March Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday March 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM
BELIEVE Schools is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Board Meeting
Time: Mar 14, 2022 05:00 PM Indiana (East)
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Directors Present
A. Bennin, C. Crawley, C. Glier, H. Harshman, J. Fulk, L. Turner
Directors Absent
D. Bouie, M. Canada, M. Whitmire, T. Hughes
Guests Present
K. Neal-Brannum, T. Vonderheit,,
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Welcome and Attendance
Approve Minutes
II. Principal's Report
School Updates
Career Pathways and Job Shadowing
> Partnership with Messer Construction for first work based learning experience with an internship. On the job experience w/ training. Group of 10 scholars will be eligible for the program.
> Strong partnersip with Ivy Tech right now and growing partnerships with Marian University and Butler University.
>We're looking to work backwards for job certifications. Looking to work with employers directly. Not all certifications promise high wage jobs after graduation. Directly working with employer to fund the experience will create a plan and a job for them upon graduation.
>Board Ask: Need assistance building the partnerships with different career areas to build a pipeline of options for scholars and families.
>Glier: Asked for a list of careers that are high wage right now.
>Manning: Salesforce program with Ivy Tech.
>Bennin: Have we done surveys/scans with scholars for interest?
>Manning: Working with kids to identify passions and experiences through activities and videos. High area of interest are: engineering, health sciences, construction, and IT work. One area we're trying to grow with is Advanced Manufacturing -- high wage positons.
>Bennin recommending financial services.
>Job Shadow for April 22nd: Whole school job shadow days for all students in small groups. We're requesting all board members to take kids or do recommendations. 10:30AM-1:30PM.
>KN pushed board members to share all experiences, the space/atmosphere etc. Think about EA and all positions around you. It's on a Friday. We will partnership with you for transportation.
Summer Opportunities
>Dr. T raised questions about summer camps.
>Manning: Butler, Marian, and Wabash College options for kids. We've also communicated to kids that they need to be involved in an activity -- job, school, etc.
>TV will retrieve information on undocumentated scholars. Look into legal ideas for undocumented scholars.
III. Executive Director Report
Executive Director Updates
We've conducted two whole school testing days with (0) reported tests. Mask madate will be lifted and we will continue to covid test over the next few days. Will allow kids and scholars to make the choice for themselves.
Schedule Board Retreat:
>Friday Work Day
>End of June dates
> Tentative Schedule June 24th ****Priority
>Hold July 8th
TMT verbally committed to 1M prelaunch for school #2 in Indy -- Pike proposed area. Lots of talks around this -- gifted and talented program in Indianapolis. Only middle schools -- need a HS for G&T in the city.
G&T work is created to accelerate kids across the city.
Concurrent coversation in STL: Partnership for Medical School with local hospitals. Launch 2nd or 3rd school in STL. A lot of this stems from visits/foot traffic from partners.
Barrier is enrollment right now. We want to grow worried about enrollment. Two years from now, enrollment will be a struggle. We're growing our middle school partners list as well.
From now until May, we have to create a new pitch deck to ask for more $$$. This will outline what staff and personnel we need.
KNB has been traveling a lot with funders and other schools. We are hearing from funders to codify the model and are providing funding to support this. Need development board and junior board members. Governing board to provide monthly support. We have infrastructure needs.
Planning young professionals mixer to create space for engagement and opportunities. Natoinal board? Need a succession plan. Other large charters are providing formal contracts.
We are OK with always staying a small school -- serve a niche model. Max capacity is 400-450 students. As we consider growth long term, how we do create a proof point w/ lab school. We would partner with large schools and create academies in schools.
A lot of big decisions will be made over the next 6-12 months.
Launch retreat is coming up in Mid-May.
OEI Recruitment
Junior Advisory Board
IV. Committee Updates
Academic Committee
Junior Advisory Group
Annual BELIEVE Brunch -- information coming soon.
Finance Committee
Budget will be coming during the next board meeting.
Governance Committee
V. Other Business
Board Leadership Transition
VI. Closing Items
Next meeting
Next meeting is at April 20th.
AJA shared Principal Report today.
92% attendance in February. Post winter break -- we've had a few scholars stay virtual. Our biggest push over the past month has been to get all scholars into the building. We do not have a virtual option -- this has been made clear to kids and families.
Teachers still use zoom daily and open links for scholars who are at home because they are sick etc. Additionally, we've had transportation issues which has caused kids to be at home virtually.
Enrollment: Current enrollment has experienced a dip. We're not at 114. For some reasons: due to their family moving, misalignment with model/accountability measures.
Dr. T raised the question around impact and how are we making different decisions based on this data. AJA is focusing on the investment on the front end with families rather than later. These conversations have to happen at the beginning.
Enrollment has continued to be a struggle. We recognize that all school models are not for all kids.
TV mentioned that the transient rate is 38% -- eviction rate is higher than NYC. Which causes higher foster child rate etc. All this triggles down to the kids that we serve.
Enrollment team has been on the move. Last week was the highest rate of enrollee's we've experienced this far. Working with middle school partners the most.
We haven't invested the money that other large schools have in marketing, facilities, athletics etc.
Academic: Friday was the end of Q3. We have two weeks before spring break. This upcoming Friday is the purpose pathway day -- families with concerns for attendance, behaviors, grades etc. Report cards will be ready to go out on Friday.
Dual Enrollment: Program is growing. Manning has met with Ivy Tech ASAP program for accelerated Associate's Degree. We are building out pathway for kids to do the ASAP program during their sophomore year. We've done a build out of fall, spring, and summer schedules/programs.
Formal Observations: 2.5%-3.2%; quarterly check-ins; all staff indicated they will be returning next year (with the exception of 1).
PD: Aggressive Monitoring and data reflections... big push for next quarter is all about data!!
Parent/Community Update: Solidifying parternships with folks all across the city.. We're focusing on job shadows, interviews, etc. Asante
Partnerships: Partnership with starfish initiative.