
September Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday September 21, 2022 at 5:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 820 3088 6276

Directors Present

B. Akintomide, C. Glier, D. Dennis, H. Harshman (remote), J. Fulk (remote), L. Turner, M. Canada (remote), M. Whitmire (remote)

Directors Absent

A. Bennin, C. Crawley, D. Bouie, T. Hughes

Guests Present

T. Vonderheit

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Glier called a meeting of the board of directors of BELIEVE SCHOOLS, INC to order on Wednesday Sep 21, 2022 at 5:04 PM.


Welcome and Attendance


Approve August Minutes

C. Glier made a motion to approve the minutes from August Board Meeting on 08-17-22.
D. Dennis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. School Updates


Principal's Report

AJA is at a talent convening in Dallas for CSGF. KNB will be sharing the PR + academic updates. 


At count day we were at 213; 17 scholars short of enrollment. We are not in panic for budget shortfall due to two grant opportunities that were awarded -- over 500k in total. One grant was from TMT and the other was a state awarded grant. 


The second count day is February 1st. 


CG questioned what the discrepancies were. There were some conflicts with lists from Enroll Indy. In response, we have grown our enrollment team to build and reach more moving forward. 



Academic Data

Most data shows that students are a grade or two behind. We hope to close those gaps by the end of the year. We also expect that kids aren't invested at the beginning of the year and think some of the data is deflated. We suspect mid-year data will show better results. New angle: Once kids have reached a certain score -- they no longer have to continue taking HMH reading tests. 


Dr. T posed the question on what shifts have occurred with this data. 


PSAT Data 

Only 47 kids were tested. 

9th grade: Kids scored roughly 100 points lower than 9th graders last year. There are more high level lexile levels this year than last year. We have 16 kids this year being tested for G&T. Last year, we only had 8. Our newcomer population has also increased. A large majority of our students speak little to no english. 


Note: We are pushing TMT to push pre and post SAT data city wide so there are comparison points on growth city wide based on curriculum. KNB and Kellie Marshall will bring all leaders together to meet on who shared data -- VCP, Herron, Riverside, Purdue, BCC, KIPP, Tindley. 


KNB has worked closely with Purdue Polytechnic to share resources and discuss what is working for them. 


BCC grew on average 60 points reading. Math was stagnant. ELA was super strong. We have not formally used an ELA curriculum yet. We are using Odell curriculum this year. 


All 9th + 10th graders are double blocked in math and ela. Kids that come in below grade level have a minimum of 100 minutes of math and ela every day. 


New Initiatives: 

  • Late work policy: Grading for equity at the forefront.. Ensuring grades are balanced


Students started at MCC this week for career programming -- construction, HVAC welding, carpentry, plumbing, electrical. The group of 12 kids are getting their core program then they will select a level two in one of the areas. 


We are also building a program with Messer Construction. Met with 35 kids to start a winter workshop program where they earn 17/hour while earning certifications in the construction field. This would be a half day program during the school week -- not weekends or summer. Program will occur at Methodist hospital -- so its not far away. Messer pays for the program fully. Students have to be 17 to participate in the program. The profile of the student: strong attendance, hardworking etc. They can't do anymore than 5 students at once. 


Salesforce Administrator Program @ Ivy Tech is a possibility. Bunmi is exploring other IT programs as well. 


Advance Manufacturing Program with Conexus. 


Marian Partnership: Program is budding. Met with Chancellor. Manning having a follow up with Dean of Education. Goal is to have 5 kids in the earn and learn program full time at Marian. January timeline. 


HH questioned what other areas does the board need to focus on: 

1. Advance Manufacturing 

2. Medical related program 

3. Education program: Cadet teaching program. 


HH doing some digging around other potential options. 



Observations and Feedback 

-We use Whetstone for feedback 

-Weekly formal and informal happening weekly 


Professional Development are listed in the board report 


Community and Parent Communication

  • Open Seat launched for additional SEL support 
  • One Sensible Solution: in person mental health counseling 
  • School Culture: Transfer student issues will be discussed in executive session 


-Village 22+ 

-Rolled out new program for teacher supports 

-Staff outing scheduled 

-2 new teachers starting this month for the program



  • Working with a contractor for 10 hours/month to ensure our students are receiving the necessary supports
  • We are low on ESL/ELL staff
  • Our kids out grew the state on WIDA growth last year. We have more support this year than last





Executive Director's Report

Barnes emailed us about growth in Pike. KNB shared that we will only grow if the community wants us to grow in the community. We are two years out for growth. 


Purdue is opening next fall in Pike Township. 


KNB shared that we would be open to co-location. We are also open to PIke having us partner with them for a program. 


Full application was submitted to OEI for 2nd charter -- if and when we're ready to use it. 


We are doing more digging around facilities. Next meeting we'll have more leads on locations for Pike Township facility. 


We are getting ready to meet with STL about having another location there. This location holds more weight than Indianapolis. 


STL has way less HS options. They only have 1 charter HS + KIPP. The demand is higher. There are facility infrastructure grants that have been discussed. This programming would not happen for two years either. 


Formal meeting with STL is next week regarding growth. 


STL invited BCC board chairs and KNB for the dinner. 


MW asked the question about preferences for location.


Until we are overenrolled, it doesn't make sense. Indy is oversaturated. Townships are overflowing and coming to charters. Some demand for another school in the area. TMT is looking at data and see that we are high performing. TMT is trying to help with enrollment in the city. Feeder schools are stepping up to start early high school programs. GPA will formally send all kids to BCCHS. They are also expanding to Harshman. Our feeder schools are growing and we think we will be stronger with enrollment over the next 1-3 years. 


KNB wants to grow with IPS. 


GWHS does not have a Principal right now. Their Principal went to Tech. 


School Facilities & Other Updates

Need to set up a release of liability set-up for gym space 


-Insurance Limits

-Lease amount/space


Volunteer opportunities, financial opportunities as well for revenue. 


Dr. Jackson from Marian also inquired to utilize the facilities. 



Transportation Updates shared with the board. 



III. Closing Items


Meeting Cadence


Next meeting

October 27th @ 5PM.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Vonderheit