Launch Expeditionary Learning Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday April 26, 2018 at 6:30 PM EDT
1580 Dean St. – 3rd Fl., Brooklyn, NY
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve Minutes | |
Approve minutes from previous board meetings
II. | Welcome Lori | |
A. | Welcome new Head of School Lori Riddick | |
Lori Riddick, the newly hired Head of School for Launch Elementary, will introduce herself and answer questions for the full board.
III. | Committee Report | |
A. | New Schools Committee Presentation | |
Management and the New Schools Committee will present on the current progress of researching options for private space for the Launch Elementary School, and management will present on the process and implications of public space
IV. | Enrollment Update | |
A. | Update on current enrollment projections | |
The Executive Director will update the board on current enrollment projections for the 2018-2019 school year and one the current year's enrollment process |
V. | Information Items | |
A. | ED Report | |
VI. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |