.  Meetings are conducted in Gladish Community and Cultural Center, 115 NW State St Pullman WA 99163.  Work will be conducted in room 102.  If you have difficulty accessing the remote meeting link please email board@myPCM.org

Public comment is reserved for regular board meetings which are held the 4th Tuesday of each month.  If you would like to make public comment please attend one of the regularly scheduled board meetings.

Trustees Present

A. Guyton (remote), B. Wolff, D. Main (remote)

Trustees Absent

K. Torres

Ex Officio Members Present

L. Sullivan

Non Voting Members Present

L. Sullivan

Guests Present

D. Porter, D. White, Katherine Jackson (remote), Sherry Locke (remote), justanobserver (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

B. Wolff called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pullman Community Montessori to order on Wednesday Jun 14, 2023 at 5:30 PM.

II. Working Meeting Item


Trustee Recruitment Plan

Goal is to recruit 2 board members before the 6/25/2023


Ideas suggested to recruit

  • PCM will sent out an advertisement to various businesses around the community (End of next week)
  • Send out a "brief" in the Daily News news paper
  • Utilize our local relators 


Annual Calendar Review

The PCM Board of Trustees will review and consider the proposed 2023-24 school year annual calendar.  The calendar was derived by 

  1. honoring our commitment to families to match the PSD schedule as closely as possible given our trimester schedule, 
  2. incorporating family and staff feedback specifically about changing the last day of the week before winter break to a 1/2 day.
  3. incorporating general staff feedback.



Things to change:


  • Reorganize the key and color coding for ease of viewing
D. Main made a motion to I motion that the PCM Board of Trustees adopt the proposed 2023-24 annual calendar as presented.
A. Guyton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Torres
A. Guyton
B. Wolff
D. Main


Policy & Procedure Adoption

The PCM Trustees will review and consider the adoption of WSSDA model policy and procedure 4260 (Use of School Facilities).


Adoption of this policy and procedure ensures compliance with charter contract requirements.


4260 - Use of School Facilities.docx

4260P - Use of School Facilities Procedure.docx

A. Guyton made a motion to I motion that the PCM Board of Trustees adopt policy 4260 and procedure 4260 as presented.
D. Main seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Main
B. Wolff
A. Guyton
K. Torres


Proposed Summer Use of Facility

The PCM Trustees will examine the PROPOSAL for a group to operate a 1/2 day, 4-day/week summer program out of three classroom spaces over the summer.



D. Main made a motion to I motion that the PCM Board of Trustees approve the Head of School to oversee the agreement for the use of PCM room 205, shared space, and room 207 this summer for the proposed activities outlined by the LEADERS Summer Academy group contingent on Commission agreement and garnering of appropriate insurance compliant with LEA requirements.
A. Guyton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Guyton
D. Main
B. Wolff
K. Torres


Board Processes Tracker Discussion

The PCM Board of Trustees will review and engage in conversation around the Board Processes Tracker that has been drafted.



There is no recommended motion.  A consensus around use of the tracker and current practice's outlined is encouraged.


Trustees discussed and delegate tasks to specific members to further refine the document and add to it. 



III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
B. Wolff
Documents used during the meeting
  • PCM 2023-24 Annual Calendar (PROPOSED-2) (1).pdf
  • 4260 - Use of School Facilities.docx
  • 4260P - Use of School Facilities Procedure.docx
  • LEADERS Summer Academy Proposal.pdf