Pullman Community Montessori

PCM Board Working Group Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 24, 2020 at 5:30 PM PST


All board meetings are open to the public. Meetings begin at 5:30 PM PST the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month. Public comment is a standing agenda item at each monthly meeting. Items will be addressed by the board according to the Meeting Agenda posted prior to each meeting.
PCM's Mission: to prepare all students to reach their full potential for future success in high school, college, career, and life, using the rich resources of our community.

PCM's Vision: to serve as an instrument of change, helping to progress our education system to better meet the needs of students, families, and educators. We nurture students to be self-empowered lifelong learners, global citizens, environmental stewards, and compassionate and collaborative leaders, bringing positive changes to their communities and the world!


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes - 11/10/20
Please thoroughly review minutes and have any amendments typed and ready to put into the chat.
    Minutes for PCM Board of Trustees Meeting on November 10, 2020
  D. Approve Minutes - 8/31/20
Please thoroughly review minutes and have any amendments typed and ready to put in the chat.
    Minutes for Board Meeting -- Special on August 31, 2020
  E. Building our Board Muscles: SCENARIO
Reminder for Scenarios:
Examining and discussing scenarios is a good way for boards to grow and stay ahead of issues.  Don't get lost in the details of the scenario.  These are hypotheticals that other boards have dealt with.  Keep in mind Governance vs Management and how you feel the board should collectively APPROACH solving the problem presented (not the minute details of how the problem will be solved or the ultimate decision)


In February, PCM's enrollment numbers are lingering at about half of the school's capacity and do not necessitate a lottery. What is the Board's role in ensuring that PCM reaches its enrollment goals?


Guiding consideration/questions:
  • Materials to review/consider - Full board member packet (in footer)
  F. DEI and Anti-racism Commitment
Review Dr. Scott's presentation and reflect on the training. 
  • What questions arise for you (if you don't want to share with the group please email John or I)?  You can also reach out to Dr. Scott directly if you have questions for him (john@wacharters.org).
  • What would you like to learn more about that you think would benefit the board and our role?
  • What would you like to see in future PD on this topic?
To continue moving ourselves along the spectrum of understanding please grab a notepad and watch this 20 minute video: Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwIx3KQer54).
  • What came up for you that you want to share?
  • What would you like to dive into more in future PD?
II. LEADER Team Update - Brief
  A. LEADER's Team Updates
Please review the LEADERS Team Update.  Carefully review the enrollment update and we'll briefly discuss board roles.
  B. Board Assessment Results and Planning - MOVED TO NEXT MEETING
Moved to December meeting
  C. 'Board Goals' & Committee Delegation -- MOVED TO NEXT MEETING


John will present the high level take-homes from the Board Assessment.  Bottom line, we are in a good place for where we are in the process.  We also have a clear roadmap of how to improve and be prepared for our first operating year.


John will also present the 'Board Goals' identified and recommended by the Governance Committee (there will also be a recommendation when and which committee should lead on progressing us collectively towards the goal).  We do need to vote on the goals.  They don't have to be perfect and the tasks to accomplish these goals can be fleshed out by the committees.
  D. Individual Trustee Goals
To compliment our system wide culture and expectations for a continuous cycle of improvement and dedication to life-long learning we should establish small goals to help advance ourselves as trustees.  We too are LEADERS :-)  


Please review this Individual Trustees Goals Form (it includes a frame and timeline). 
What questions or concerns do you have? 


Please realize these should not be complex or exceptionally lofty goals.  Simple small chunks are an ideal approach for a volunteer group.  This format will also allow the HOS and Chair to identify what supports are needed (collectively and individually).  
III. Committee Updates
Please read through committee reports/minutes and come with questions.  Committee chairs will only spend 1-3 minutes providing high level overviews.  Questions will be answered as they arise.
  A. LESC (Leadership Evaluation & Support Committee)
Review meeting minutes and recommendations for the Board are listed below.


No recommendations at this time.
  B. DC (Development Committee)
Review meeting minutes (NA meeting is Wednesday) and recommendations for the Board are listed below.


No recommendations at this time.
  C. GC (Governance Committee)
Review meeting minutes 1 and meeting notes 2.  Recommendations were covered previously in agenda when discussing Assessment.


  D. FC (Finance Committee)
Review meeting minutes and recommendations for the Board are listed below.


No recommendations at this time.
  E. Review October Financials
Please review the key documents in THIS FOLDER
IV. Other Business
  A. Reminders
Build strong Trustee muscles:
  • Physically calendar time for prepping and completing work before and after board meetings and committee meetings.  I recommend calendaring in 1 hr of prep time within 2 days before the meetings and calendar any in-between work that needs to be done.
  • As part of your meeting prep please remember to review the previous meetings minutes in advance.
  • Check your designated PCM email at least 2x per week minimum (most are just super quick checks to ID anything urgent and make a mental note of future items that are less critical to address).  
  • As a committee member, remember to spread the work load.  Give other opportunities.  Review the common committee/board language email I distributed if you feel you need support running meetings (remember, committees are much less formal but still should spend time outlining norms, how members will communicate, how you'll 'vote' to recommend something to the board (particularly if there is not a consensus).
  • Remember I can't make motions or vote.  This is one of your key roles as a board member :-) This should be evenly distributed amongst board members (i.e. not the same person always making a motion or seconding).
  • Remember you are a PCM ambassador.  Recommend PCM for Holiday giving, suggest us for Amazon smile, encourage enrollment (especially K).  We'll we distributing new marketing collateral soon for you to disseminate when appropriate.
  • If everyone you know doesn't know you are on the PCM board this is a good stop and reflect moment that was brought to my attention at a recent conference.  What are you proud of? What is stopping you from sharing the excitement? Is this a goal you want to set for yourself?
  • Have fun and remember your voice matters!  Do you have ideas you want to share?  Any specific ideas for board PD and culture building you want to share?


Looking ahead: 
January is the deadline for our Board to be fully compliant with OPMA requirements.
Review board calendar (in footer).


Trustee HW:
Email the following to Laylah and John by December 4th.
  1. What are your top three question about chairing a committee?
  2. What are your top three question about serving as a board member?
  3. What are your top 3 compliments/Glows/likes about our board?
V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting