Pullman Community Montessori

PCM Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 22, 2022 at 5:15 PM PST


PCM Board of Trustees meetings are held in the Gladish Community and Cultural Center room 100a.  To increase accessibility we offer a virtual option for attendance.  The Zoom link can be found below.  If you attend in person please wear a mask upon entry into the building. Thank you for understanding and complying with these safety mitigation measures!


All board meetings are open to the public. Meetings begin at 5:15 PM PST the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month. Public comment is a standing agenda item at each monthly meeting. Items will be addressed by the board according to the Meeting Agenda posted 48 hours prior to each meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 896-2004-2723
Password: 6615


Dial by your location
     (929) 205 6099
     (301) 715 8592
     (312) 626 6799
     (669) 900 6833
     (253) 215 8782
     (346) 248 7799
If you would like to make public comment you will be called on in the order you arrived.  We generally allow 5 minutes for presentation of personal comments/questions/concerns/grievances.  You may view our PCM Grievance and Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures here.  Public comment should be shared with the board in writing in advance of the board meeting for us to better address you consideration.  Please email to board@mypcm.org or submit in paper form to the PCM office in Gladish Community and Cultural Center STE 212.  You should receive confirmation of receipt of your written statement within 48 hours of submission.  If you do not recieve confirmation, please email DesireeP@myPCM.org
PCM's Mission: to prepare all students to reach their full potential for future success in high school, college, career, and life, using the rich resources of our community.

PCM's Vision: to serve as an instrument of change, helping to progress our education system to better meet the needs of students, families, and educators. We nurture students to be self-empowered lifelong learners, global citizens, environmental stewards, and compassionate and collaborative leaders, bringing positive changes to their communities and the world!


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
Take a moment before the meeting to review our operating norms (linked in the footer). 
  C. Approve Meeting Minutes - 1/25

Please come with amendments ready to put in the chat.

    Minutes for PCM Board Meeting on January 25, 2022
  D. Community Building

Aubree will be leading our session this meeting


*If you have not done so yet, please use this google document to sign up for the board meeting in which you would like to lead this activity.

  E. DEI and Anti-racism Commitment
  • Review upcoming training date
  • Discuss training schedule
  F. "Governing for Greatness" Book Review

In addition to our "Board Scenario" training, we will take time to review sections from the various texts we have received during the onboarding process.


In preparation for the budget revision vote and upcoming financial trainings from the Finance Committee, please Review Topic 6: Financial Health (p. 31) in Governing for Greatness.


  • What from the section stood out to you or surprised you?
  • What from the section was most useful to you? 
II. Public Comment
  A. Making Public Comments
Welcome!  If you would like to make public comment you will be called on in the order you logged in/arrived. 
  • We generally allow 5 minutes for presentation of personal comments/questions/concerns/grievances. 
  • You may view our PCM Grievance and Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures here.  
  • Public comment should be shared with the board in writing in advance of the board meeting for us to better address your consideration. 
  • Please email to board@mypcm.org or submit in paper form to the PCM office in Gladish Community and Cultural Center. 
  • You should receive confirmation of receipt of your written statement within 48 hours of submission.
III. LEADER Team Update & Compliance Check-in
Standing reminders:
Per PCM's Charter School Contract with the Commission, PCM Trustees should regularly review the Statement of Assurances (found in the Compliance folder linked in the footer) to ensure we are fulfilling our obligation to the contract. 


The Commission has issued an updated Compliance Calendar for the 2021-22 School Year.  This is a component of a larger document used by PCM management and available to the Board that provides guidance and clarification around the Commission's oversight of charter schools (this Oversight Guidance Manual is updated periodically).


What rubrics does the Commission use for evaluation?



  A. January Update

Please review the BOARD OF TRUSTEES DASHBOARD prior to these updates.  The majority of updates directly apply to this dashboard.  


[to be linked in at least 7 day prior to meeting]


General outline:

  • Enrollment
  • Financial
  • Compliance
  • School Specific Goal progress (similar cadence to Academic update)
  • Logic Model (similar cadence to Academic update)
  • Academic update (if applicable....usually the board meeting the month following the end of the trimester)

Notes not included in dashboard this month:

  • X

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Every member of a publicly funded governing body must complete their online F1 Personal Financial Affairs Statement within 14 days of taking their oath or assuring their duties. Additionally, every member is also required to refresher this information annually as long as they serve on the Board of Trustees.  The annual deadline is April 15th.


Last year we committed to submitting these by the March meeting!  Let's do this again this year!  For those who have already completed this last year, use your login and the process will go much more quickly this year.


A refresher document is attached.

IV. Committee Updates
Please read through committee reports/minutes and come with questions.  Committee chairs will not provide updates unless there is a motion or key items to address.  Please communicate with committee chairs or the head of school in advance of the meeting if you have questions.
  A. LESC (Leadership Evaluation & Support Committee)

In advance of the board meeting, trustees should:

  1. Review LESC meeting minutes .
  2. Read the HOS mid-year appraisal.

LESC will present a summary of the HOS mid-year appraisal meeting with the HOS and outline actionable items agreed on by LESC and the HOS following their meeting.  The HOS goals for the remainder of the 2021-22 SY will also be shared.


VOTE:  LESC proposed the board approve the committees name revision to LSEC to more closely align with the purpose of the committee.



  B. DC (Development Committee)

Trustees should review the DC meeting minutes.

  C. GC (Governance Committee)

Review the GC meeting minutes.


Presentation of GC's "Committee Goal & Task Review Process"


1. Initial contact between GC liaison and committee chair.

2. Liaison attends committee meeting or otherwise checks in with committee (review minutes, meet with chair)

3. GC presents "Goal & Task Review" Dashboard which contains the following:


  • Are the goals SMART goals? (Do all tasks have a deadline and an owner?)
  • Are the goals being completed on time? (Identify barriers if goals are not being completed) 
  • Goals are posted/reviewed monthly during committee meetings (Yes/No/Other)

4. Month to month record dashboard is maintained and reviewed by GC

  D. FC (Finance Committee)

In advance of this meeting Trustees should:

  1. Access the publicly accessible FC meeting notes and review.
  2. Review the January financials recommended by the FC.
  3. Complete the self-paced financial training added to your task list (included reading Board Staff Financial Contract)
  4. Review the attached Budget Revise (send Laylah & Matt questions in advance of the board meeting please). 

Motion 1: The FC recommends the Board approve the January financials as presented.


Motion 2: The FC recommends the Board approve the revised 2022-23 school year budget as presented.

V. Other Business


  A. Officer Elections

Officer elections were to have occurred back in August, but due to confusion around terms and term dates, the vote never occurred. The slate of officers is presented as follows:

Chair: John Cassleman
Vice Chair: Bev Wolff

Secretary: Clara Hill

Treasurer: Aubree Guyton

VI. New Business
VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting