Pullman Community Montessori

PCM Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 22, 2021 at 5:00 PM PDT


Due to impacts of COVID-19, PCM board meetings will be held virtually via the Zoom platform until further notice. Thank you for understanding and we look forward to seeing you virtually!


All board meetings are open to the public. Meetings begin at 5:00 PM PST the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month. Public comment is a standing agenda item at each monthly meeting. Items will be addressed by the board according to the Meeting Agenda posted 48 hours prior to each meeting.
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Meeting ID: 896-2004-2723
Password: 6615


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     (929) 205 6099
     (301) 715 8592
     (312) 626 6799
     (669) 900 6833
     (253) 215 8782
     (346) 248 7799
If you would like to make public comment you will be called on in the order you arrived.  We generally allow 5 minutes for presentation of personal comments/questions/concerns/grievances.  You may view our PCM Grievance and Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures here.  Public comment should be shared with the board in writing in advance of the board meeting for us to better address you consideration.  Please email to board@mypcm.org or submit in paper form to the PCM office in Gladish Community and Cultural Center.  You should receive confirmation of receipt of your written statement within 48 hours of submission.  If you do not recieve confirmation please email JanW@myPCM.org
PCM's Mission: to prepare all students to reach their full potential for future success in high school, college, career, and life, using the rich resources of our community.

PCM's Vision: to serve as an instrument of change, helping to progress our education system to better meet the needs of students, families, and educators. We nurture students to be self-empowered lifelong learners, global citizens, environmental stewards, and compassionate and collaborative leaders, bringing positive changes to their communities and the world!


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
Take a moment before the meeting to review our operating norms (linked in the footer).  Any suggestsion for changes, additions, deletions?  Are there any items missing in the footer that you'd like to see there?  Are there any broken links or links that send you to the wrong document?
  C. Approve Minutes - 5/25
Please thoroughly review minutes and have any amendments typed and ready to put into the chat.


    Minutes for PCM Board Meeting on May 25, 2021
  D. Re-approve Special Meeting Minutes - 4/12
    Minutes for Board Meeting--Special on April 12, 2021
  E. Re-approve Special Board Meeting Minutes - 4/22
    Minutes for Board Meeting--Special on April 22, 2021
  F. Approve Special Meeting Minutes - 6/8
    Minutes for Board Meeting--Special on June 8, 2021
  G. Prospective Candidate Interview
We have the pleasure of interviewing a prospective Trustee at tonights
meeting: Ayad Rahmani.

Brief Intro: Mr. Rahmani is an architect, urbanist, and writer. He is an
associate professor of architecture at Washington State University and
currently writes a regular column for the Moscow-Pullman Daily
News. Thank you for your time Mr. Rahmani!

Trustees: Please review Mr. Rahmani's application materials which
were assigned as a personalized task in BoardOnTrack. Have the PCM
Board Candidate Evaluation Tools & Questions
printed out/pulled up
and ready to go. Trustees will take turns asking questions per the
order put in the chat.

Closing: After offering an opportunity for Mr. Rahmani to ask questions
the board will dismiss the candidate and proceed with a deliberation
period and vote.
  H. Building our Board Muscles: SCENARIO
The focus of the board scenario this month is intended to be on the use and utility of our norms, and on the manner of our dialogue (more so than the process we take, which is our usual approach). The group norms document is linked here.


The board is approving the Annual Budget at the Annual Meeting in August. At the meeting, one board member strongly disagrees with one line item in the budget: marketing and advertising. They believe that PCM has allocated too much money for this purpose and raises this concern at the Annual Meeting for the first time. How should the board resolve this disagreement while upholding PCM's group norms? 




  I. DEI and Anti-racism Commitment
What would we like our next steps to toward our DEI and Anti-racism Commitment?  Dr. Scott will be sharing the 2021-22 DEI board training calendar soon.
II. Public Comment
  A. Making Public Comments
Welcome!  If you would like to make public comment you will be called on in the order you logged in/arrived.  We generally allow 5 minutes for presentation of personal comments/questions/concerns/grievances.  You may view our PCM Grievance and Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures here.  Public comment should be shared with the board in writing in advance of the board meeting for us to better address you consideration.  Please email to board@mypcm.org or submit in paper form to the PCM office in Gladish Community and Cultural Center.  You should receive confirmation of receipt of your written statement within 48 hours of submission.
III. LEADER Team Update
  A. June Update
Review the LEADERS Team Update. 

