
August Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday August 18, 2021 at 5:00 PM


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Directors Present

A. Bennin (remote), C. Crawley (remote), C. Glier (remote), D. Bouie (remote), H. Harshman (remote), J. Fulk (remote), L. Turner (remote), M. Canada (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Whitmire, T. Hughes

Guests Present

K. Neal-Brannum (remote), T. Vonderheit (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Glier called a meeting of the board of directors of BELIEVE SCHOOLS, INC to order on Wednesday Aug 18, 2021 at 5:09 PM.


Welcome and Attendance


Approve Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from July Board Meeting on 07-21-21.
Defer vote to next September board meeting due to technical issues and quorum. 
The motion did not carry.

II. Executive Director Report


Facilities Update

OEI School Review: KNB met with OEI approved company to do a school review. Group has worked with Ignite and Urban Act Academy. Dr. T's team is the only other team that can conduct school review -- BCC cannot work with them because conflict of interest. Quote: $9,500. Dr. T is going to look into pricing and rate sheet. Date: Shooting for mid-November when Angel returns. Dr. T and KNB will be following up. 

OEI Finance Audit: Passed
OEI Academic Audit: Passed. Future meetings scheduled for SAT testing statewide. 

TFA: Back doing building tours/observations. Quincy Jones shared that the school had a very positive energy and vibe. Scholars are happy and no major issues discipline wise. 

Mrs. Jackson-Anderson had her healthy baby boy over the weekend. 

Enrollment: 130 kids are in-person. Constantly enrolling scholars daily. 

Possip Report: This is a survey we send out to families. 1/3 of parents responded. 94% are happy, 5% mostly happy, 0% not happy. Transportation has been our biggest issue/fight of the school year. We are averaging 96%-97% attendance per day. Happy that school is off to a strong start. 

  • COVID: Ignite Academy shut down due to COVID. Testing sites are fully booked for rapid testing. We purchased Binax on-site testings. Policy is that scholars with 2 or more symptoms have to be sent home and tested. All have come back negative. All staff outside of one is vaccinated. We meet CDC guidelines around masks, social distancing etc. 
Dr. T posed the question today around what the plan is if we have to shutdown. 

We've shared with scholars that if they are caught without their mask they cannot transition. If issues arise and masks are an issue/struggle -- we will go back to cohorts. 
  • Facilities/Acquisition: Glier recommended a lawyer to join the Ivy Tech fight for purchase of the building and HVAC system. DEEM has been working on the system as they are inspecting because they are having to breakdown equipment. Building is down to 2.9mil for purchase price. CSGF will finance us at 0%; healthy repayment plans. Still less than what we are paying for rent/purchase price. CSGF is all about flexibility -- is this the location we want to be in? Ivy Tech would like us to sign the Purchase Agreement before December 31st. CSGF isn't confident with current support and will be discussing concerns with TMT. 
Canada asked what the anticipated savings is with purchase vs rent on a monthly basis. CSGF is willing to work with us on repayment terms so that we can save as much as possible. We know we'll be saving more money on a monthly payment and know what the anticipated payments will be in 5 years. KNB hopes to have more information within the next month. 


Other School Updates

Principal's Report

Daily Attendance: 92% last year 
Daily Attendance for 21-22: 97% 

Enrollment will continue to fluctuate until count day. We'll most likely lose another 5 but continue to enroll on a daily/weekly basis. 

Demographics: Pretty 50/50 with Latinx and AA, 4% white
SPED: 11
ELL: 55 
*We have another contract out for a new ELL teacher. Contract out for part-time work with Christel House team member. 

 GPA: Not real -- first week of school. Boy villages are at the bottom. Girls are starting strong. 

Lexile:  Incoming Scholars -- 918 (approaching grade level 7 & 8th grade) 
Quantile: Incoming Scholars -- farther behind in math. 860 (6th/7th grade) We have an additional math class for scholars who are below 800 to account for learning loss/necessary supports. 

50% are where they need to be for reading; 50% below reading level
*KNB tag Manning for this data -- only showing 50 students 

Reimer working on culturally responsive curriculum. Leadership team is stepping in to help with literacy and supports for teacher observations. 

Summer PD: Was a success. Incident did occur. More to come. 

Transportation: IndyGO, Miller for afternoon route, First Baptist church, and limited number of ubers. 

Global Prep Academy: 

State Fair: Kids are going to fair tomorrow. Dual enrollment begins tomorrow. 

Overall behavior is fine. Returning scholars are biggest concern now; nothing too concerning. 

Two scholars that we're concerned about -- physical issues. We have several scholars with severe functional needs. 

Staff Culture: 
100% staff returned; Thomas will be leaving after Labor Day. This did pop that Dean salaries did need to increase. Vonderheit and Manning salaries will increase in the next few weeks. Anticipate that this will continue to support with incoming scholars/enrollment. 

The board across the board is pushing BCC to talk to TFA about the situation.

Staffing/Personnel: Hired 2 bus drivers. 1 w/ CDL and 1 w/o CDL. One driver with support with facilities and culture. 


III. Other Business


Other Business

Discussion to pause committee meetings for now. 
C. Glier made a motion to Approve purchase of bus.
L. Turner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Crawley
D. Bouie
J. Fulk
M. Whitmire
L. Turner
A. Bennin
H. Harshman
C. Glier
T. Hughes
M. Canada

IV. Closing Items


Next meeting


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Turner