Pullman Community Montessori


Development Committee (DC) Meeting

Secondary meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 25, 2020 at 12:00 PM


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820-2268-8208
Password: 8078
PCM's Mission: to prepare all students to reach their full potential for future success in high school, college, career, and life, using the rich resources of our community.

PCM's Vision: to serve as an instrument of change, helping to progress our education system to better meet the needs of students, families, and educators. We nurture students to be self-empowered lifelong learners, global citizens, environmental stewards, and compassionate and collaborative leaders, bringing positive changes to their communities and the world!

Committee Members Present

D. Main (remote), L. Sullivan, N. Batmunkh (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Committee Members who left before the meeting adjourned

D. Main

Guests Present

Jan Williams (remote), Laylah Sullivan (remote), Yu Ma (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Batmunkh called a meeting of the Development Committee (DC) Committee of Pullman Community Montessori to order on Wednesday Nov 25, 2020 at 12:02 PM.


Approve Minutes

D. Main made a motion to approve the minutes from Development Committee Regular Meeting (First) on 09-21-20.
N. Batmunkh seconded the motion.
Yu Ma seconded it. All in favor but Nomin abstained. Nomin didn't second the motion, but the system allowed only Dorrie and Nomin's names as options. So Nomin's name was selected. Since Dorrie made the motion, her name cannot be selected as the person who seconded it. 
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Development Committee (DC) Business


Intros & Establishing Norms

Each member introduced themselves. Went over how to use Board on Track. We visited the Norm list to see if there were any changes or suggestion or if everybody agrees with it.  Everyone agreed for now.
- Ground rules: 
    -Yu Ma agreed to take Minutes/Reports at future meetings 
    - Discussed how to resolve disagreements (Roberts/Consensus approach)
           ACTION ITEM: Laylah will send short into around to everyone on both options.  
    - Discussed communication method: via email for now, try to remember to 'reply all' to keep people in the loop.  Make sure personal info in board on track is updated with correct info.


Action Item Progress from Meeting 1

- Action Item: 
    - Check if Wix is compatible with LGL(Laylah)
    - Review resources on fundraising ideas and send an email to Laylah. 
    -  Implement payment platform stripe (Laylah/ Jan)
    - Add giving page to PCM website (Laylah, web site manager) - next week
    - Identify possible candidates to solicit for the DC committee (all) - more male members needed.     skilled and people with knowledge are preferred. Social media people need to contact Jan. 
    - Add a link to the site on enrollment procedure and policies (Laylah)

    - Jan completed training on LGL and working with Bely Luu  
Reported out of what progress has been made on the following action items from last meeting.
• Check if Wix, our current mailing platform, is compatible with LGL (Laylah) --- Only using LGL for donor/support communications/updates/thank you's.  Reserving Wix for general updates (e-newsletter) and notices.  Using SchoolMint for enrollment specific communications.
• Review resources on fundraising ideas ahead of next meeting (Dorrie and  Yu) -- we'll circle back to this.
• Complete training on Little Green Light and implement (Jan) -- DONE
• Implement payment platform stripe (Jan) -- DONE
• Add giving page to PCM website -- shared donate option currently available through WA Charters, will, will do social media push starting on Giving Tuesday (next Tuesday).  Button live on website in next week.
• Create summary materials describing the role of DC members to provide
to prospective members (Laylah) -- DONE (linked in footer)
• Action Item: Identify possible candidates to solicit for the DC committee (all) -- Dorrie shared some ideas (will make connection to Jan). Laylah reminded people to not make direct invites.....encourage interest and make connection with Nomin, Laylah, or Jan.  Priorities are to identify if mission/vision fit, if they have the needed acumen (fundraising, grant writing, community engagement, small-scale events/fundraising). Keep awareness around expanding committee diversity (not simply racial, but broader representation of Pullman community, gender, ethnicity, etc.)

Laylah provided enrollment update.  Remember we are ambassadors and should encourage all to learn about our program -- direct to Jan.  Make sure to share our social media posts and stay informed through posts.  When talking enrollment always encourage people to sing up (just because looks like a grade level is full does not mean it is....have quite some time before they actually need to commit and may change mind).

ACTION ITME: Laylah will send out and link in footer Enrollment Policies and Procedures Manual (all should be familiar with at a general level)....encourage people to meet with Jan.  Jan can help with SchoolMint too!


Grounding our work for future planning

- Enrollment information updated. Jan is working on marketing. PCM is ahead of the target enrollment number given at a month. Don't tell people if the particular grade is full. Having students in a wait-list is good since there is no guarantee that students who are offered seats at PCM will accept the offerings. Refer to Jan about enrollment if people have questions. 

- Distributing materials

Jan will distribute brochures in daycares. Everybody needs to share info via FB. Look for other ways to distribute materials in physical locations. Make list and other members will help to distribute the brochures. 

- Committee Member HW 
  - Answer 4 questions below and send an email to Laylah by December 7th. 
  • Do you have ideas you'd like to contribute?
  • Are there organizations missing?
  • Are there specific areas you want to support in?
  • What are your questions?
ACTION ITEM: Jan will reach out over the next week to coordinate list of distribution sites for materials.

Ideas on following were discussed:
  • Should we canvas apartment complexes and other locations that do not directly pay for garbage service (they don't get our advertisements through Pullman Disposal).  Laylah noted we'll need to track work and ensure we are canvasing equitably.
  • If canvas we'll need to consider budget.  Flyer versus brochures.
  • Posting flyers in apartment complex laundries or common areas.
  • Tabling outside places still open...groceries....need to see if they will approve and how to set up to keep dry...PCM has a tent but takes 2 to set up.  This would be a 2 person job.
Everyone agreed to HW deadline.  

Link to Recruitment-Enrollment-Maintenance Plan will be final early next week.

If you have access issues contact Laylah or request access (if it is an option) and she'll approve.
D. Main left.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Batmunkh
Documents used during the meeting