
October Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 27, 2022 at 5:00 PM


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Directors Present

A. Bennin (remote), B. Akintomide, C. Crawley (remote), C. Glier, D. Bouie, D. Dennis, H. Harshman, J. Fulk (remote), L. Turner, M. Whitmire (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Canada

Guests Present

T. Vonderheit

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Glier called a meeting of the board of directors of BELIEVE SCHOOLS, INC to order on Thursday Oct 27, 2022 at 5:09 PM.


Welcome and Attendance


Approve September Minutes

J. Fulk made a motion to approve the minutes from September Board Meeting on 09-21-22.
A. Bennin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. School Updates


Principal's Report


Took a dip for a few weeks due to transfer issues. Once those students were discharged, attendance went back up. 


Enrollment has flucated quite a bit since count day. This is tied to a various reasons: incarceration, unalignment to model, moving out of state etc. We are working with RISE Indy to work on supporting one of the families. 


Working to get back to 210-215 by Feb 1st for 2nd count day. 



School-wide GPA is 2.31. We are trending back into the right direction. We're seeing 10th-12th graders GPA's much lower than 9th due to dual enrollment, AP courses etc. We're closely monitoring and working with students to provide supports. There are a limited number of assignments in the grade book. 



Averages per grade level. We like to see kids at least at 1100. 1250+ are at the 11th/12th grade reading level. 


36 of our scholars are at at 1250 or above. Once scholars hit 1250 




Data will be shared after next testing day. 


Participated in a city-wide data

>BCC Reading scores were the highest of all TMT schools. TMT high schools always out perform IPS. 

>If math scores increase, we will hopefully have some of the highest SAT data in the city as well.  



Q1 is all about culture so students can be bought into our systems so academic rigor can happen. Moving forward into Q2, we are super data focused. 


Looking at Enrollment for 23-24 

> Enrollment for next school year has started. 

> GPA partnership: Highest performing Algebra I students are being bused to BCCHS daily that we can hope with enrollment. 

> HH suggested hosting an enrollment event at a community center or other event spaces. 

> BA suggested sending content directly to board members to post and reshape. 

> Canvas campaign or attend events 

> Targeted campaigns on social media; TikTok 

> Marian Neighborhood: Supper Sundays w/ vendors 

> November 15th Happy Hour (Table event on mass ave) 


Talent and Strategy

Intentional touchpoint and supports with staff. 


Conducted our first staff survey this school year. 


Still connecting POSSIP staff + family surveys. 


Developing a talent calendar to recruit top talent for next school year. 


Still looking for SPED and ENL. 


Hiring for DOI leader next school year. 







Executive Director's Report

Letter of Intent has been submitted for MO school. 


Idea that Fall 2025 for BELIEVE #2. 


Only changes would be a potential increased of enrollment of partnership with IPS. 


Conversations with TMT have been just considering timelines of school launch. 


MO Board Management

MO requires governance in their state. 


Because of the growth in STL, there is fundraising bootcamp with Let's Build Hope in STL. The bootcamp is being held in the week of Nov 14th. They are requesting ED/DOD + board member. 


KNB conversation with TMT is going to be around the "Fiscal Cliff". With interest rates sky rocketing, talent issue, and declining birth rate -- we need to be bracing for low enrollment and  budget cuts. 



MW shared that a lot of other schools who used ESSER funds in fiscally irresponsible way are going to suffer due to costs rising, labor shortage etc. 



Indiana State Charter Board is going up to the state legislature to fight for more funding for charter schools. This is a way that board members can support.


CSGF suggested some states for expansion and growth due to population increase. 


Talent hasn't been as big of an issue for us. We are experiencing issues with ELL and SPED. 





Aspirational/Strategic Plan vs Actual Plan (what you budget for)


Trying to determine who is advising large funders > BridgeSpan 








III. Committee Updates



Hughes has rolled off the board. 


12 members to 11 members 


Transparency Report on BOT


HH getting a meeting scheduled on growth efforts. 


Academic Excellence

Derek, committee chair, shared a powerpoint of plans for future. 



Revenue Adjustment: Waiting on this from the state for true up. 


MW shared he is happy with where financials look based on enrollment dips. 



Targeted Funding Campaign

  • Day of Giving Funding 
  • Send to 10 people in your network 
  • End of Year Giving 
  • Campaign for housing for Earn & Learn student (Scholarship for Earn & Learn Program) 


Create social media image for targeted campaign 



IV. Closing Items


Next meeting

November 16th 2022 @ 5PM. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:33 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Glier