
May Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 19, 2022 at 5:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 820 3088 6276

Directors Present

A. Bennin (remote), C. Crawley (remote), C. Glier, H. Harshman, J. Fulk (remote), L. Turner, T. Hughes

Directors Absent

D. Bouie, M. Canada, M. Whitmire

Guests Present

Angel Jackson-Anderson, Jawn Manning, T. Vonderheit

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Turner called a meeting of the board of directors of BELIEVE SCHOOLS, INC to order on Thursday May 19, 2022 at 5:16 PM.


Welcome and Attendance


Approve Minutes

II. School Updates


Principal's Report

Team has been on the move with class trips, retreats etc. Testing for WIDA, PSAT, and Bio ECA happened over the past two weeks. 


Today was the last day of instruction. Monday & Tuesday are finals day for the entire building. Deadlines end on Friday. 


There's been a dip in the GPA in the 4th quarter. There are a few factors causing the concerns/issues. 

  • Dual Enrollment Scholars: Spring break schedules did not align which caused a delay for some kids. 
  • CTE Electives: Kids struggling with blended learning platform. 
  • 1st Quarter: Grades were inflated.. we grade for equity. Ensuring that grades reflect what scholars know. 

Looking to see an increase in the data. 


9th grade data is higher than 10th grade. 50% of 10th graders are dually enrolled and AP courses. 


Reading Proficiency

MOY data points are reflected in the chart on screen. More kids grew from proficient to advanced. 


EOY: 10th/11th graders tested. Need data to broken out by cohorts. 



We don't have the 100% solid comparision yet. This data breaks down where our students were in August vs where they were in the spring. 712-780 jump in growth. 770-860 jump in 10th/11th grade. Noble network experiences 60-70 points growth in SAT (established, highly regarded network). We are in comparision to what we're seeing in large networks. 


Dr. T questioned correlation of data. Comparing GPAs to testing data. 


PSAT Data: PSAT and SAT are not apples to apples comparisons. If data holds true we can beat Purdue Englewood, KIPP Legacy. 


BIO ECA is coming later this month. More information to share. 



Scholar status data is shared in the deck. 14% kids have never leveled up. 23% are in the highest group. 


Guest questioned if kids can be demoted. Ms. Jackson-Anderson shared that it can happen on rare occasions. We may demote statuses for academic purposes. System is assessed every 5 weeks. 


Attendance data and enrollment data was shared.


Formal Observation Data will be shared next week. 


Hiring: We're looking to hire a DOI and Dean of Culture/Student Experience. We feel confident about science vacancies. ELA candidate decided he no longer wanted to teach. Instructional staff is almost completely hired -- we're looking for another EL teacher.


Overall, the team is tired! We've had several trips over the past three weekend. Trips were pivitol to our mission. Growth retreat took place last weekend -- lots of good feedback around culture systems. We're moving from kids earning a livable wage to thriving wage and wealth building. We want career fields and college that will allow them to thrive wholistically. 


Major push: is to have 4 year scope and sequence around financial literacy. 


Exploratory Pieces: Top 15% and Bottom 15% -- looking for areas of growth. Looking to increase AP courses, increase internship opportunities. 


Other Major Piece: Our Black students outperform Latinx population. That is not what is happening nationwide. 


HH: Questioned data storage. Where is it being shared? Data warehouse? 

KNB: Strong opportunity for data dashboard -- looking for partners to help with this. 







2022-2023 School Calendar



We had to reduce the # of remote learning days. 


As EVP, we have a three day weekend every month. We are trying to be intentional by giving teachers breaks. Continuing to build a safe space. 

C. Glier made a motion to Approve 22-23 academic calendar.
J. Fulk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Glier
A. Bennin
M. Canada
H. Harshman
C. Crawley
T. Hughes
D. Bouie
L. Turner
J. Fulk
M. Whitmire

III. Executive Director Report


Talent: We have a lot of applicants but quality is a struggled.

Need support on the student services side who can assist with early college, career, SOL, SPED, and ELL. 


Growth: We are doing a lot of modeling around what we need to grow. TMT has committed a 1M prelaunch -- going to board. 


CSGF: Will go for at least 300k, hoping for 500k. 


Opportunity Trust: Waiting on Strategic Plan 


NSVF: Waiting on here as well. 


HVAC and Roof happening in July. 

IV. Committee Updates


Governance Committee

Evaluations need to hit through Board on Track. TH and HH need to set-up time to review. 



Board Assurance Forms

Evaluations -- self assesment and school leader assessment


We need full particpation in these evaluations. 


Finance Committee

JF: DIscussed the treatment of the budget. 


Will share both budgets out for next year. 


5 Year Projections: 1-year needs to match this projection. 


1 Year Projections: Budget conversation. 


Academic Committee

No updates to report on here. 



Spring/Summer Fundraiser: Annual event needs to be kicked off. Looking to recruit and attract young talent -- BELIEVE Brunch. Looking to host at the school or at Brickyard Crossing. 


Need general fundraising event or group launched and off the ground.  

V. Other Business


Prospective Board Member Introductions

Two prospective board members introducted themselves. 


New Board Member(s) Vote

L. Turner made a motion to accept (2) new board members.
C. Glier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Glier
M. Canada
H. Harshman
T. Hughes
J. Fulk
C. Crawley
A. Bennin
D. Bouie
M. Whitmire
L. Turner


Board Retreat Reminder

July 8th is the next board retreat. 


Upcoming Executive Session Items

We will have an executive session in the next board meeting. 

VI. Closing Items


Next meeting

Next meeting is Thursday, June 16th, 2022 @ 5PM -- only for executive session to vote on the budget. Cancel June board meeting. 


Next board meeting is July 18th for regular board meeting. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:27 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Turner