The HOS will verbally deliver any updates since this meeting:
SPED needs & Contracts (IEP-O & Presence Learning)
IV. Committee Updates
Please read through committee reports/minutes and come with questions.  Committee chairs will not provide updates unless there is a motion or key items to address.  Please communicate with committee chairs or the head of school in advance of the meeting if you have questions.
  A. LESC (Leadership Evaluation & Support Committee)
Trustees should access the publicly accessible LESC meeting notes and review prior to the board meeting. Please note the 6-20-21 meeting was cancelled becuase the committee met earlier to complete needed business for the HOS Annual Review.

Trustees should review the HOS Annual Review results and next steps prior to the meeting. Any questions should be referred to Bev and John in advance of the meeting if possible.

LESC is putting for the following motion: LESC reccommends the Board approve the renewal of Laylah Sullivan's employment contract for the Head of School position for the 2021-22 school year.  
  B. DC (Development Committee)
Trustees should access the publicly accessible DC meeting notes and review prior to the board meeting.
  C. GC (Governance Committee)
Trustees should access the publicly accessible GC meeting notes and review prior to the board meeting. Please note, the GC meeting was posponed due to conflicting schedules.
  D. FC (Finance Committee)
Trustees should access the publicly accessible FC meeting notes and review prior to the board meeting. 

The HOS will provide a quick overview of the Annual Budget.  No vote is necessary until the August meeting.  Please send any questions to Laylah during the month of July.  If you want more detail you can also attend the July FC meeting.


Montion: The FC reccommends the approval of the May financials as presented (you can find these linked into the FC agenda).
V. Compliance
As agreed in our Charter School Contract with the Commission, PCM must meet a list of pre-opening conditions on the proposed deadlines to be able to open.  I recommend occasionally each Trustee should read back through the Statement of Assurances (found in the Compliance folder linked in the footer).  This provides a condensed view of what we've agreed to.
  A. Pre-opening Conditions Checklist
Please review the pre-opening checklist.  This was updated by the commission on 6/11 to reflect all of the financial related documents that are due in July.  Our HOS has indicated with yellow highlighting which have been completed.  A short report will be provided on how we are tracking towards future deliverables.


  B. Planning Year Dashboard
Please review our Planning Year Dashboard to view how we are tracking towards typical planning year deliverables.
VI. Equity Pause
Awareness: What would we like to say that hasn't been said?
Inclusion: Who are we not hearing from? Why?
Relationships: Is this conversation/action/project moving towards relationship?
Acknowledgments: Are we acknowledging the history? What and who would you like to acknowledge and celebrate?
Process & Practice: Are we on the right track? Do we need to update our practices and processes?
Goals: Are we moving towards more and/or improved equity and inclusion practices?
Implicit Biases: Where are our blindspots and biases?
(Adopted from equity Xdesign)
VII. Other Business


  A. Required Board Policies - Postpone to 6/29
WA Charters created this Charter Required Policies spreadsheet to aid in boards adopting all the necessary policies, procedures, manuals, and handbooks. It is highly recommended, with a few exceptions, that schools adopt slightly modified WSSDA (Washington State Charter School Directors' Association) model policies and procedures to accomplish this task.

The final batch of policies will need to be postponed for adoption to a special meeting on June 29th to allow PCM staff more time to finalize all policies and handbooks.
  B. Annual School Calendar
Attached is the annula academic calendar for the 2021-22 school year.  

Commission pre-opening condition deliverable language "An annual school calendar approved by the Board of Directors for the first year of the School’s operation is on file with the Commission. School calendar must meet the compulsory school attendance requirements of state law, financial guidelines, and state regulations. Calendar must include dates for state and interim norm referenced or criterion referenced assessments."
  C. Staff Handbook
Please review the Staff Handbook.  The base structure of this handbook was adopted from Spokane International.  The base document has undergone numerous ausits.  Modification were made to fit PCM's model and staffing structure.  Joule as well as PCM's founding staff have reviewed the Staff handbook.

Proposed Montion: I motion that the Board approve the Staff Handbook as presented.
  D. EEC (Early Entrance Kindergarten)
Vebal update.  PCM Administrative team is not reccommending seeking EEC or Transitional K (T-K) at this time.
  E. Student and Family Handbook Update
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting