Pullman Community Montessori


PCM Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 24, 2023 at 5:15 PM


PCM Board of Trustees meetings are held in the Gladish Community and Cultural Center room 102.  To increase accessibility we offer a virtual option for attendance.  The Zoom link can be found below.


All board meetings are open to the public. Meetings begin at 5:15 PM PST the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month. Public comment is a standing agenda item at each monthly meeting. Items will be addressed by the board according to the Meeting Agenda posted 48 hours prior to each meeting.


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 896-2004-2723

Password: 6615


Dial by your location

     (929) 205 6099

     (301) 715 8592

     (312) 626 6799

     (669) 900 6833

     (253) 215 8782

     (346) 248 7799


If you would like to make public comment you will be called on in the order you arrived.  We generally allow 5 minutes for presentation of personal comments/questions/concerns/grievances.  You may view our PCM Grievance and Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures here.  Public comment should be shared with the board in writing in advance of the board meeting for us to better address you consideration.  Please email to board@mypcm.org or submit in paper form to the PCM office in Gladish Community and Cultural Center STE 212.  You should receive confirmation of receipt of your written statement within 48 hours of submission.  If you do not receive confirmation, please email DesireeP@myPCM.org

PCM's Mission: to prepare all students to reach their full potential for future success in high school, college, career, and life, using the rich resources of our community.

PCM's Vision: to serve as an instrument of change, helping to progress our education system to better meet the needs of students, families, and educators. We nurture students to be self-empowered lifelong learners, global citizens, environmental stewards, and compassionate and collaborative leaders, bringing positive changes to their communities and the world!

Trustees Present

A. Guyton (remote), A. Rahmani, B. Wolff, J. Cassleman, K. Torres (remote)

Trustees Absent

K. Torres

Ex Officio Members Present

L. Sullivan

Non Voting Members Present

L. Sullivan

Guests Present

Brit S, D. Porter, DJ White (remote), Nathaniel Porter (remote), elise Albano (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Cassleman called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pullman Community Montessori to order on Tuesday Jan 24, 2023 at 5:40 PM.


Approve Meeting Minutes from 12-27-22 Board Meeting

A. Rahmani made a motion to approve the minutes from PCM Board Meeting on 12-27-22.
J. Cassleman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Meeting Minutes from 1-10-23 Working Meeting

A. Rahmani made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting--Working Session on 01-10-23.
J. Cassleman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Community Building

J. Cassleman made a motion to Move the Community Building Session to the Next Board Meeting.
A. Guyton seconded the motion.

Community Building discussion will be pushed off until next meeting - as we are already behind due to tech difficulties. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


DEI and Anti-racism Commitment

Question posed: 


Who holds power at PCM and how does that relate to our personal perception of race?




John C - power held with the board & HOS primarily as the folks with the most decision making power  - our teachers hold a lot of power as well and are the closest to the students.  The student population is predominately % white, be aware of ensuring all voices are heard (not just majority).  


Kim T - We need to ensure that all voices are heard, not just base it off the student race majority. 


Bev W - Most of the power held with the board and the school. We need to be aware of not leaving out our other cultures. We should have other avenues to hear other peoples' voices besides board meetings


Aubree G - It is our duty as board members who hold that power to ensure all have a voice. 









II. Public Comment


Making Public Comments

There was no public comment. 

III. Board Goals, Committee & Council Updates


SCC (Support and Coordination Council) - Intro & Report

Elise Albano - Co-Chair of the SCC - Introduction

Dorrie Main - Co-Chair of SCC - Not present


SCC meeting notes are a standing link in the meeting invites.  Elise provided a brief update of what SCC has discussed so far.


Individual Board Member Report

John C - Feb 9th he will speak with a leadership group about PCM to get them more out in the community


Bev W.  - LSEC meeting was successful and her goals are to focus on keeping it successful


Ayad - Reached out and has two board member prospects and has been researching grant opportunities 



** The Zoom crashed and ended the board meeting at random @ 18:10 **


Nathan was able to rejoin / Elise & Brit had difficulties with the link.


Kim T - Is working on 3 grant opportunities and they are ending in Feb.  WA Charters has a $5000 DEI grant still available (PCM has applied). 




LSEC (Leadership Evaluation & Support Committee)

Bev W - LSEC


Focused on three areas

  1. School leadership to focus on 
    1. Enrollment & Backup plan
    2. Academic Excellence & How we can better communicate student growth and successes
    3. Staff Retention - How we can keep staff


DC (Development Committee)


GC (Governance Committee)


FC (Finance Committee)

A. Guyton made a motion to To approve the December Financials as presented and recommended by the Finance Committee.
J. Cassleman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Rahmani
K. Torres
B. Wolff
J. Cassleman
A. Guyton
K. Torres

IV. LEADER Team Update & Compliance Check-in


November & December Update

John C.  - Question about the budgeted student number (100 or 115) in reference to the Board Dashboard Spreadsheet

  • Laylah will check with Matt. Pretty sure it was budgeted for 100 students.

John C.  - Question - When does the true-up happen?

  • Laylah  - in January (can confirm with Matt)

Laylah S - We do have a higher SPED population and currently the financing cap 13.5% - we will overspend in this category as we did last year. There are efforts legislatively to increase or remove this cap.


Aubree G - Question - Asked for clarification on the Application Data Tracker


Bev W.  - Question - What do the charter schools (Palouse Prairie & Moscow Charter) look like in their infancy? 

  • Laylah - We were not able to get that information - What we have is their enrollment from COVID year last year (2021-22). 

Kim T - Question - What happens if we don't meet our goals in Feb & March with applications?

  • Laylah S. - We are on track for Feb.  If tracking somewhat in March, start worrying in April (usually a number of applications come in then).  Look at marketing/enrollment plan revise, increased fundraising (grant writing, not just grass roots).  Would also want to talk with WA Charters - it depends on the shortfall with enrollment.

Bev W. Do we have enough current students to fill the Two older elementary classrooms?

  • Laylah S. - Yes - referred to PCM Board Dashboard enrollment numbers

Ayad R - Do we have any data on schools like us that show that it is possible to acquire that many applications? 

  • Laylah S. - Yes, in a way.  There are other schools our size (or that started our size).  We can make inferences from last 2 years enrollment and look at the enrollment of Moscow charter schools.  


Academic Performance Update

J. Cassleman made a motion to postpone Academic Performance Update to February Board meeting.
B. Wolff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Action Items


Equity Plan

John C.  - What feedback have we received from families and staff on this plan?

  • Laylah - We haven't received any feedback yet

Aubree G - There are spelling errors in the document - can this be fixed?

  • Laylah S.  - yes. thank you.


J. Cassleman made a motion to approve the Equity Plan with the non-material edits discussed and with the intention that the board revisits the plan in January, April, July & October.
B. Wolff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Conditional Certification - UD

B. Wolff made a motion to apply resolution numbers to the Conditional Certification numbers that were approved in the September meeting.
A. Rahmani seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Updates to Adopted Policies & Adoption of New Policy

A. Guyton made a motion to approve the adoption of the following policies as presented: 2161P; 4218; 4218P; 2110; 2110P.
A. Rahmani seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. New Business


PCM's Enrollment and its Impact on Long Term Financial Sustainability

J. Cassleman made a motion to postpone this item until the next board meeting.
B. Wolff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Session Item

Moved to break out Session for Executive Session - @ 07:40 PM


The board moved into executive session to discuss a specific staff member which is one of the approved reasons for using executive session.  


No action was taken.


Desiree & Laylah left the meeting. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Cassleman