March Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday March 17, 2021 at 5:00 PM
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Meeting ID: 837 1138 3769
Directors Present
A. Bennin (remote), C. Crawley (remote), C. Glier (remote), J. Fulk (remote), L. Turner (remote), M. Canada (remote), M. Whitmire (remote), T. Hughes (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
K. Neal-Brannum (remote), T. Vonderheit (remote), angel jackson-anderson (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
C. Glier called a meeting of the board of directors of BELIEVE SCHOOLS, INC to order on Wednesday Mar 17, 2021 at 5:05 PM.
Welcome and Attendance
Approve Minutes
J. Fulk made a motion to approve the minutes from February 2021 Board Meeting on 02-17-21.
C. Crawley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
C. Crawley |
T. Hughes |
M. Whitmire |
M. Canada |
L. Turner |
C. Glier |
J. Fulk |
A. Bennin |
II. Executive Director Report
School updates
The biggest issue and concern currently is facilities. We haven't heard from Ivy Tech. KNB shared that the compressor is out. We're going to squeeze Ivy Tech to help cover the costs. We haven't received a bill for the previous issues and fix yet.
KNB gave the green light for the appraisal. MC shared the company will conduct an inspection of the building and is coming in around $7,900. The lead team would be approximately 2-3 weeks. MC will move forward with the agency to begin the inspection.
CG opened the floor for board discussion regarding the lawyer and inspection. KNB shared that all classrooms and kid spaces have exterior doors and we feel safe. All the issues are leverage points during negotiations in the coming weeks and months.
KNB clarified that Ivy Tech is on hold. KNB will share the lease out with the team for review. CG shared her hesitancy with having a lawyer review two leases from the billing perspective. CG will circle back with the lawyer on where we stand. We'll share our goals and motives with the attorney and confirm that we won't be purchasing the building.
We're getting ready to spend dollars on flooring, blinds, furniture as we prepare to update the other side of the building.
KNB shared we're looking to hire a bus driver or a bus company. We've received a quote from Miller Transportation. We're in the middle of negotiations with them now. We're seeking a bus driver that could run our routes. For enrollment, it's imperative that we provide more adequate transportation for students as families has hesitances.
We're also seeking a maintenance position due to struggles and issues with cleaning company.
MC will reach out to Thompson Transportation. TV will send MC documents and routes.
MW suggested that we require them to submit background checks.
KNB met with Haley Harshman who is eager to assist with grant writing and development. KNB shared that she will receive a percentage of the grant when she secures them.
KNB also noted that we received our 150k drop from CSGF.
III. Principal's Report
Monthly Update
TV shared updates regarding attendance and enrollment data. KNB requested board members to promote on Linkedin and social media across the board.
AJA shared that our school wide GPA is now a 2.6. Our goal is 2.5 so we're happy with this. Mr. B's village has seen drastic improvements. The end of quarter 3 is next week before spring break. We've implemented office hours and amnesty days for scholars with missing work and who are failing more than two classes.
Leadership team is working on curriculum planning and school calendar for next year. The Academic team will host a retreat this Saturday to solidify details. LT asked if BCC is looking to change/adjust the curriculum. AJA stamped we're looking to diversify learning modalities -- lessen the sit and get.
Some of the curriculum we want doesn't exist. CAO is exploring creating curriculum.
Formal observations are complete for four core teachers. Mid-year intent to returns were distributed. We received three unsure. Follow ups have been taking place. We'll continue to check the pulse in the coming weeks.
Professional development has been focused around pacing, yielding in the moment data, and aggressive monitoring. We're shifting a focus on daily data rather than waiting until the end of the year.
Revisit executive sessions during the retreat. AJA working to get students into counseling services. We have 6 enrolled weekly, 3 in the beginning process, 6 with insurance issues/communication struggles. We are pushing to normalize mental health. Several students are enrolled with Brooke's Place for grief counseling.
Went into partnership with IMS who has linked us with several other organizations in the city. Finally signed an MOU with CLD for the college access program. BT is working to get students' enrolled in the project mr.
Several incidents have taken place in the past few weeks. All the incidents have not affected academics and kids are still coming to school. Seven scholars currently in character academy. KNB reviewed some of the creative "punishments" and learning projects for students due to some of these issues.
AJA shared our first experienced teacher has officially been signed. She is a math teacher from NC. AJA reviewed positions currently active on indeed. Hiring fairs are starting to pick up. ITF and TFA have shared more resumes. Working to get more experienced teachers.
Calendar shift for the last day of school. Originally was June 4th and now is May 28th. Pacing was on track. This shift allows scholars' to have a full month of summer school and those who want to accelerate.
IV. Information/Discussion
Board Recruitment
CG met with Pastor B. She is highly recommending him. He will be attending the board retreat.
Board Retreat
We are scheduled for Friday, April 23rd. Board retreat will be first followed by the board meeting. Anyone who wants to attend in-person has the option to do so.
TH connected with Brianna and Rachael from BOT to review agenda items and how to best utilize the available time. BOT team will review the agenda and provide training resources. Once we nail down the topic, we'll find out who the facilitator is.
Pre-work might be involved for the retreat. More to come as the date approaches.
V. Committee Reports
No major news. LT met with Kim Nickelson and is eager to have her join the academic committee. LT pushed for her in school involvement rather than the board.
Development Committee Report
Haley H. is joining the committee. Looking to bring on Danny and did an e-intro with Henry Hipps at Gates Foundation.
Finance Committee Report
No major news. Process has begun for the PPP loan forgiveness. If we're still in this 90 day window we'll have to carry it over as a liability. The federal government has approved the new stimulus package which has 10x the amount allocated towards schools. More funds on the way hopefully.
The budget questionnaire process has begun. The first draft of the budget will be ready for the board retreat.
Governance Committee Report
No other updates.
VI. Other Business
Other Business
Pastor Darian C. Bouie joined the meeting and did an introduction.
C. Glier made a motion to approve Pastor D. Bouie as a board member.
J. Fulk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
M. Canada |
J. Fulk |
L. Turner |
A. Bennin |
C. Crawley |
C. Glier |
T. Hughes |
M. Whitmire |
VII. Closing Items
Next meeting
Next meeting is Friday, April 23rd following our board retreat.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:42 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
C. Glier