Pullman Community Montessori


Governance Committee (GC) Meeting

Committee Members Present

H. Merrill (remote), H. Schmidt (remote), J. Cassleman (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

L. Sullivan (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Cassleman called a meeting of the Governance Committee (GC) Committee of Pullman Community Montessori to order on Monday Oct 5, 2020 at 12:00 PM.


Approve Minutes (NA this meeting---First Meeting)

II. Governance Committee (GC)


Discussion of GC Responsibilities

Introduced new member: Hans Schmidt
Reviewed Governance Committee Responsibilities (in application)


Establish basic norms/practices

Norms discussed and established:
- Materials should be made available well in advance (don't spend time catching up on items that should be known)
- Create timeline for the agenda. (Keeps us from getting sidelined.)
- Raise lack of understanding/misunderstanding/concerns promptly and openly.
- End the meeting with action items for committee members.
- A willingness to question, challenge, or support ideas with reasoned arguments
- Decision making: reach general consensus. If consensus cannot be reached quickly or if any committee member calls for a vote, the committee will decide that item by vote (majority rules)


Draft Committee Goals

Rough committee goals determined:

1. Have a full complement of board members (expertise)
    a. Priority/missing Professional Acumen: Financial, Legal
    b. Diversity (gender, race, ethnicity, ability, interests, skillsets, etc.) should be reflective of community groups in Pullman

2. Orient new board members

3. Ongoing board development

III. Other Business


Committee Recruitment & Board Self-Assessment

Board members will complete 'Board Self-Assessment' on their own via Board on Track.

No updates on committee recruitment.

Laylah provided update on board recruitment (treasurer candidate).


Calendar Reflection

Some items in the calendar did not align with required timelines (e.g. board recruitment efforts need to be focused in Q4 prior to January's and deadline).

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Cassleman
Documents used during the meeting