Miles Ahead Charter School


MACS Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 15, 2024 at 7:30 PM

Directors Present

A. Turner (remote), C. Menifee (remote), D. Laguerre II (remote), E. Miller (remote), E. Quackenbush (remote), H. Lust (remote), J. Hazard (remote), J. Toussaint (remote), J. Troutman (remote), L. Schumpert (remote), T. Reese (remote)

Directors Absent

U. Sayers

Guests Present

K. Bloxson (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance / Confirm Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

H. Lust called a meeting of the board of directors of Miles Ahead Charter School to order on Thursday Aug 15, 2024 at 7:33 PM.


Confirm amount of people who signed up in advance for Public Forum

There were no Public Comments submitted.


Approve Meeting Agenda

E. Miller made a motion to approve the meeting's agenda.
D. Laguerre II seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes from June 15, 2024

E. Miller made a motion to approve the minutes from MACS Board Meeting on 06-15-24.
D. Laguerre II seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Treasurer's Report


June 2024 Treasurer's Report

Refer to the Finance Committee Meeting (08/08/2024) minutes for a detailed breakdown of financials for FY24 and FY25


  • Dorian shared the June 2024 financial reports. All expenses have now been categorized. We are officially closing the FY24 school year. 
  • Dorian indicated for the month of June, there were a few more expenses than normal due to preparations for the FY25 school year. 
  • Henry noted that we ended the FY24 in a very positive position. We do need to keep our eyes on the unrestricted day's cash and get that up to between 15 and 60 days. 

III. Committee Updates


Committee Updates

Academic - The committee has two new members.



  • Charles discussed TK Consulting is working to update our social media presence.
  • Angel noted by August 23rd, TK Consulting will share a comprehensive report of MACS current web footprint to include recommendations for improvements. 

Finance - See Treasurer's Report and Finance Committee Meeting (08/08/2024) minutes 


Governance - updates of the Leaves and Absences Policy have been completed for voting in the August 15th meeting. 

IV. MACS PTO (Parent Teacher's Organization) Update



(Tega) Omabele presented on behalf of the PTO.  Kelly could not be in attendance. 


  • At the PTO meeting, the mission and vision were reviewed.
  • Fundraising activities for FY25 include a Lemonade ($2) stand this fall (National Lemonade Day August 20th), October Fall Festival, Holiday Market,

V. Executive Director Updates


Executive Director's Updates

Kolt discussed FY25 MACS 2.0 Strategic Goals, more specifically, MACS 2.0: Our Community Goals and Focus Points.


MACS 2.0: Our Community Goals and Focus Points

These goals have been reviewed with members of the PTO and staff at July's onboarding.

       1. MACSimizing Instruction

       2. Data Driven Decisions

       3. Growing Whole, Healthy, Happy People


MACS 2.0: MACSimizing Instruction

Ensure that MACS is:

  • Leveraging Bell to Bell instruction
    • Fruitful Academic Time between the hours of 7:30 through after 3:00pm (ie math facts, journaling, working on handwriting)
    • Maximizing Power Hour. Teachers will use their Map Data to leverage instructional time. 
    • Collaborative Planning and Preparation

Kolt shared with our families their federal rights to know: 

  • Parents/Families Rights to Know:
    • Waive Teacher Certification 
    • Certification or on Pathway
    • MUST be teaching in Area of Certification
    • Hire in Specialty Areas 
    • Hire from Private, Montessori, Out of State


MACS 2.0: Data Driven Decisions

Members of the Academic Leadership Crew (ALC):

  • Meet every other Tuesday (3:30 - 4:30) starting after Labor Day. 
  • Represent their Crew as we reflect on data, growth of scholars, and needs across MACS.
  • Report back to their Crew any next steps, trainings, and resources. 
  • Want to help MACS grow and be leaders for others. 
  • Enjoy engaging in critical conversations with others to come to decisions as a Crew.  


MACS 2.0: Growing Whole, Healthy, Happy People

Every member of the MACS Community has the right to feel whole, healthy, and happy. As a community, we will learn and work on creating this environment.


In order to do reach this goal, we are building out the following structures:

  • Climate and Culture Crew
  • Planning for JOY
  • Signature Programming

We will be launching Health Week the first week of each month. 


FY25 Student Enrollment

The enrollment data below is before the 10 day count:


  • Kindergarten - 77
  • First Grade - 72
  • Second Grade - 46
  • Third Grade - 36
  • Fourth Grade - 25
  • Fifth Grade - 22

Total of 278 MACS scholars. FTE count will occur in October.  

VI. Items to Vote On


Vote to approve the updated Leaves and Absences Policies

J. Toussaint made a motion to approve updated and added sections of the Employee Leaves and Absences Policies.
E. Quackenbush seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Meeting Discussion Topics


MACS 4-Year Strategic Plan

The 4-year strategic plan was finalized at the June 15th in-person board meeting.


Board Chair Followups

Henry reviewed the FY25 officers of the board and committee members. 

  • H Lust - Board Chair
  • T. Reese - Vice Chair
  • J. Toussaint - Secretary
  • D. Laguerre II - Treasurer




  • J. Hazard
  • J. Troutman
  • E. Quackenbush
  • A. Lee (Volunteer)


  • T. Reese
  • H. Lust
  • U. Sayers


  • C. Menifee
  • E. Quackenbush
  • A. Turner


  • D. Laguerre II
  • J. Toussaint
  • E. Miller
  • L. Schumpert


Executive Session (If Required)

E. Miller made a motion to move into an Executive Session to discuss facility and legal matters at 8:21pm.
J. Toussaint seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
J. Toussaint made a motion to exit the Executive Session and return to the Board meeting at 8:50pm.
E. Miller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Closing Items


Public Forum - Opportunity for Submitted Questions from Public

There were no Public Comments submitted.



Henry announced the Kiwanis Club of Greater South Cobb is having a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser on September 14th at Ron Anderson Recreation center in Powder Springs. This fundraiser is to support the Get Georgia Reading campaign. 


Next Board Meeting: Saturday September 21, 2024 @ 9:00am @ MACS


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
H. Lust