August Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday August 17, 2022 at 5:00 PM
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Meeting ID: 820 3088 6276
Directors Present
A. Bennin, B. Akintomide (remote), C. Crawley, C. Glier (remote), D. Bouie (remote), D. Dennis, H. Harshman, J. Fulk, L. Turner
Directors Absent
M. Canada, M. Whitmire, T. Hughes
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Welcome and Attendance
Approve July Minutes
II. School Updates
Principal's Report
Kim's Board Report
Kim shared with board that Believe goals are around growth of students that come to the school
1010 is college ready per state (lower than usual 1080); center township proficiency is very low
growth analysis for Believe in SAT is very strong - particularly compared to peers
IPS partnership discussions turned to Believe shares instructors - could be advantageous for enrollment
- Dr. Turner asked about next steps and Kim shared some ideas that they will discuss - e.g. take a group of kids and try to grow them - could be short term as pilot - but will be a financial incentive for Believe
considering locations in Indianapolis and St Louis for second location
St Louis has better enrollment in charter high schools
Partnership with Marion has been fruitful - got a bilingual teacher, student teacher, and certified special education teacher - excited about Marion partnership
Kim noted that Haley's family donated 100 bookbags to the school! Huge thank you for that.
Transportation / Interlocal Update
Communication issues with formative has been frustrating
Miss Manning and Teagan intervening - intend to add a 3rd and 4th bus because kids arent getting home until 5:30pm
Kim gave update on Interlocal
1 driver supporting Global Prep and needed to shorten route
2 new buses are not ready - need 1 bus driver and both buses
kids have too long of days with current transportation
Dr Turner asked status of Interlocal
- Kim said this is outstanding based on issues with formative and suggested we hold on a decision
Formative chartered a bus to fill a gap in short term
Enrollment Update
>92% attendance for first few weeks
230 budgeted enrollment - wanted 250 - now at 206 but still have adds tickling in
- working on recruiting kids that have transferred to other schools
- many transfer students - juniors and seniors - 5-6 that might have missed last year+ of schooling
III. Committee Chair Nominations and Designations
Governance Chair Nomination & Designation
will target board recruitment to also find good fit for Governance
Academic Excellence Chair Nomination & Designation (if changing)
Derek asked to because Academic chair
Finance Committee Chair Update
Development Committee Chair Nomination & Designation
Kim nominated Bunmi and Pastor Bouie for Development committee
IV. Committee Next Steps
Haley is going to take Governance Com. for interim
Haley will come back to Board with next steps for Committees
V. Closing Items
Next meeting
scheduled for September 21st
11 students took AP at 10th grade - strong earliy indicators of success
Bio-ECA scores were presented to the board and demonstrated progress - outperformed all public and private schools in district except Chitard
Dr Turner asked about SAT scores - school's data not ranked because not enough scores from 11th graders; all juniors getting SAT prep course in next week
expanded leadership to include a junior leadership team
new ELA curriculum - using oladale now - optimisitic on improvement in grade level content
3 new AP - bio, spanish and english language;
feedback continues in classroom for new teachers related to academics and culture
PD over 3 weeks - high engagement and external partners involved.
lost 3 staff members over summer - ELL teacher search is ongoing