Pullman Community Montessori


Development Committee (DC) Meeting

Secondary meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 31, 2021 at 12:00 PM


PCM's Mission: to prepare all students to reach their full potential for future success in high school, college, career, and life, using the rich resources of our community.

PCM's Vision: to serve as an instrument of change, helping to progress our education system to better meet the needs of students, families, and educators. We nurture students to be self-empowered lifelong learners, global citizens, environmental stewards, and compassionate and collaborative leaders, bringing positive changes to their communities and the world!

Committee Members Present

D. Main (remote), J. Williams (remote), Y. Ma (remote)

Committee Members Absent

J. Cassleman, L. Sullivan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Williams called a meeting of the Development Committee (DC) Committee of Pullman Community Montessori to order on Wednesday Mar 31, 2021 at 12:02 PM.


Approve Minutes: 3/17

J. Williams made a motion to approve the minutes from Development Committee (DC) Meeting on 03-17-21.
D. Main seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Development Committee (DC) Business


Enrollment Update

  • Jan gave an enrollment update
    • Currently 68 students enrolled
    • Putting packages for Palouse Family Fair to help with enrollment
  • New assistant, Kim, will start tomorrow


Donor Door Update

  • Donor Door
    • Donor door flyers were put in Pullman Disposal bills
    • Got two donor door donations
    • Will create physical flyer for donor door campaign 
    • Dorrie added two realtors
    • Yu signed up to contact business


Donor gifts

  • Donor gift
    • Lapel pin
      • Minimum orders: 250 for $417 + tax
    • High quality pen
      • Minimum orders: 100 for $169 + tax
    • Water bottle
      • 48 for $503 + tax
    • Baseball cap
    • T-shirt
    • Car window sticker

III. Other Business



  • Dorrie brought up an idea to add funding to her research proposal to educate PCM's kids about agriculture. Her pre-application proposal has been invited as full proposal. The full proposal will be due in May. Will have more discussions on this.  

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Y. Ma