
I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes (NA this meeting---First Meeting)
II. Governance Committee (GC)
Governance Committee: The Governance Committee is responsible for ongoing review and recommendations to enhance the quality and future viability of the Board of Trustees. The focus of the committee revolves around the following five major areas:
  1. Board Role and Responsibilities
  2. Board Composition
  3. Board Knowledge
  4. Board Effectiveness
  5. Board Leadership
  A. Discussion of GC Responsibilities
Review Grounding Docs & Committee Responsibilities (adapt going forward....add specifics for GC) and PCM Governance Overview.  Provides a good overview of PCM structure and approach to Governance and outlines all PCM standing committees and allow viewers to see how the GC responsibilities fit in with other committees.  The first doc also sets the overall tone for PCM culture.
  B. Establish basic norms/practices
HW: Consider how you do/don't want to spend time in our GC meetings.  Review the overall board norms and reminder outlined in the attachment, this provides a good base.


We don't need to spend a whole lot of time here but I wanted to at least note some basic things like, how do we want to spend our time in committee? How can we most effectively use our time? What working environments really work for us personally, and which don't? etc. 


Action: set 3-5 norms for committee operation
  C. Draft Committee Goals
This will be the focus of the meeting. We'll use the duties and responsibilities outlined for the GC as the basis for our goal setting and prioritizing discussion.  The Logic Model should also be referenced to obtain a 10,000 foot view of the BOT's short and long term goals.  The work of PCM's Committees directly affects the attainment of these goals. 


Action: determine Gov. Comm. goals for the planning year to be recommended to the board.
III. Other Business
  A. Committee Recruitment & Board Self-Assessment
With any time remaining, we will review current board composition and begin brainstorming what gaps to fill and how to fill them.


Launching and using board self assessment this year.  What we have to date.....The Board is completing their self assessment over the next 2 weeks (to set a baseline).  The board Chair, HOS, and available Development Committee members will meet with BoardOnTrack coaches on October 28th (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM).  The session will be recorded for DC members who can't attend.  The DC Chair should be prepared to report to the full BOT at the November 10th Board Meeting.  The plan is to do another self-assessment in April or June of 2021 to evaluate growth, identify high needs areas to focus on, and plan for our first operating year.


Action: Begin building a picture of how the DC will use and advise on this information.
  B. Calendar Reflection
I created this calendar mockup by pulling key items from the charter and setting them into an annual calendar. If we have time, we can discuss the logic of the calendar and whether we need to adjust/add/remove. Some items, for example: "Develop board recruitment strategy" in Jan 2021, will require more time than a 1-hour lunch meeting and so we should discuss how to best achieve these.
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting