Pullman Community Montessori

Finance Committee (FC)

Date and Time

Tuesday August 16, 2022 at 5:00 PM PDT


Keeping safety as our top priority, until further notice, all committee meeting will be conducted virtually over Zoom.


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order

'Grounding Questions' for the FC:

  • Do we believe that our internal policies and procedures are being followed?
  • What is our current cash balance, and is management confident in the organization's ability to meet short term cash needs?
  • How are our actuals to budget performing for this fiscal year? If there have been material unfavorable variances, in expenses or revenues, what is being done to mitigate this?
  • How are our "big projects" going? (ex: facilities, enrollment drives, hiring, etc).
  C. Pleasantry

What is a recent show you have been watching? Would your recommend it? 

  D. Approve Minutes

Please review the prior meeting minutes in advance and come to the meeting with any amendments in writing that can be added to the Zoom chat.  This makes recording changes quick and easy.

    Approve minutes for Finance Committee (FC) on July 14, 2022
II. Finance Committee (FC)
  A. Review & Approve July Financials

During this piece of the meeting, Matt and Laylah will share what the FC Committee should be "looking for' in order to build those habits and mindsets.

Please review the school financials below prior to the meeting. Please try to ask questions to Matt or Laylah in advance so we are prepared to vote at the meeting.

  1. Dashboard (high level view of main metrics)
  2. Balance Sheet
  3. Profit & Loss Statement/Income Statement
  4. Budget vs. Actual Report & Forecast vs Actual Report
  5. Statement of Cash Flows
  6. Payroll and AP Certification
  7. Review Financial Dashboard to ensure meeting commission standards (mark goal as complete once reviewed)
  B. Approve SY23 Budget

Review budget presentation & resolution


Once budget is approved, we will propose the budget to the board. 

  C. Approve Auditor

We propose to select Eide Bailly for the 22-23 independent CPA audit due to cost ($18k vs $24k), responsiveness, and knowledge of the sector.

  D. Financial Policies Manual Updates

Discuss and review updates made to the financial policies manual. Would like to get Board approval in July or August.

III. Other Business
  A. Mock Audit

Carmel share insights and questions that are often asked in audits to prepare. 

IV. Goals

Check in monthly on our committee goals

V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting