
December Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday December 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 820 3088 6276

Directors Present

A. Bennin, B. Akintomide (remote), C. Crawley, C. Glier, D. Dennis, H. Harshman, J. Fulk (remote), L. Turner, M. Whitmire (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Bouie, M. Canada

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Turner called a meeting of the board of directors of BELIEVE SCHOOLS, INC to order on Wednesday Dec 14, 2022 at 5:07 PM.


Student Visit




Approve October Minutes

C. Glier made a motion to approve the minutes from October 2022 October Board Meeting on 10-27-22.
A. Bennin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve November Minutes

C. Glier made a motion to approve the minutes from November Board Meeting.
A. Bennin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. School Updates


Principal's Report


We came in at 89%, and as we look into some causes of the dip, we recognize illnesses.



We're going to be right at 206, with a couple incoming students.



Currently sitting at a 2.31 average. Elective grades are not included in this average. GPAs are centered around the core content classes. Dual enrollment scholars' grades from courses are also not yet included. 

Glier asked why 10th grade has lower average

Jackson-Anderson explained that scholars in this grade are beginning to take AP courses with their dual enrollment, which might be harder to balance for them. While some AP content is challenging, we anticipate scholars being more prepared for it in the second semester. We're finding that the AP courses are more challenging than the dual enrollment courses. We're working towards time management practices and accountability with students to not wait until the end of the semester to catch up. When we see this sophomore dip, we are talking with parents to get ahead of it.

Crawley - asked if we are sharing how to check grades within the SIS to see that before we reach out.

Jackson-Anderson said that we are working to get parents and families up to speed on this to check these types of things on their own in advance. We are also sending out communication within Principal's notes to talk about grades and where we are at for consistent communication. We notice oftentimes that village leaders will reach out, and we are ensuring teachers are connecting closely with village leaders on classroom performance. We have office hours as part of our model, and many students have been staying after since the week after Thanksgiving break. Last Saturday, we held a strong finish day, 56 scholars attended. Transportation and lunch were provided to support scholars that came. 

Turner asked what took place at Strong Finish Saturday

Jackson-Anderson: We had teachers provide 1:1 support in the gym. If there were particular assignments that scholars needed extra support, they had the space and resources to do so. There were finals this week, so there was also study groups taking place. Some students were mandatory participants, the rest were voluntarily here.

Middle of the year testing data will be available next month, and we're eager to see how much students have grown since BOY.

Freshmen took first official college testing, and Sophomores-Seniors took an adapted version. 

CAO has been doing data dives. In the coming weeks, we will have a leadership meeting to look deeper at what's happening with the data.


School Academic:

Friday data meetings, more strategically looking at standard mastery. This seems to be going really well and we're looking forward to seeing data that supports this.

Finals next week

Leadership step back next Wednesday (leadership and junior leaders) to review MOY data and adjustments to schedules as needed. Junior leaders are working on new scheduling to add more electives. We want to offer 4-5 electives, which will be different than what we currently have. We're excited to offer this next semester.

Turner- what electives will we be offering?

Jackson-Anderson: This is what we're working through right now.



Minority Contractors Collaboration (MCC) 

We're still really looking into what career partnerships could help us round out our model. We want to make sure we have strong pathways for students going the career route.

ELL Compliance Audit - Report from YellowHat came back, with meeting expectation scoring. We are diligent to continue this work and get to an exceeding expectation score for the next audit.


We are currently wrapping up formal observations and will roll out feedback. 


Intent to return surveys will go out this week for guided discussions around talent for the 23/24 school year. 


Leadership team has been involved in professional development including:

-College and career

-Talent retention


Family and Community:

-EdChampion breakfast last week. We had a lot of community leaders and middle school partners to join us. 


Angel Tree:

-Gift distribution is next Wednesday.


School Culture:

3 suspensions in the month of December. Several character academies, mentors, open seat have all been interventions to mitigate suspensions.

Turner: will you be able to share this with us?


Holiday party next Tuesday.


We are already at the start of hiring for next school year. Some positions are already posted. We will be trying Nimble (IDOE) platform as well as Indeed. Teacher roles will be posted early Spring semester



Executive Director's Report

We have engaged with Campus Catalyst to work on opportunities around enrollment. Kim provided the board with a report, and will continue to give updates as this evolves.


Operations Updates

Finance audit came back and documentation was shared with the board. There were no questions.

III. Committee Updates



The Governance committee met to level-set priorities for the coming year. Dr. Turner will take lead as committee chair, and will reach out to the group to set recurring meetings.


Academic Excellence

Next meeting is scheduled for Jan 24


Would be ideal to meet before the January board meeting - data should be ready by mid January



Finance meeting was on Monday looking at fiancials and revieiwng audit reports. 




Giving Tuesday Update


Meeting will be held in January to set a fundraising goal, set a strategy.

IV. Board Engagement & Celebrations


Previous Month's Engagements & Celebrations

  • Harshman will try to accompany Vonderheit in a development program. 
  • Crawley has been consistently meeting with BELIEVE young men the last six weeks in a mentoring program. He has also come out to support them at their basketball games.
  • Many board members have been involved in Angel Tree. This year we are serving 115 students through this support.


Upcoming Opportunities

V. Closing Items


Next meeting


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
H. Harshman