Miles Ahead Charter School
MACS Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday January 16, 2025 at 7:30 PM
Directors Present
D. Laguerre II (remote), E. Miller (remote), E. Quackenbush (remote), H. Lust (remote), J. Hazard (remote), J. Toussaint (remote), J. Troutman (remote), L. Schumpert (remote), T. Reese (remote), U. Sayers (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Turner
Guests Present
Gloria Brown (remote), Hawa Boyd (remote), Hope Williams (remote), K. Bloxson (remote), Kim (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance / Confirm Quorum
Call the Meeting to Order
Confirm amount of people who signed up in advance for Public Forum
Approve Meeting Agenda
Approve Minutes from November 21, 2024
II. Treasurer's Report
Financial Reporting
Refer to the Finance Committee Meeting (01/09/2025) minutes for a detailed breakdown of financials for FY25.
- Dorian shared the December 2024 financial reports including the Approved Budget vs Current Forecast - EBITDA, FY25 Previous Forecast (Oct) vs Current Forecast (Nov), Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Monthly Cash Forecast, Grant Allotments, SCSC Financial Performance Indicators as presented by edTec.
- December Beginning Balance: $358,559.49
- Checks ($52,776.98)
- Withdrawals ($426,640.67)
- Deposit $864,249.84
- December Ending Balance: $743.421.68
- December Beginning Balance: $358,559.49
III. Committee Updates
Committee Updates
Academic -
- Erin - The meeting is scheduled for January 23rd.
- Kolt
- CCRPI Results released January 21st
- Academic Leadership Crew are creating a calendar for next year (Last Tuesday of January at about 3:45pm)
Development - Members are not in attendance to provide updates.
Finance - See Treasurer's Report and Finance Committee Meeting (01/09/2025) minutes
- Next meeting is February 6th. They are working on succession plan for board members, board recruitment process, new board member onboarding, and guidance around enrollment.
IV. MACS PTO (Parent Teacher's Organization) Update
Kolt indicated they have fundraising events for the month of February. Families should check their Friday Fives.
V. Executive Director Updates
Executive Director's Updates
Kolt is working on their organizational structure and the hiring process for the next school year. This is will be completed and available for board member voting in the month of February.
VI. Items To Vote On
MACS 4-Year Strategic Plan
We will hold off on taking a vote to revise the timeline of the strategic plan.
VII. Review and Discussion Topics
The 6-Step BoardSavvy Approach to Setting and Achieving Your Board's Goals
Board Chair Followups
- Schedule for full year to be provided to Charter School Commission. We are required to have 10 board meetings per year.
MACS 2024-2025 Board Structure:
- Board Officers:
- Board Chair: Henry L. Lust
- Board Vice-Chair: Tracy Reese
- Board Secretary: Jennifer Toussaint
- Board Treasurer: Dorian Laguerre (Leaves Board 6/30/2025)
- Board Committees:
- Academic Excellence
- Erin Quackenbush (Leaves Board 6/30/2025)
- Joel Hazard
- Jordan Troutman
- Finance
- Dorian Laguerre (Leaves Board 6/30/2025)
- Ed Miller (Leaves Board 6/30/2025)
- Jennifer Toussaint
- Lamont Schumpert
- Development
- Charles Menifee (Resigned From Board Effective 12/31/2024)
- Angel Turner
- Governance
- Tracy Reese
- Uso Sayers
- Henry L. Lust
- Academic Excellence
- Governance Training (Enrollments Completed)
- February 11th / Atlanta
- Joel Hazard
- Jordan Troutman
- Lamont Schumpert
- February 12th / Atlanta
- Joel Hazard
- Jordan Troutman
- Lamont Schumpert
- Henry Lust
- Jennifer Toussaint
- Dorian Laguerre
- Tracy Reese
- Uso Sayers
- Angel Turner
- Ed Miller
- Erin Quackenbush
- February 11th / Atlanta
Executive Session (If Required)
Executive session was not warranted at this time.
VIII. Closing Items
Public Forum - Opportunity for Submitted Questions from Public
There were no Public Comments submitted.
MACS Events: Kolt will send the Activities and Social calendar.
Award Day (Last Friday of January)
Executive Director Address on February 7th
There were no Public Comments submitted.