Miles Ahead Charter School
MACS Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday November 21, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Turner (remote), C. Menifee (remote), D. Laguerre II (remote), E. Miller (remote), H. Lust (remote), J. Toussaint (remote), L. Schumpert (remote), T. Reese (remote)
Directors Absent
E. Quackenbush, J. Hazard, J. Troutman, U. Sayers
Guests Present
Almeisha (remote), Brandis (remote), Coco (remote), Dalaina (remote), Darrell (remote), Destiny Lowe (remote), Gloria Brown (remote), Hawa Boyd (remote), Iphone (remote), K. Bloxson (remote), Karra (remote), Kimberly Keyes (remote), Shantay James (remote), Tega (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance / Confirm Quorum
Call the Meeting to Order
Confirm amount of people who signed up in advance for Public Forum
Approve Meeting Agenda
Approve Minutes from October 17, 2024
II. Treasurer's Report
Financial Reporting
Refer to the Finance Committee Meeting (11/14/2024) minutes for a detailed breakdown of financials for FY25.
- Dorian shared the FY25 financial reports including the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Monthly Cash Forecast and Projected Balance Sheet as presented by edTec.
September Ending Balance 373,104.70
Checks 31,893.64
Other Withdrawals 327,689.68
Deposit 364,825.16
October Ending Balance 378,346.54
GA Own Acts. 10,880.04
Ending Cash Flow 389,226.58
- Giving Tuesday - Due 12/3
III. Committee Updates
Committee Updates
- No members in attendance.
- Focus is on making sure we're ready for Giving Tuesday.
- Updating the website and contacting previous donors to provide an update on MACS' progress.
- Adding Donate Now button on various pages of the website. For the Home page, should it be at the top or bottom?
- Newsletter - need data regarding the school to add to the newsletter
- Destiny Lowe - working on the website
Finance - See Treasurer's Report and Finance Committee Meeting (11/14/2024) minutes
- Developing succession plan for board members
- Reviewing recruitment process
- Survey for directors
IV. MACS PTO (Parent Teacher's Organization) Update
Fundraising opportunities include:
- Car Pool bus passes given to two parents
- Giving Tree
- Hot Chocolate Stand
- Valentines Gram
- Sneaker Bowl
- Krispy Creme Fundraiser
V. Executive Director Updates
Executive Director's Updates
Kolt discussed the following topics:
- The Anxious Generation Book Club
- Standards Based Grading, Homework, and Communication Focus
- Curriculum Night - Oct. 22
ELA/Math Lessons & Strategies
ED Updates/ Title I Parent Meeting - Review Title I Community Meeting, Data, and Next Steps
- Updates for 25-26 Academic Year
- A Word from KBP
- Curriculum Night - Oct. 22
- 25-26 Academic Year Adjustments - MACS needs to prepare for any potential shifts in federal and state funding which may come as a result of changes at the federal and state levels of education.
- MACS will remain K-5 in the 25-26 academic year.
- The Scholarship will not be offered. It's the MACS bus.
- Build out Organization, Structure, and Policies.
- First Fridays with KBP Dec. 6 at 9:00am in Media Center
- A Word from KBP
- More presence would be appreciated during carpool. Be clear that actions have consequences (ie citation).
- Governance Committee - make recommendations for holding community members accountable.
VI. Items To Vote On
Stay K-5
Bus Service
VII. Review and Discussion Topics
MACS 4-Year Strategic Plan
We will review and modify the 4-Year Strategic Plan in the next coming board meetings. The Governance committee will be reviewing.
Board Chair Followups
Listing of the MACS board member meetings for June 2024-June 2025.
MACS 2024-2025 Board Structure
Board Officers:
- Board Chair: Henry L. Lust
- Board Vice-Chair: Tracy Reese
- Board Secretary: Jennifer Toussaint
- Board Treasurer: Dorian Laguerre
- Board Committees:
- Academic Excellence
- Erin Quackenbush
- Joel Hazard
- Jordan Troutman
- Finance
- Dorian Laguerre
- Ed Miller
- Jennifer Toussaint
- Lamont Schumpert
- Development
- Charles Menifee
- Angel Turner
- Governance
- Tracy Reese
- Uso Sayers
- Henry L. Lust
- Academic Excellence
Executive Session (If Required)
VIII. Closing Items
Public Forum - Opportunity for Submitted Questions from Public
There were no Public Comments submitted.
First Fridays with KBP Dec. 6 at 9:00am in Media Center
There were no Public Comments submitted.