Pullman Community Montessori

PCM Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 8, 2020 at 5:30 PM PDT


Due to impacts of COVID-19, PCM board meetings will be held virtually via the Zoom platform until further notices.  Thank you for understanding and we look forward to seeing you virtually!


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Minutes for PCM Board Working Group Meeting on August 18, 2020
II. Leadership Support & Evaluation
III. Academic Excellence
IV. Development
  A. Fund Development Planning Update
V. Finance
VI. Other Business
  A. LEADERS Team Update
Please review the Updates Slides prior to the meeting. I'm happy to address any questions or provide further explanation.


  B. Committee Setup
We should begin assigning seats to chair committees (discussing timeline for creation, planning year goals for each committee, etc).


These are our standing Committees:
Governance Committee (GC) - 
Development Committee (DC)- Dorrie
Finance Committee (FC) - (must be treasurer)
Academic Excellence Committee (AEC) - (likely best to establish later)
Leadership Evaluation and Support Committee (LESC) -
**Committee descriptions can be found HERE.


Discuss setting up independent (Community Engagement Committee)...separate 501(c)(3)
  C. Fund Development PD
  • Fund Development Plan,
  • Board Roles,
  • What's our cadence,
  • What does 100% Board giving mean (why the extra monetary ask right now?)
  • Broad definition of 'giving'
  • How to ask  
  D. Board Goals
Review board goals drafted to date (on the left side of the BoT platform select Goals....they are currently nested under committees as this is our end goal).  These should be set using the SMART Goal method and will be revisited at each meeting (monthly at min).  Review the board related commitments outlined in the app to get some bearing.


As a quick reminder smart goals are "specific," "measurable," "attainable," "relevant," and "time-bound."  This is a useful article.
VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting