Pullman Community Montessori

Development Committee (DC) Meeting

Secondary meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 6, 2021 at 12:00 PM PST


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844-8737-8435
Password: 7880
PCM's Mission: to prepare all students to reach their full potential for future success in high school, college, career, and life, using the rich resources of our community.

PCM's Vision: to serve as an instrument of change, helping to progress our education system to better meet the needs of students, families, and educators. We nurture students to be self-empowered lifelong learners, global citizens, environmental stewards, and compassionate and collaborative leaders, bringing positive changes to their communities and the world!


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
Please thoroughly review minutes and have any amendments typed and ready to put into the chat.


These say approved because of an error I made when creating "How To" videos.  We'll still need to review and make amendments if necessary.
II. Development Committee (DC) Business
  A. Material Distribution Update
- Did you distribute the materials to the places you signed up on the Community Communication Tracker? 
- Were people aware of PCM?  


  B. 'Event' Planning: Virtual Movie Night


Movie night update (Inside Montessori)
    - Set the date? 
    - How are we marketing the movie night?
    - How are we hosting the watch party? 
    - How are we asking for a donation?  


  C. Donor Detail Considerations
Consider the following questions and lets start forming a consensus around them....


To be added to the Development Plan:
  1. How do we acknowledge donor contributions (letter, post card, gift)?
  2. Is it a tiered-response (donors below $500 get x, donors between $500-$5K get x, etc.... or everyone gets the same)?
  3. If letter or postcard - how soon? (What is the timing (ex w/in 10 days, 30, days, etc)
  4. Mid-year and end-of-year reports to donors? What do they look like - who is responsible? -- currently school Admin and the DC Chair are called out to do this. (virtual or physical mail...do we offer "go paperless" option).
  5. Provide donors the ability to sign up for the newsletter - how do we give them this choice?
  6. How do we promote matching gifts?
  7. End of Year tax document - when is it sent, who is responsible for getting it ready? - currently ideal if FACE leads.
  D. Donor Door Project
- Get a draft of the marketing graphic by the next meeting, Jan/20 
III. Other Business
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting